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Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan

Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

01.Introduction to Oil Recovery Process and

Enhance Oil Recovery

By: Panca S Widiantoro

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Reservoir
4. Reservoir Energy
5. Oil Recovery Phases
6. References
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

Oil is the most used energy in the world

BP World statistical Review 2019

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

BP World statistical Review 2019

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

Indonesia’s oil production decreasing


Need Import Oil!!

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

85% => goverment 100

15 %> Company
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

02.Reservoir Characteristic, Reservoir Energy

concept and Oil Recovery Stages
(Lesson 2)

By: Panca S Widiantoro

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Where Oil and Gas Stay in The Earth???

2 3

In the Cave? In underground river?

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

Sand stone

Oil and gas Stay in places like this !

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan Produksi 10 tahun
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019 So>0.6
So < 0.6
So =0?
Soi = 0.6
Swi =0.4 Sor = 0.5,0.4,0.3, 0.2
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Reservoir Energy
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Primary Recovery (concept of Artificial Lift)

Natural flow
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Primary Recovery (concept of Artificial Lift)

How to lift the fluid ?

- Decrease the fluid
Psep Pwh
gradient in the tubing
- Add some extra energy
to push fluid well from
bottom hole to the No - Flow Well ?

Solution :
Use the artificial lift ?

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Primary Recovery (concept of Artificial Lift)
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Primary Recovery (concept of Artificial Lift)

Natural Flow With Pump

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Definition of Oil Recovery
Methods Improving Recovery Efficiency
Natural Flow
Artificial Lift
Aquifer Drive

Water Dry HC Gas
Injection Injection


Thermal Miscible/ Chemical Microbial

Source: SPE Short course: Oil Enhancement Process, Penang, 2012

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Definition of Oil Recovery
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019



Empowering People
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

Oil Recovery Factor

(Lesson 3)

By: Panca S Widiantoro

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Oil Recovery Phase
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Recovery Factor (RF)
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Recovery Factor…

RF are strongly dependent on Reservoir Energy

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Recovery Factor
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
04-05 Water Flooding
Displacement Process & Frontal Advanced

(Lesson ,4&5)

By: Panca S Widiantoro

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Definition of Oil Recovery
Methods Improving Recovery Efficiency
Natural Flow
Artificial Lift
Aquifer Drive

Water Dry HC Gas
Injection Injection


Thermal Miscible/ Chemical Microbial

Source: SPE Short course: Oil Enhancement Process, Penang, 2012

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
1. Why Water Injection?
2. Displacement Process
3. Frontal Advance Theory (Buckley-Leverett)
4. Practical Application solving Water Flooding Predictive Model
“Buckley-leverett” calculation using Ms Excel
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Why Water Injection

Reasons for using water injection:

 Maintain reservoir pressure from declining
 Availaibility
 Low mobility Easy to get
 Cheap
 Helps in giving pressure by the water density→ less pump
 It spreads easily in the reservoir (high sweep efficiency)
 Good displacement efficiency
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

Empowering People
Types of Displacement Processes

Interface Mixing zone

Displacing Displaced Displacing Displaced

Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid

Immiscible Process Miscible Process

(ex: Water flood &
(ex: CO2 Flood)
Low Pressure Gas Flood )
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Recovery Factor and Displacement Process
Volumetric Sweep Efficiency

Aswept Atotal Atotal

Aswept Aswept
otal Atotal Aswept
Aswept Aswept

Areal Areal
sweep sweep
efficiency Ea =
efficiency Ea = Vertical sweep efficiency Ey =
Vertical sweep efficiency E
ep efficiency E =
Aswepta/Atotal Aswept/Atotal
Vertical sweep eff Aswept/Atotal
Volumetric sweep efficiency Ev = Ea Ey
Volumetric sweep efficiency Ev = Ea Ey A /A swept t
Video Volumetric sweep efficiency
Unit pore volume Unit poreE v = Ea Ey
Unit pore volume Unit pore volume
Soi , Boi So , Bo
Soi , Boi So , Bo
Soi/Boi STB So/Bo STB
Soi/Boi STB So/Bo STB
Unit pore volume
Before displacement
Unit pore volume
After displacement
Before displacement After displacement
Types of Flood Patterns

Normal Pattern Inverted Pattern

• More injectors than producers • More producers than injectors

• Suitable for low injectivity and • Suitable for high injectivity
high lifting capacity and
low lifting capacity
Types of Flood Patterns

Peripheral Uniform Pattern Irregular Pattern

Types of Flood Patterns
Regular four-spot
Geometric shape = equilateral triangle
Producer-to-Injector Ratio:
Normal = 2
Inverted = 1/2

Skewed four-spot
Geometric shape = triangle
Producer-to-Injector Ratio:
Normal = 2
Inverted = 1/2
Types of Flood Patterns
Geometric shape = Square
Producer-to-Injector Ratio:
Normal = 1
Inverted = 1

Geometric shape = Hexagon
Producer-to-Injector Ratio:
Normal = 1/2
Inverted = 2

Geometric shape = Square
Producer-to-Injector Ratio:
Normal = 1/3
Inverted = 3
Types of Flood Patterns

Direct line drive

Geometric shape = Rectangle a
Producer-to-Injector Ratio = 1
but depends on number of lines d
Characterized by distances a and d

Staggered line drive

Geometric shape = Rectangle
Producer-to-Injector Ratio = 1 a
but depends on number of lines d

Characterized by distances a and d


PVT Variation with pressure


Pressure P Pi
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Recovery Factor and Displacement Process
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Recovery Factor and Displacement Process…
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
04-05 Water Flooding
Frontal Advanced for water flood design (exercise, practice using Ms Excel)

(Lesson ,6,7)

By: Panca S Widiantoro

Frontal Advance Theory
Displacement qo + qw

Area A
Water Oil

x dx

First introduced by Buckley and Leverett

Water fractional flow fw =qw / (qo + qw)
Front velocity vf = x/t = [(qo + qw) / A](fw/Sw)
Integration yields: tD = Vinj/ AL = 1/(fw/Sw)
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Frontal Advance Theory…
2-Phase Oil-Water Rel Perm Curves
krw and krow are functions of Sw


Swc Sorw

0 Sw 1
Mobility Ratio
Displacing fluid Displaced fluid
Water Oil
Mobility w = kw/w Mobility o = ko/o

M = w / o
Fractional Flow Curves

Water fractional flow fw = qw / (qo + qw)

qw = krw k A (dP/dx) / w
qo = kro k A (dP/dx) / o

hence; fw = (krw/ w)/[(krw/ w) + (kro/ o)]

= (krwo/krow)/[(krwo/krow) + 1]
= M / (M + 1)
M = mobility ratio = rw / ro
Fractional Flow Curves
fw = M/(M+1)

1 1


Swc Sorw fw


0 0
0 1 0 Swc 1-Sorw 1
Sw Sw
Fractional Flow Curves
Using kro/krw Ratio

k ro bS w
ae 10

k rw Log(kro/krw)
Straight line portion


fw  bS w

1  a e ( w / o ) 0 Sw 1

bS w
df w  a b e (  w / o )
 bS w 2
dS w [1  a e (  w /  o )]
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Fractional Flow
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
Water Saturation Distribution
Saturation Distribution

Injector Producer

1 - Sorw After
Breakthrough Breakthrough
0 Distance L
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019
Buckley-Leverett Practical
If you guys
Let us have a
smoking break!!!
ar am Gudang G
aram Gudang G
Gudang G

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019

Enhance Oil Recovery

Definitions, Methods, Mechanism ,Screening Criteria and Challenges
(Lecture 10)
11-14 (group discussion case study EOR)
By: Panca S Widiantoro
Definition of EOR 71

What is EOR?

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes include all methods that use
external sources of energy and/or materials to recover oil that cannot
be produced economically by conventional means.

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) refers to any reservoir process to

change the existing rock/oil/brine interactions in the reservoir, such
• Chemical EOR
• Thermal EOR
• Miscible EOR
• Immiscible EOR
• Microbial EOR, and
• Others
EOR Methods 72

Source : Farouq Ali, The promises and Problems in Enhanced Oil Recovery methods, 1996
Type of EOR 73

EOR Methods and Injected fluids

EOR Category Method Injected Substance

Solvent Miscible CO2, Nitrogen, Natural gas, Flue gas
  Immiscible CO2, Nitrogen
  Water-alternating-gas WAG solvent gas and water
Chemical Polymer flooding polymer
  Miscellar / polymer flooding polymer, surfactant
  ASP flooding alkaline. Surfactant, polymer
Thermal Cyclic steam 'huff n puff' wet steam
  Steamflood wet steam
  In-situ combustion air
  Hot water drive water
Others Foam foam preceding displacing fluids
  Microbial bacteria and nutrients
  Vibro-seismic none
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019
Type of EOR

Introduction to EOR
Mechanism of EOR 75
Water flooding *  maintain reservoir pressure and physically displaces oil with
water moving through the reservoir from injector to producer.

Thermal  reduce Sor by steam distillation and reduces oil viscosity.

Chemical  reduces Sor by lowering wateroil interfacial tension, and increases

volumetric sweep efficiency by reducing the water-oil mobility ratio.

Miscible Gas  reduces Sor by developing miscibility with the oil through a
vaporizing or condensing gas drive process.

*for comparison
Solvent / Gas - EOR 76
• Immiscible Displacement
 Injection of the fluid that is immiscible with the oil.
 Aim: sweep efficiency, gravity drainage,
 Hydrocarbon, CO2, nitrogen, and air.
• Miscible Displacement
 Fluid injected is miscible with the oil.
 Aim: Change oil properties, sweep efficiency, gravity drainage.
 Hydrocarbon solvent, CO2, flue gas, alcohol, etc.
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019


• Depth
• Oil Viscosity
• Permeability

Introduction to EOR
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019 Depth Limitation for Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
This table illustrates the influence of reservoir depth on the technical feasibility
of various enhanced oil recovery methods .
EOR Method 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000

Hydrocarbon-Miscible Very Good Deep enough for required pressure

Nitrogen,Flue Gas Very Good Deep enough for required pressure

CO2 flooding Very Good Deep enough for required pressure

Sufactant/polymer Limited by temprature

Polymer Limited by temprature

Alkaline Prefered Zone High cost

Fire Flood Deep enough for required pressure

SteamDrive Normal range (possible)

Depth limitations for EOR methods.

Introduction to EOR
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019 Oil Viscosity Ranges for Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
This table illustrates the influence of oil viscosity on the technical feasibility of various enhanced oil
recovery methods.
Oil Viscosity –Centipoise at Reservoir Conditions

Oil viscosity incidence for different EOR methods.

Introduction to EOR
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019 Permeability Guides for Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods
This table illustrates the influence of rock permeability on the technical feasibility of
various enhanced oil recovery methods.

Permeability (millidarcy)
EOR Method 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000

Hydrocarbon-Miscible Not Critical If Uniform

Nitrogen,Flue Gas Not Critical If Uniform

CO2 flooding High Enough For Good Injection Rates

Sufactant/polymer Preferred Zone

Polymer Possible Preferred Zone

Alkaline High cost Preferred Zone

Fire Flood Preferred Zone

Reservoir Permeability for different EOR methods.

Introduction to EOR
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019

Kind of processes to be applied

Candidate IOR Processes Under Various Reservoir Conditions
Oil Viscosity (cp)

1 10 100 1000 10000 100000


2000 Immiscible Steam Injection

Gas Injection
4000 Injection
Reservoir Depth (ft)

Pattern Water Injection

Miscible Chemical Flooding
CO2 or HC
Gas Injection

Miscible Nitrogen Injection

11/03/2022 EOR Spring 2006

Introduction to EOR
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019

Summary of Screening for

Enhanced Oil Recover Methods

Introduction to EOR
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept 2019

11/03/2022 EOR Spring 2006 83

Introduction to EOR
Screening of EOR 84

Source: A. Al Adasani, B. Bai / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 79 (2011) 10–24
World EOR Projects 85

World EOR project subcategories

World EOR project categories

Source: A. Al Adasani, B. Bai / Journal of Petroleum

Science and Engineering 79 (2011) 10–24
EOR in the World 86

Source: A. Al Adasani, B. Bai /

Journal of Petroleum Science and
Engineering 79 (2011) 10–24
EOR Challenges 87
• Reservoir Heterogeneity
 Large well spacing.
 Is the petrophysics study favorable?
 Is it simulated correctly? Is the simulator capable?

• Subsurface chemistry
 Do we really know what is going on down there (reactions)?
 Is chemical injections causing more harm than good (formation damage,
scale, corrosion, sand production, plugging,etc)?
 How many heat loss (thermal methods) ?

• Injectivity scenario
 What is the optimum injection rate ?
 What is the optimum pressure referring formation integrity?
 Do we need a geomechanic study?

• Produced fluid management & environment

 How to deal with produced fluid containing chemicals (dump overboard,
dispose, recycle)?
 Where is the water source? Is it applicable?
 How big is the waste water treatment needed?
EOR Challenges 88

• Logistics & Surface facilities

 How to transport, store, mix and inject huge quantity of chemicals ?
 How about in Offshore?
 How big is steam generator?

Offshore EOR facility in Bohai, China Polymer Plant in Marmul, Oman

Source: Nasser Al Azri, Polymer flooding in a large field in South Oman, SPE-ATW, Penang, 2012
EOR Challenges 89

 Chemicals consumed
 Surface facility (mixing plant, water treatment plant, steam
generator, CO2 carbon capture facility, etc)
 Logistics & operation
U.S. Production cost - 2008

Source: U.S Energy Information Administration, 2008

Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
EOR is a Technology

Chemical - EOR 92

• Polymer Injection
 Improving water-oil mobility ratio. (↓)
 Increasing Sweep Efficiency – Macroscopic
 Most widely used polymer in EOR:
- Polyacyrlamide (HPAM) :artificial, flexible Chemical
- Polysaccharide (Biopolymer) :fermentation, rigid, effective for
reservoir with relatively high viscosity oil.
• Surfactant Injection
 Reduce interfacial tension
 Reduce capillary pressure
 Increase microscopic displacement
• Alkaline Injection
 Increase pH until 11 – 12 Chemical
 Could reduce interfacial tension to 0.01 dyne/cm
 NaOH in water: 0.05 – 0.2% (500 – 2000 ppm)
Chemical - EOR 93
Sweep efficiency
Sweep effeciency

teknik reservoir lanjut - RS -teknik

perminyakan - trisakti
Areal & vertical sweep efficiency
Vertical sweep efficiency
Enhanced Oil Recovery AKAMIGAS Balongan
Indramayu, Sept –Oct 2019
1. To be given weekly or bi-weekly. These include lecture
power point files, parts or chapters of a textbook,
selected papers.
2. Ezzat E Gomaa., “ EOR Concept and Mechanism” EMP
Malacca Straits In-house Training
3. Green, Don W., Willhite, G.Paul,”Enhanced Oil
Recovery”, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson,
TX, 1998.
4. Latil M., Bardon C., Burger J., Sourieau P.,”Enhanced Oil
Recovery”, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas
5. Siregar, MT, Dr.Septoratno,” Diktat Kuliah Pengenalan
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)”, Teknik Perminyakan ITB,
Bandung, 1995.

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