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Science and technology and

nation-building (Part I)
At the end of this topic, you should be
able to:

1. Define nation-building in the

perspective of science and technology.
2. Discuss the benefits of science and
technology to several key sectors.
3. Describe the science and technology
in developed and developing countries.
S & T are interconnected and
• interdependent
Science can be defined as the • Technology, on the other
study of the nature and the hand, is the application of
behavior of natural things scientific knowledge that
results to the production of
• basically, is the study of tools, machines, goods, and
knowledge, which is made services. Technology can be
into a system, and depends in the form of hardware,
on analyzing and software, or method.
understanding facts
Nation-building • According to Stephenson (2005), nation-
• Throughout history, building is all about the process of unifying
S&T drive the progress people within a state so that that the state
of human civilization. remains politically stable and economically
• They induce economic
growth and social • The term nation-building is often used
development, thus simultaneously with state-building,
playing a significant democratization, modernization, political
role in nation-building. development, post-conflict reconstruction, and
• Nation-building is intertwined with the processes of industrialization, urbanization,
and social mobilization

• Industrialization is the process by which an agrarian-based economy is

transformed from one based on the manufacturing of goods through factory system
and industries.
• Urbanization on the other hand is defined as the process through which society is
transformed from one that is predominantly rural in economy to one that is mainly
• Social mobilization is an important process that allows people and communities to
collectively think and act upon their development.
Goals of Nation-building

To make a
country’s economy
firm, viable, stable,
and prosperous

Encourage a strong
sense of national

Create effective
social institution
C O M P O N E N T S O F N AT I O N - B U I L D I N G

According to Stephenson 2005, the following are the main

components of nation building:
Economic development has been defined as the process whereby
simple, low-income national economies are transformed into
modern industrial economies

Economic development is sometimes used as a synonym for ECONOMIC

economic growth
The application of both science and technology can aid in For example, the used of modern-day
the economic development of a nation. technology aids in greater production
using smaller quantity of inputs. In
addition, the use of computer
technology can now automate the
processes of factories and industries
which can result to larger
Social development is
about uplifting the The success of
well-being of every society is related to
individual in the the well-being of its
society so they can citizen
reach their full


S&T have been used by poor

S&T have been the people to cut their way out of
solutions to human poverty. For instance, the
needs and have used of improve variety of
provided the engine seeds have helped farmers
to propel social increased their yield resulting
improvement. to more income.
The first third of researchPolitical development has been defined as an increase in The second third of
effort should focus on national political unity, political participation, and political effort should go toward
engaging early and stability developing
throughout with key scientifically credible
partners and stakeholders evidence
within the impact pathway

Neureiter (2003) pointed out that the integration of S&T in • The research to develop evidence
• Researchers need to join in key
politics revolves
in the provision of science-based policies and should allow for opportunism and
flexibility to take advantage of
• Actively participate regulations. quickly emerging needs along the
• Identify ways to navigate the
impact pathway
stakeholder networks and institutional

This includes communicating

research outcomes in formats
Science-based policies have been seen to have viable and
that can be understood and used
sustainable impacts to society. The final third of the
by the next users, and capacity
building to enable use of
research effort should
research outputs and to ensure go toward outreach.
sustainability of the outcomes
generated Political Development
Institutional Development
• refers to the processes that improve the capacity
of a social institutions (e.g. health, education,
religion) to achieve its goals and objectives
• Over the years, the delivery of services by social
institutions have greatly improved through S&T.
• For example, health related technologies such as
x-ray, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) have expanded the way doctors
and medical professionals diagnosed diseases.

The progress in S&T have created profound

beneficial impacts to all aspects and sectors of a
nation. The following are key sectors that have
greatly benefited from the breakthroughs of S&T:

Energy Sector
The use of new technologies such as solar panel,
wind turbines and generators have improved the
way human harnesses renewable energy.
Agriculture Sector
With the used of technologically
produced farm machineries such as
tractors and harvesters, farmers can
efficiently produce more with less
manpower, aiming increased yield
while using lesser inputs.
Fisheries Sector
Technological innovations offer an opportunity to improve fisheries
management practices. Technology also empowers small-scale fishers
generating information not just on fisheries but on markets, which
allows them to make better business decisions. For example, in the
Curvina Fishery in the Gulf of California, Mexico, digital technologies
are used by fishers and authorities in accessing daily information on
fish catches and prices (Ortis, 2019).
Communication Sector
Science and Technology has greatly improved the sector of
communication. Modern communication has made instant using emails,
social medias, phones and videocalls. The used of wireless signals,
satellites, undersea cables, and other advanced technology have
guaranteed the instant delivery of messages and other forms of data to
any locations (Prajapati, 2020).
Transportation Sector
With the use of modern technologies, people can now get to more
destinations more efficiently and quickly. For example, the Japanese
bullet trains can reach a speed of 320km/h. Artificial intelligence is also
integrated to manage traffic congestion on roads. The used of
automated buses and trains aids in saving manpower and in managing
the ageing population in some cities (Tan, 2018).
Military Sector
Information technology, artificial intelligence and sensors have the
potential to vividly improve all aspects of future military capabilities.
Modeling and simulation have already made major contributions to
training, readiness, weapons design, and acquisition management.
Together, these technologies can significantly reduce combat losses in
lives and equipment.
Education Sector
Technological advancement has greatly changed the sector of
education. Digital simulations and models can help teachers in
explaining difficult concepts and can also help students who are visual
or tactile learners to better understand a specific concept (Khan, 2019).
Health Sector
The advances in digital healthcare technologies, such as artificial
intelligence, VR/AR, 3D-printing, robotics and nanotechnology help
transform unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones,
equalize the relationship between medical professionals and patients,
provide cheaper, faster and more effective solutions for diseases.
Global Perspective on S&T
in Nation-building

Science and Technology has a great impact to

rapid development. S&T affect every aspects of
life and was regarded as the greatest evidence of
modernization. Convenience, simplicity, and
easiness in everyday living has been offered by
the introduction of modern technology. The
absence of modern equipment, in all sectors and
or any other field, the advancement and benefits
that being experienced today would not have
been possible (Pujari, 2016).
In a global perspective, moving on with the
flow of modernity determines the nation’s
capability to sustain its people’s lives. Such is
the influence of science and technology for
the development of a nation.

Countries are being categorized today based on

economy and the application of science and
technology. It can be analyzed from various reports
that the countries which have a strong base in
science and technology are the ones that developed

United States, Canada, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and Israel will benefit the most from advances in
science and technology, and they will be able to exploit technology regardless of its sophistication.

Examples of sophisticated applications include the possibility of: growing tissues to implant and replace human
body parts; creating pervasive sensor networks; providing access to information anytime and anywhere;
creating wearable computers; and using of micro computational devices to do things like continuously monitor
a person's health (RAND, 2006).
State of Science and Technology of Developing Nations

In many developing countries, science and technology plays an important role in social and economic
progress. The importance of science and technology in addressing the national and international issues
necessitate the promotion of various S&T programs throughout developing countries.

According to RAND (2006), developing countries will be helped or hindered by what is termed as “science and
technology capacity”. This encompasses human capacity (such as the level of education and scientific literacy of a
country's people) and physical capacity (including transport and freight infrastructures, schools, hospitals, research
facilities and utilities), as well as broader dimensions such as their systems of governance, banking, law, education
and health.
S&T affects the development of a nation. It enhances local economy, social changes,
political stability, and institutional effectiveness. It supports the energy, agriculture,
fisheries, communication, transportation, military, education, and health sector
development that lead to national progress. Countries, both the developed and
developing, have to depend on S&T for national development. If countries do not
prioritize S&T in their national development programs, then their progress only
become minimal. The advancement in S&T is synonymous to the modernity of a
• Choose one sector under the S & T and Sectoral Development.
Think/Research an example regarding with your chosen sector
and discuss/explain it to the class. (20 pts)
• You’ll only be given 25 seconds per head.

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