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Setting Up

• Ensure the Accounts, Sites, and

Transactions datasets from Figure-07 of
the intro training class are available
• Create the dbc config file for your
• Load the data from each of the datasets
into the database – remember to set
necessary radio buttons on access tab

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Database Config File

• Click Config File and New to create a

config file for your DBMS and instance.

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Database Config File

• A window with the available DBMS

types will pop-up.
• Choose the one you want.
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Database Config File

• The Database Configuration file will be

brought into an editor for you to fill in
the necessary information
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Database Config File
• dbms: oracle
• ## REQUIRED. Do not change the value of this tag from oracle.
• db_version: 8.0.5 ## REQUIRED. Enter the Oracle version number.
• db_home: c:/orant ## REQUIRED. Enter the Oracle home directory.
• db_name: NTORCL ## often just the SID
• db_nodes: laptop-12 ## can be multiple
• user: ${MY_USERNAME} ## use environment variables
• password: ${MY_PASSWORD} ## so as not to hardcode
• case: lower ## dml from dbms in lowercase
• ##column_delimiter:
• generate_dml_with_nulls: false
• fixed_size_dml: false
• treat_blanks_as_null: true
• ##local_db_version:
• ## environment:
• direct_parallel: false

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Load Account Table
Parameters: Access

• If truncating, append or replace are


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Log file|Thu May 03 10:21:45 2001|Gather_Logs.000||start|Start||Thu May 03 10:21:45 2001|Update_Table_Accounts.000|update|start|||Thu May 03 10:21:46 2001|Update_Table_Accounts.000|update|sql|
Primary SQL supplied: update accounts set address =
:address where acct_id = :acct_id||Thu May 03 10:21:46 2001|Update_Table_Accounts.000|update|sql|
Secondary SQL supplied: insert into accounts values
(:acct_id,:acct_name,:address)||Thu May 03 10:21:48 2001|Update_Table_Accounts.000|update|finish|
10 records read
10 rows updated by SQL1
0 records sent to SQL2
0 rows updated by SQL2
0 records rejected||Thu May 03 10:21:48 2001|Gather_Logs.000||finish|End|

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Browsing the database

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Selecting from available

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Input Table Properties:
Select Statement

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Log file (shortened for clarity)

SQL File to run: c:\data\training\data-for-training\delete_rows.sql|

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu May 3 12:12:8 2001|
(c) Copyright 1998 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.|
Connected to:|Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release - Production|
PL/SQL Release - Production|
COUNT(*)|---------| 1000|
3 rows deleted.|
COUNT(*)|---------| 997|
Commit complete.|
Disconnected from Oracle8 Enterprise Edition Release -
PL/SQL Release - Production|

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Input Table
(direct to output file = unload)

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Input Table Parameters:

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Serial unload:
Select Statement

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Parallel Unload:

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Parallel Unload: ABLOCAL()

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if (this_partition() == 0) “acct_id <= 112347000”
else if (this_partition() == 1) “acct_id > 112347000”
else “1 = 2”

Confidential & Proprietary

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