Research Methodology-22-10-2022

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Research Methodology- Objectives

Dr . Khaled Almghari
Research Methodology - Objectives

Statement of objectives
• Research objectives are the goal to be
achieved by a research project.
• Differentiation between ‘general’ and
‘specific’ objectives may eliminate
unnecessary confusion. The general objective
of research is what is to be accomplished by
the research project and why.
Research Methodology - Objectives
• Statement of objectives
a. General objectives
• To determine whether there is a causal association
between a vasectomy and subsequent
hospitalization due to atherosclerotic diseases,
and, if so, whether vasectomy potentiates the risk
in subjects with other predisposing risk factors for
coronary disease, such as smoking, hypertension
and high cholesterol.
Research Methodology - Objectives
• Specific objectives
• to estimate the overall relative risk of vasectomy, as
well as other risk factors for atherosclerotic diseases in
men (using a univariate method);
• to estimate the independent effect of vasectomy on
atherosclerosis (using a conditional logistic regression
model); • to test the possible duration of the effect of
vasectomy on risk for atherosclerosis; and
• to examine the possible synergistic effect between
vasectomy, cigarette smoking and hypertension.
Study Objectives: Types
General (Ultimate) objectives:
What is expected to be achieved by the study.

E.g. “To identify the reasons for low

toothbrushing practice among schoolchildren
in Gaza City and to find solutions”
Study Objectives: Types
Specific (Immediate) objectives:
“Breakdown the general objective and specify
what you will do in your study, where, and why”

- Quantifying the problem e.g.
To determine the level of toothbrushing practice
level in Gaza city.
Study Objectives

• You have to answer a major questions:

“What do you want to know?”

Study Objectives

“Objectives of a research project summarize what

is to be achieved by the study”
?Study Objectives: Why
• To focus the study ( narrowing it down to

• To avoid collection of data that are not strictly

related to the objectives.

• To organize the study in clearly defined parts

or phases.
Study Objectives: Types
- Distribution of the problem e.g.
To identify whether there are variations in
toothbrushing practice among schoolchildren
related to gender of children, age, academic
performance, type of schools, area of
Study Objectives: Types
- The reasons behind the problem e.g.

*To establish the reasons for low toothbrushing practice level as

seen by the children, parents, teachers, and health workers
e.g. too salty water, bad taste of toothpaste , low awareness
of children about the proper measures of use of toothbrush,
Availability of brushes or pastes.

*To identify the socioeconomic and cultural factors that may

influence the practice of toothbrushing.
Study Objectives: Types
- How the results will be used: e.g.

*To make recommendation to all parties concerned

(industries, health workers, teachers, parents)
concerning what the changes should be made to
improve the practice.

*To work with all parties to develop a plan for

implementing the recommendations.
Study Objectives: Characteristics
Study objectives should :
1. meet the purpose of the study.
2. Clear.
3. Expressed in measurable terms.

 Be brief in stating the objectives
 Be specific and precise as to your exact purpose
 Do not over-promise and be realistic
 Use action verbs that can be evaluated.
Study Objectives: Formulating
• Use : To determine, To compare, To calculate, to
describe, but

• Do not use: To understand, To study, and To


 An objective focusing on how the results will be

used should be included in every health system
Study Objectives: Formulating
In Descriptive Studies:
• The investigator states the characteristics he wants to
• These characteristics could be disease, deaths or
• The study objective could be stated generally as: “ To
measure the prevalence of a specific disease in population
X at time Y.”
• Specific objectives could answer the research questions in
specific groups: age, sex, ethnic groups, or social groups.
Study Objectives: Formulating
In Analytic Studies:
• The investigator examines relationships between
exposures and outcomes.

• The study objective could be:

 “ To examine the association between gum cancer and
smoking among Gaza adults.”
To define risk factors associated with caries in Khanyounes
To test the hypothesis that halitosis is higher among
smokers than non-smokers.”
Study Objectives: Formulating
• There are essential issues to recognize before formulation of
your study objectives:
1. You have to state your study objectives and to determine which is a
general and which is a specific objective.

2. The term “research questions” are similar to the study objectives and
could replace them. The two terms “study questions” and “study
objectives” could be seen for the same research but preferably not.

3. The term “ Research Hypothesis” is commonly used. Hypothesis is

defined as “ a predictive statement about relationships between
independent and dependent variables” . In the text either it is
written separate or under specific objectives.
Study Objectives: Hypothesis
• Hypothesis is a prediction of a relationship between one or
more factors and the problem under study, which can be

• It might be possible , in addition to the objectives, to develop

explanation for the problem that can be tested e.g.
1- Toothbrushing practice is the lowest among children of
educated mothers who does not know the importance of the

2- Toothbrushing practice is the lowest among the children

of low socioeconomic status.
Study Objectives: Objectives & Hypothesis

• Policymakers and field staff usually need for HSR because they
do not know the causes of the problem, and therefore they
depend , mostly, on the objectives rather than testing the
hypothesis as a first step in studying a certain problem.

• The title of study should be in line with your general objective.

• Title of study should be specific enough to tell the reader what

the study about e.g.
Not: “ study of toothbrushing practice”
But: “ A study of the reasons for low toothbrushing practice in
Gaza city”
Thanks for your attention

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