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新版 TL 标准说明手册

1. Punctuality

Excellent: Started and Left the class on time

Average: Started the class on time but extended the class for a few minutes

Poor: Didn't start the class on time/Left early

2. Impression and Attitude

Excellent: The tutor was caring and patient, wearing natural and authentic smile during class time. The tutor was
enthusiastic (150% passion), outgoing, and was able to make the lesson enjoyable.

Average: The tutor was friendly and polite, provided support when there was a necessity to help the student, but
not passionate enough.(smile,without passion)

Poor: The tutor rarely smiled, was noticeably impatient, and had a negative attitude. The tutor delivered the lesson
in low spirits. YINGWENBIAOTI
3. Teacher Image / Presentable

Excellent: The tutor looks professional and teaching-oriented, his/her dressing is clean, neat, and suitable for
teaching kids.(have cute headband or dress like a cartoon character)

Average: The tutor is dressed appropriately. ( casual style without decoration )

Poor: The tutor is underdressed and looks unprofessional (tattoo, long beard, inappropriate hair-style, etc.).

4. Rapport Establishment
和学生建立融洽的关系,在破冰环节了解学生的性格及兴趣爱好等 , 在结尾时有礼貌得结束课程

Excellent: Was always able to build rapport with the student, demonstrate passion (150%) and, capture the student's
interest and hobbies and interact with him or her with effective strategies; the student responded happily and actively;
Openings and endings were natural and polite.

Average: Was able to ask icebreaker questions, but not in a natural manner; Sometimes was able to get the positive
response from the student; Said goodbye only, and the politeness and passion are noticeable, but not enough

Poor: Rarely paid attention to the student's reaction, and the student responded negatively; warm-up activities were not
presented or conducted poorly; Finished the class in a hasty manner, neither presenting adequate encouragement nor
5. Total Physical Response
TPR 动作指令清晰,学生能够理解所需完成的任务

Excellent: Could always apply TPR effectively and flexibly to enhance the student's comprehension and as
well as to increase the student's verbal and kinesthetic output. ( giving various instructions based on the
teaching process or lesson material:dance , sing , count , speak , listen , match , draw,etc )

Average: Could sometimes use basic TPR; however, the instructions were not effective enough to help the
student comprehend the target knowledge and make him/her responsive in the class.(use TPR more than three
times but basic ,like listen and speak)
Poor: No TPR at all or rarely used TPR.
6. Teaching Aids/Materials
老师使用常见的教学工具,如白板、玩偶、卡片、字母墙、奖杯、 Manycam 等等;

Excellent: The tutor could always use at least 2 or more props effectively and appropriately in the class to
facilitate the learning and keep the student engaged.

Average: The tutor prepared props and was able to use them only once or twice in the class.

Poor: No props at all. YINGWENBIAOTI

PS:the props are used to reward student ,can't be counted as tools which are used to faciliate teaching
7. Teaching Tools

Excellent: Was aware of how to utilize different functions, such as chat-box, highlight, rewards, screenshot,
translator, etc. Handled technical issues appropriately

Average: Knew only video chat, barely used other functions.

Poor: Noticeably not familiar with any tools embedded in ClassIn/A-Classroom

8. Remodeling & Correction
使用聊天框或其他有效的方式纠正学生的发音及句法错误 , 老师纠正时的态度应该积极,

Excellent: Offered corrections when necessary; could avoid overcorrections and used effective methods such as
utilizing the chat-box and remodeling to guide the student to either articulate or complete simple tasks
independently, etc.; Corrected the student in a positive fashion.

Average: Offered corrections, but the corrections were either too discouraged or lacked appropriate
remodeling(such as just repeat pronuncing words after the tutor )

Poor: No corrections or over-correction were given to student which may hurt the student's self-confidence and

( * 有视频资
9. Rewards

Excellent: The tutor was able to give various, appropriate and timely rewards to reinforce the student's
positive behaviors.(at least two kinds of rewards , rewards are given throughout the whole class;avoid
giving too much or too little)

Average: The tutor was able to reward the student; however, it was not conducted timely or age-
appropriate. The reward was boring to the student/was presented without thoughtful considerations-the
student found it less motivating and meaningful. (less than two kinds of rewards or only one kind of
reward for many times )
Poor: No rewards at all or given the reward less than three times


10 Was able to manage the class time effectively and implement each critical part of the lesson plan 5 5
efficiently and systematically, The tutor endeavors to complete all the learning content holistically.

Greeting Warm-up & Lead-in 3min

Learn & Practice 10 min
10. Time Management Closing 2min

Excellent: Managed the time effectively, implemented each critical part of

the lesson plan efficiently, and could finish the lesson completely within 15
minutes(avoid leave class early)

Average: Might have spent too much time on some specific sections or
rushed to finish the lesson materials; Could finish most of the content of
the lesson in the class

Poor: Just finished a few of the content of the lesson/Finished the lesson
with poor time management(teach less than half of the lesson material)
11. Summary & Reinforcement

Excellent: Asked the student to demonstrate what he/she learned and provided support and encouragement when
necessary ( need to review at least half of the lesson,and ensuring the one key takeaway)

Average: Asked the student to simply repeat after the tutor and let the student remember/articulate one or two

Poor: No summary at all and the student could not remember/articulate anything

( * 有视频资
12. Constructive Feedback

Excellent: Was able to diagnose the student's weaknesses and give constructive feedback/suggestions
and useful learning tips for students and parent(s)

Average: Presented general feedback and encouragement upon the student's performance, but not in
detail(like listen to music , watch movie/cartoon , read books)

Poor: Neither feedback nor tips were provided



Mastery of
13 Was able to use professional teaching language to deliver the class and articulate coherently and 4
appropriately in English with no or few grammar flaws.
14 Was able to use comprehensible language and appropriate stress, intonation and voices 6 20
(charming, friendly, and passionate) to interact with the student.

15 Neutral Accent
口音偏中性(或美式),无明显的地方口音 YINGWENBIAOTI
Was able to use a wide range of pronunciation features with only occasional lapses; the accent is
neutral and can be comprehended without clarity issues.

13. Mastery of English/Grammar

Excellent: Speaks fluently, develops topics and ideas logically and coherently, and produces error-free
sentences ( without grammar mistakes )

Average: Speaks English frequently and flexibly, but with a few grammatical mistakes/logical flaws( RE-PT)

Poor: Lacks coherence and fluency with noticeable and frequent grammatical mistakes( FAIL)
Note: Grammar>Logic>Fluency
14. Skillful Articulation

Excellent: Articulates naturally and smoothly, and uses a wide range of pronunciation features consistently with
precision and subtlety(appropriate stress, intonation and voices (charming, friendly, and passionate)

Average: Uses a flexible range of pronunciation features with occasional lapses

Poor: The mispronunciation of words or sounds reduces understandability; speaks without voice variations(strange
intonation and wrong word stress)

15. Neutral Accent

Excellent: Neutral accent/No accent problem

Average: Slight accent, the accent may "come out" once or twice, but has no effect on understandability

Poor: Heavy or Apparent accent (FAIL)

16. Internet Reliability

Excellent: Very smooth connection in both audio/video chat

Average: Frequent audio/video delays happened in the class, but has few/not impact
on conducting the class ,around 40%~60% of the class time, the tutor's internet/CPU
was in poor condition( 极差 / 繁忙> =10%)

Poor: Disconnections occurred a lot, more than 60% of the class time, the tutor's
internet/CPU was in poor condition ( 极差 / 繁忙> =10%) (RESCHEDULE)

17. Functional Equipment

硬件设备(耳机、摄像头和电脑)状况良好,没有出现听 / 看不清及电脑卡顿的情况

Excellent: The digital tools (headset, webcam and computer/laptop) are of good quality and support
smooth teaching and learning

Average: The tutor has a slight technical issue due to the equipment, but it doesn't impact on the delivery
of a successful lesson(something wrong with headset, webcam and computer/laptop )

Poor: The equipment is of poor quality and the tutor has to halt class to fix the tech problem.
18. Well-suited Distance

Excellent: Maintained a proper distance from the camera and the tutor is visible during the whole class

Average: The tutor sometimes could not manage maintaining a proper distance when typing, using
body language, and looking for a file, etc.

Poor: An inappropriate distance is noticeable and the tutor needs to be reminded of the webcam angle

29. Lighting Setup


Excellent: The lighting is bright adequately and delivers a visible and stable class

Average: The lighting is okay, but could not reflect the comprehensive teacher-
image and teaching background thoroughly

Poor: Too dark to support a tutoring environment

20. Teaching Background
教室背景整洁干净,教具摆放有序 (及有教学用品装饰)

Excellent: Tidy and well-designed background

Average: The background is decorated but slightly messy, or

without background decoration

Poor: Messy background and a negative visual input for the

student and the parent(s)

21. Environment Noise


Excellent: Noise-free and teaching-oriented

Average: Slight noise; teaching-irrelevant sounds can be heard occasionally

Poor: Apparent noise (like animals, people talking, construction noise, etc.) can be heard
RE-PT/Reschedule :

1.Poor Internet Reliability

2.Poor Functional Equipment
3.Poor teaching environment (noise)
4.Not familiar with teaching Tools(can't download lesson,authorize pen,etc.)
5.Mastery of English/Grammar (few grammatical mitakes)
6.Apparent accent but tutor is passionate with good teaching skill
7.Good/slight accent but lack of teaching skill(score:55-59 /poor time management skill)

Fail :
1.Apparent accent
2.Mastery of English/Grammar(frequent grammatical mistakes )
3.Scored lower than 60

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