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Lesson Goal:

This lesson aims to provide the

participants knowledge on the different
DIDM investigative directives.
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the participants will be able to:

• Discuss the procedures in the Creation and Activation

of SITG to Handle Heinous and Sensational Crimes
• Discuss the Guidelines in the Investigation,
Documentation and filing of Drug-Related Cases 
• Explain the Quality Assurance Support to Victims and
• Discuss the Guidelines on the transfer of Investigators
Scope of presentation
• SOP No. 02/11 (Procedures in the Creation and
Activation of SITG to Handle Heinous and
Sensational Crimes)
• ID No. 20-215-03 (Guidelines in the Investigation,
Documentation and Filing of Drug-Related Cases

• ID No.2015-02 (Quality Assurance Support to the

victims and Complainant)

• ID 2017-16 (Guidelines on the Transfer of

SOP NO. 02/11

Procedures in the creation and

activation of SITG to handle
heinous and sensational crimes
Special Investigation Task Group
created whenever a major case or
crimes of violence occur.
It shall be organized either at
the regional or provincial/city police
offices depending on how sensational
or heinous the crime was, and/or
upon order of the CPNP
Procedures in the creation and activation of
SITG to handle heinous and sensational crimes.

• Harmonize the seemingly overlapping
and confusing provisions of different LOIs
• Strengthen and synchronize the
coordinative mechanism of concerned
PNP units
• Define functions and pinpoint
responsibilities among tasked
Procedures in the creation and activation of SITG
to handle heinous and sensational crimes
• Reinforce the PNP Criminal Investigation
Manual, SOPs and other investigative references
• Provide comprehensive procedures in the
monitoring of cases, turn-over of cases and
custody of evidence
SITG shall spearhead and coordinate the investigative
and Prosecutorial efforts of the PNP to facilitate the
speedy resolution and successful prosecution of
heinous/sensational cases, and eventual conviction of the
Definition of Terms:
Solved Case - a case shall be considered solved when the
following elements concur:
• offender has been identified
• there is sufficient evidence to charge him
• offender has been taken into custody
• offender has been charged before the prosecutor's office

Cleared Case - a case shall be considered cleared when at

least one (1) of the offenders has been identified; and he has
been charged before the prosecutor’s office or any court
Definition of Terms:

Cold Case - any criminal investigation by a law

enforcement agency not solved or cleared for 6

Elected Government Official - incumbent elected

government official down to barangay councilor.

Politicians- persons involved in influencing public

policy and decision making in the government
Definition of Terms:

Heinous Crimes- crimes directed against

politicians, elected gov’t officials, gov’t officials
appointed by the President, judges, prosecutors,
IBP lawyers, media practitioners, militant party list
members/leftist activists, foreign nationals, and
other persons through shooting, bombing, strafing,
assault, and other violent overt acts resulting in their
death or incapacitation

Sensational Crimes- . . . . . . . . (that attract

national/international public attention/scrutiny)
Definition of Terms:

Informant - any person who furnishes information directly

leading to or proximately resulting in the capture.

Case Investigation Plan (CIPLAN)- serves as a working

plan and basis for funding the case.

Journal of the Case- record of the daily progress.

On-Scene Command Post - refers to a temporary area

established in the vicinity of a crime scene for the purpose of
coordinating all activities or actions relevant to the
investigation of the case.
Composition and Organization of SITG

Regional Level - to investigate killings and violence

committed against senators, congressmen, governors,
cabinet secretaries, undersecretaries and SC and CA

SITG Supervisor- Regional Director

Asst Comdr - DD/PD, PPO/CD, CPO
Spokeperson - Chief, Regional PIO
Members - Chief, RCIDU (Head, Inves Tm)
Chief, RIO
Chief, Regional Legal Office
Chief, Regional Crime Laboratory
Chief of Police
Chief, RIDMD (Inter Agency Coordinator and
Case Record Officer)
Composition and Organization of SITG

District/PPO/CPO Level- to investigate killings and violence committed

against vice governors, prov’l board members, mayors, vice mayors,
city/municipal councilors, brgy chairman and kagawad, judges,
prosecutors and IBP lawyers, militants, media practitioners and foreign

SITG Supervisor - DRDO

SITG Comdr - DD,PD
Asst Comdr - PO, CIDT (Head, Inves Team)
Spokeperson - Chief, PIO (Dist/PPO/CPO)
Members` - Prov’l/City Legal Officer)
Prov’l/City Intelligence Officer
Chief, Provincial Crime Laboratory
Chief of Police
IOC (Evidence Custodian)
Organizational Procedures
When a serious crime happened . . .

• The COP shall immediately assess the situation and communicate

to the PD the circumstances. This will be the basis of the PD for
recommending to the RD if there is a need to activate a SITG

• The COP shall base his/her assessment and recommendation on

the report of the first responder and IOC

• If the suspect/s was/were arrested, evidence were recovered and

eyewitnesses are readily available, the creation of SITG becomes

• Otherwise, a regional/provincial level shall be organize which shall

take cognizance of the investigation
Organizational Procedures

• The Regional Director shall issue orders for the

PRO/PPO/CPO/District level SITG

• Upon the creation of SITG, a CIPLAN must be made

• If the case has been solved, the SITG shall be deactivated. The
SITG Comdr shall inform DIDM regarding its deactivation

• Once WOA has been issued, RIDMD shall ensure that it will be
served. Unit commander shall ensure witnesses’ court

• The extension of SITG can be considered upon manifestation of

the RD to TDIDM if the case can be resolved in a certain period
of time, but shall not exceed one (1) month
Organizational Procedures

• If the SITG failed to resolved the case within 6 months or after

the extended period, it will be considered as a COLD CASE. As
a result, the SITG shall be deactivated under obligation to
ensure that all documents, pieces and other related materials
are accounted and intact

• SITG shall also be deactivated after 6 months if the case

remains cleared only

• All records of the cold case and cleared case including the
pieces of evidence gathered shall be officially turned over to
RCIDU, CIDG in the region for the continuation of the
Organizational Procedures

• CIDG must submit a modified or new CIPLAN to DIDM

• The SITG shall coordinate with their respective local

prosecutor’s office and invite the prosecutor to be a member of
the Technical/Legal Support Team

• The SITG shall immediately organize a dedicated Tracker Team

to pursue a particular suspect

• Conduct case review

ID NO.2015-02

Quality assurance support to the

victims and complainant

•Client Satisfaction has always been a priority

of the PNP. Victims or Complainants should
always feel that they are special customers
or clients.

•Investigators serve as a crucial link to

ensuring that such rights are attended to by
the PNP.

This Investigative Directive provides

guidelines on how investigators carry out
their responsibilities towards crime victims
and complainants. It spells out mechanisms
on how investigators provide feedbacks
and notifications, how they conduct visits
and how they perform their investigative
Definition of Terms

Investigators Beat -the designated area or route that is

part of a sector where investigators conduct investigative
patrols or community visits.

Investigator-on-Case (IOC) - refers to any police officer

who is duly designated or assigned to conduct the inquiry
of the crime

Quad Policing -is the interplay of function of police

operations, intelligence, investigation and community
Definition of Terms

Quality Service Desk Officer (QSDO) -is a customer

friendly quality service desk officer and other designated
PNCOs, under the supervision of the Chief, Investigation
Section. He provides feedbacks and notifications to victims
or complainants and records their concerns or problems for
the information of the IOC
QASVC has basically two (2) essential components.
Feedback and Notification; and Investigator’s Beat.

Feedback and Notification:

1. The Investigator-on-Case (IOC) shall ensure that

victims/complainants are accorded with respect and that
necessary assistance is provided to them. The IOC shall
obtain and secure the contact details of the victims and
complainants including their addresses,
telephone/cellphone numbers and email addresses.
Feedback and Notification:

2. The IOC shall contact the victims/complainants on a regular basis i.e. at

least twice a month. During these contacts, the IOC shall explain to the
victims/complainants the criminal procedures and other essential
information in order to solicit their support and cooperation. The IOC shall
inform the victims/complainants on the latest developments of the case as
well as schedule of hearings.

3. The number of voice calls, text messages sent and received, and
personal visits shall be properly recorded in the investigators log and shall
be monitored by the Chief of Police and Chief Investigation
Following are modes of feedbacks and notifications:
-Voice calls -Text messages (sms)
-Emails -Personal visits
Investigator’s Beat
a) Consistent with concept and strategies of QUAD Policing,
investigators shall interact and participate in the overall efforts in
establishing community support and partnership.

b) It is essential therefore that the IOC shall carry out mandatory visits
to the barangay at least twice a month. Or as may be necessary.

c) He will visit victims and complaints to apprise them on the status

and developments of cases.

d) He may also engage barangay officials and community leaders

purposely to discuss incidents and other developments that may
affect the crime situation in the area.

e) This periodic barangay visits will form part of the records in the
investigative log which shall be consolidated by the CPS/MPS at the
end of each month for submission to the PPO, PRO and
subsequent submission to DIDM
ID 2017-16


Since 2011, the Directorate for Investigation
and Detective Management (DIDM) is
implementing the conduct of investigation
competency trainings PNP-wide aimed at
increasing the level of performance of
investigators as well as enhancing public
confidence on the effectiveness of police
investigation services
DIDM support of the Regional Investigation and
Detective Management Division (RIDMD), PROs has
conducted a total of 78 classes of Investigation Officer
Basic Course (IOBC) with 3,662 PCO graduates and 496
classes of Criminal Investigation Course (CIC) with 26,211
PNCO graduates.
DIDM conducted case reviews of TF USIG cases and
major crimes at the different PROs to identify investigative
lapses for the successful prosecution and resolution of
DIDM Case Review Teams, it was observed that
deficiencies noted are typical gaps on the part of the
investigation units/offices to include unit commanders.
• To emphasize to PNP personnel designated as investigators
of their responsibility in handling crime investigation and
tracking the development of the case.

• No investigator shall be reassigned or transferred without

proper clearance and replacement.
• Investigators who are requesting for reassignment shall
execute an affidavit of undertaking which contains the

1. Case folders has been properly turned-over to the

incoming investigator.

2. Replacement is a graduate of CIC or CRIDEC and


3. Encoded all his/her cases into the Case Information

Database Management System (CIDMS).
Office heads/unit commanders are reminded on the
NHQ policy regarding the strict prohibition in using
transfer of personnel as a form of punishment/correction.
Instead, they are expected to fully exercise their
disciplinary authority over their erring personnel.

Unit commanders and concerned supervisors shall be

held responsible and accountable under Doctrine of
Command Responsibility for non-observance of this
Directive. Any violation thereof shall be dealt with
accordingly under NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular
No. 2016-002.
At the end of this lesson, the participants will be
able to discuss and explain the SOP’S and
Directives in the procedure in the Creation and
Activation of SITG in Handling Heinous Crimes;
Guidelines in the Investigation, Documentation
and Filing of Drug Related Cases;
Quality Assurance Support to Victims and
Complainant, and;
Guidelines on the transfer of Investigator.
End of Presentation

Thank You!

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