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GUIDE & Lecturer
M D ( AYU)

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 1

Location of the Pharmacy
Selection of place & Working

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 2

Drug is the tool of the physician. Appropriate drug can only
serve the problem.
Rasasala, bhesajagara ausadha nirmana kendra or pharmacy
is always expected to be a quite hygienic and workable place
with all facilities and put up many rules and regulations for its
establishment under the umbrella of Good Manufacturing
Practice now a days.
Acharyas were much more concerned about minutest parts of
the bhesajagara/ rasasala. They concentrated not only on the
construction, interior plans and arrangements, appointment
of skilled attendants for different sections of pharmacy.
10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 3
Various Acharay’s have given their opinion regarding the
construction of pharmacy along with qualities of staff
required for pharmacy.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 4

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 5
Location of The Pharmacy
रसशाला प्रकु र्वीत सर्वबादाविवर्जिते |
सर्वौषधमये देशे रम्ये कू पसमन्विते
( Rasendra Chudamani 3/12)

(Rasatarangini 1/ 13)

रसशालाम् प्रवक्ष्यामि रसेन्द्रस्य वरानने

(Anandakanda 2/22 )
आतन्गरहिते देशे धर्मराज्ये......
( R.R.S 7/1)

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 6

Where there is no obstacles of any kind.
Where all the medicinal herbs are available.
 beautiful well Equipped with equipments.
 Compound wall

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 7

References on Rasa Texts
R.T. (1/13-14)

A. Arrangement of rasashala as per rasayanasara

B. Arrangement of rasashala per rasaratnasamuccaya
10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 8
Rasa shala nirmana according to Rasaratna
Should be devoid of any fear and trepidation and in kingdom where
the ruling is done with virtue and honesty, and
It should be the house of Lord Shiva and Goddess Paravathi,
flourishing in a beautiful place and wise person should perform
mercurial processes.
A beautiful park is made at the entrance of pharmacy and it should
have four entrance along with many windows and we find the
reference of Rasamandapa constructed in the nearest of the
pharmacy which is full of abundant of light The mantapa should be
drumming with sound of drums and bells.
Mantapa should be firm even and shiny like mirror.
10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 9
Rasashala niramana according to Rasa
Good ventilation and surrounding places should have
good water source.
It should not be troubled by human being and animals.
And a separate section for Siddaoushada samrakshana
and should be decorate with chitrapatas and arrange the
different yantra upakaranas.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 10

Selection of Place
आतङकरहिते तेशे धर्मराज्ये मनोरमे ।
उमामहे श्वारोपेते सम्रद्धे नगरे शभ
ु े॥

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 11

Working Area
A very beautiful and vivid description with regards to the site
and the building of ‘Rasa Sala’is found mentioned in the Rasa
literature along with its working arrangements, various divisions,
spiritual rituals, qualities of its employees and the types of
equipments to be collected for completion of various Rasa
operations and pharmaceutical processes and procedures.
Here the different types of pharmaceutical operations
have been found divided on the basis of different directions
to achieve highest success in these operations on account of
the blessings of Gods ruling these directions.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 12

The working arrangements of ‘Rasa Sala’
have been divided into eight divisions
Poorvadik (East)
Agnikona (South East)
Yamyabaga( South)
Nairityakona( South West)
Vayavyakona(North West)
Isanakona( North East)

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 13

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 14
शालाया: पूर्वदिक्भागे स्थापयेत् रसभैरवम् I
(Rasatarangini 3/3)

The statue of ‘Rasa Bhairava’ should be installed in the

Eastern direction of the factory.
Starting and entering point.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 15

तत्समीपे समे दीप्ते कर्तव्यम् रसमण्ड्पम् I
अतिगुप्तम्.......... (R.R.S 6/14)

• Constructed in a plain and concealed area.

• Eight pettaled lotus design
• Centre, mercury is placed in a mortar.
• Surrounding this mortar, a hexagonal design is drawn
Each corner -Diamond, Flourspar, Black Mica,Magnatite, Borax and
Earth worm extract.
 Centre- Sulphur, Yellow orpiment, Green Vitreol, Realgar, Gamboze,
Galena, Lapis lazuli and ochre are placed
End-Calamine, Iron pyrites, Copper -pyrites, Bismuth,
Blue vitreol, Stybnites, Corraline ore and peacock ore are placed.
10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 16
Installation of Rasalinga
नीष्कत्रयम् हेमपत्रम् रसेन्द्रम्.........
(R.R.S 6/17)
Gold leaves - 3 Nishka (72 ratti or 4.5 grm)
Parada - 9 Nishka (216 ratti or 13.5 grm)

Rubbed with Nimba Juice( 3 hours) and Shiva linga is prepared .

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 17

Benefits of worshipping Rasalingam
लिङ्ग कोटिसहस्रस्य यत्फलम् सम्यक् अर्चनात् I
तत्फलम् कोटिगुणितम् रसलिङ्गार्चनाद्भवेत् II
(R.R.S 6/19)
• Equal to worshipping one thousand crore Sivalingas.
• Seeing, eradicate the sins acumalated due to killing of
thousand brahmins and lakhs of cows.
• Touch, attain Moksha
Method of Worship
आग्नेय्याम् श्रीअघोरेण मन्त्रराजेन चार्चयेत् I
( R.R.S 6/21)
Worshipped by chanting Aghora Mantra.
10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 18
वह्निकर्मानि चाग्नेये....
The operations related to the use of fire are advised to be
carried out in ‘Agnikona’ (South east direction) which is
considered to be ruled by God Agni who by virtue of his
being the God of fire keeps control on fire related works
(operations) thus the success in such operations is always
expected if such works are performed in this direction.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 19

नैर्ऋ त्ये शस्त्रकर्माणी....
The ‘Nairitya Kona’ (South west direction) is advised for
performing ‘Sastra Karmas’ like cutting, slicing etc.
 As this direction is ruled by Raksasas (Demons) who are
cruel in nature and keeps the control on sharp weapons
or instruments.
Hence the cutting, slicing etc. operations invoving the use
of sharp instruments if done in this direction may likely to
be completed safely and successfully with the blessing of
the Demons

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 20

वारुणे क्षालनादिकम् I
The Varuna bhaga (western part) of the factory is
advised for washing ,cleaning etc. works involving the use
of water .
As this direction is ruled by God ‘Varuna’ who is
considered to be the God of water resources , hence the
operations involving the use of water if done in this
direction will never face water shortage and get
completed successfully with the blessings of God Varuna.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 21

शोषणम् वायुकोणे च...
The Vayavya Kona(North West directions) is ruled by the
God vayu, who is supposed to control wind blowing.
The drying operations of the drugs /materials/ and the
preparations if done in this direction will never face
blowing wind shortage and get dried easily with the
blessings of God Vayu.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 22

वेधकर्मोत्तरे तथा II
The Uttara digbhaga (Northern part) is governed by God
Kuvera who is considered to be the God of ‘wealth and
finances’ .
Hence the Vedha Karmas(Transformation operation of
lower metals into higher metals) are advised to be done
in this direction

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 23

स्थापनम् सिद्दवस्तूनाम् प्रकु र्यादीशकोणके I
The Isana Kona (North eastern direction) is ruled by Lord
Siva / rudra who is considered to be the creator of
mercurial operations.
The transformed mercurial products and the other
finished products if stored in this direction then their
potency and effectiveness will be preserved for long time
and there self life will be very prolonged one.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 24

सत्वपातनकोष्टीन्ज गारकोष्टिम् सुशोभनाम |
(R.R.S 7/6)
• Koshtis
• Storage Tanks
• Bhastrikas(bellows)
• Mettalic and Bamboo pipes.
Vessels and utensils of different size
(Gold,Iron,Copper,Bronze, leather and stones)

Different types of kandani(small pounder)

Peshani ( Bigger,flat stone for rubbing)

Droni(Big cauldron)

Mortars and pestles of different kinds


10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 25

शिखित्रा पावकोचि...... (R.R.S 7/18)
Synonyms of Coal:
1. Shikitra
2. Pavakochista
3. Angara
4. Kokila
Cow-dung Cakes
 Pistaka
 Changana
 Chana
 Upala
 Utpala

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 26

Appointment of Physician
• Who has studied Rasasastra well
• He should have proper access to NighantuSastra
• Who is well versed in the languages of all the(nearby)
• Amrita hasta (R.R.S 7/23)

Qualities of Sisya
गुरुभक्त सदाचारो लोभमायाविवर्जि:| ( Anandakanda 2/7)
Obey the Guru
Strong determination to work
Devoid of pride and greed
peaceful and always devoted in practicing mantra

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 27

Having good conduct and be clean
 Strong and courageous
 more industrious
 well born and more Faithfull… ( R.R.S 7/25)

Person who is strong
 Having Red eyes with black complexion
Capable of warding off the evil spirits

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 28

Rich person
Possess all types of instruments
 follows the advice of Guru

Kalini woman
Curly hairs
Beautiful eyes like lotus
 Good Body stature
Kalini woman is extremely good in bringing about the success
in Rasabandha and such other Rasayana process.(R.R.S
10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 29
Qualities of the King
धार्मिक: पापभीरुश्च बलवान्.... (Anandakanda 2/20)
Kind to the people
Fear in पाप
Knowledge in रसशास्त्र

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 30

The manufacturing plant should have Adequate Space For

Receiving & storing raw materials.

Manufacturing process area.
Quality Control section.
Finished goods store.
Rejected goods/drug store.
 Rest and Refreshment Rooms

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 31

In Rasasala, Medicines are prepared according to classics and
in traditional way.
In GMP certified Pharmacy, Medicines are prepared in Bulk.
Concepts of GMP were followed from the Vedic period and
the references can be seen in Ayurvedic texts which have given
elaborate description about the Rasashala and also about the
production of medicine

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 32

Angadi R .A Text Book of Rasashastra, Chaukhambha
surbharati prakashan Varanasi
Mishra nandan S . Rasaratna Samuchchayah, Varanasi
chaukhambha orientalia
Sharma .S. Rasatarangini . Kashinath sashtri,
Banaras,motilal Banarasidas Publication
Dr. Sourav Pal. Dr. Reshma Saokar, A Review of
rasashastra in Accordance with GMP World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Medical Research.

10/06/2017 Rasashala Nirmana Vidhi 33

Yo u

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