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Small Project: Who are

the victims of Crimes?

Hailey Richman
Criminal Justice 1010
October 5, 2022
Rate of Total Violent Crime (2020)
Never Married Married Widow/Widower Divorced Seperated o This graph explains the rate of total violent
45 crime in 2020 and the victim’s marital status.
For example, in 2020 there were 23.9 never
40 married victims per 1,000 people. It’s shown
that there are more single victims than married
1,000 People

This information came from

30 Criminal Victimization 2020; Table 6.
Rate Per

25 o This information was gathered by victimization

surveys, specifically Bureau of Justice
20 Statistics, National Crime Victimization
Survey, 2019–2020.
o I believe that the numbers are not evenly
distributed because people usually like to prey
on people that are alone. I noticed that there are
more victims in the separated, never married,
5 and divorced category because they are usually
alone most of the time so it’s easier for
0 someone to hurt them without anyone there to
Marital witness.
Rate of Total Violent Crime (2020)
Less than $25,000 $25,000-$49,999 $50,000-$99,999 $100,000-$199,999
o This graph explains the rate of total violent
30 200,000 or more crime in 2020 and the victim’s household
income. For example, in 2020 there were 27.4
victims, that make less than $25,000 a year, per
25 1,000 people. This showed that there were
more lower income victims than higher income
1,000 People

o This information came from
Criminal Victimization 2020; Table 6.
Rate Per

15 o This information was gathered by victimization

surveys, specifically Bureau of Justice
Statistics, National Crime Victimization
10 Survey, 2019–2020.

o I believe that the numbers are not evenly

distributed because there is less security going
on in lower income areas, meaning there is
more crime that people think that they can get
away with.
Rate of Total Violent Crime (2020)
60 o This graph explains the rate of total violent
White Black Hispanic Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Other
crime in 2020 and the victim’s race/ethnicity.
For example, in 2020 there were 17.5 black
50 victims per 1,000 people. There were more
black and other race/ethnicity victims than
white and other pacific islander victims.
1,000 People

o This information came from

Criminal Victimization 2020; Table 6.
Rate Per

o This information was gathered by victimization
surveys, specifically Bureau of Justice
Statistics, National Crime Victimization
Survey, 2019–2020.

o I believe that the numbers are not evenly

distributed because of racism and assumptions
about people.


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