Modifiers of The Human Act

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Sensitivity game
•Lyrics from a song will be flashed.
•You need to finish it or go as far as you can in 2 minutes.
•One word at a time.
•The catch is that you cannot talk to one another on who will
go next.
•You need to be SENSITIVE, that’s why this is a sensitivity game.
•If two people say the next words at the same time, you will
start again.
You don't gotta go to work
Work, work, work, work, work, work
But you gotta put in work
Work, work, work, work, work, work
You don't gotta go to work
Work, work, work, work, work, work
Let my body do the work
Work, work, work, work, work, work
What influences
your actions?
1) Praying
2) Making destructive and negative
remarks via social media
3) Reading good books
4) Obeying parents
5) Doing assignments and PTs on time
6) Playing computer games
7) downloading songs and movies from the
8) giving gifts to friends on special
9) using cellphone excessively
10) avoiding failing grades
11) attending service on a Sunday
12) Forgiving a friend who says sorry

1 2
Prove that ignorance, passion,
Explain the factors that affect fear, violence and bad habits can
responsibility toward one’s affect a person’s responsibility
decision and action. over his/her decision and actions.
Modifiers of the
Human Act
factors that affect the person’s disposition to
perform the human acts
Divide class into 5 (count off)
What does your word mean? Discuss among the group.
How do you think can it affect human acts? Give example,
Write in JOURNAL.
Modifiers of the
Human Act:
IGNORANCE – absence of knowledge
which person ought to possess.
2 kinds:
Invincible makes act involuntary
Vincible where person suspected or
doubted but did not do anything to
overcome doubt, is partly voluntary
Modifiers of the
Human Act:
PASSION – tendency toward or away from an action
depending on its desirability. It includes love, delight,
hope, hatred, horror, sadness, fear and anger. It is neither
good or bad.

It usually arises in response to the

stimulus. However, because we have
intellect and will, we are expected to be in
control of our emotions.
Modifiers of the Human Act:

VIOLENCE – any physical force applied by a person to

another, compelling him/her to do something against his/her
HABIT – result of repeated act facilitating the performance of
the same act, that makes acting sometimes involuntary e.g.
saying bad words
PT: Identify a HABIT
You need to develop
In the next week, identify a habit you will develop (done
DAILY) (write in journal)
- ONE STUDY hour straight focused for 2 weeks
- DAILY 10 minutes of prayer
- Conscious act of kindness
- Consciousness of words: bad words, gossip, lies
- DAILY doing of chores
It is important to consider 3 constituents of the human act:
knowledge, freedom and voluntariness (consent).

The total absence of one will make the person not accountable.
It is not right to judge the person merely on the basis of what
was done without considering the manner and reason it was
Now that you know cheating is
bad, are you totally accountable
every time you cheat? Why or
why not? What might be factors
that affect the voluntariness of
your act?
You love your friend so much
that you spent all your savings on
buying an expensive gift for his
What factor affects your decision?
r e g n a n t a n d g o e s
Teenage r g e ts p
b o r t i on . W h at a re
throug h a n a
fi e r s o f t h e h u m a n
possible m o d i
d b e a ff e c t i n g h e r
act tha t c o u l
de c i sio n ?
STUDY w a y s
g o o d s t u d y h a b it s , a l
Y o u n e v e r h a d
t . O n l in e s c h o o l g a v e y o u
pr o c r a s t i n a t e d i n t h e p a s
a r e i n g r a d e 1 0 , yo u a r e
ba d h a b i ts . N o w t h a t y o u
g y o u r s e lf t o w o r k . W h a t i s
hav in g a h a r d t i m e p u s h i n
er o f th e h u m a n a c t i s
wron g a n d w h a t m o d if i
affecting y o u r b e h a v i o r?
A young teenage girl decides to sell
herself to help her family from
hardships. What modifier of the
human act is affecting her decision?
Your parents often scold you and do not trust you. They threaten
you about stopping school if you don’t do well. They think you just
play games on the computer and do not do your school work. You
are not motivated to study nor do your chores because of their
attitude towards your behavior. You are not doing anything and are
just quiet.

What accounts for your sadness and lack of drive?

What modifier of the human act is affecting your behavior and
attitude towards your parents?
- skill and good judgment
- Ability to govern and discipline oneself by use
of reason
- Thinking thoroughly before taking a decision
and acting
- Gradually developed as one exercises this in
making decisions
- Is wisdom and its etymology means:
2 articles:
Overcoming Fear
Developing a Habit
L g
d oe s d ev e l o pi n
How do y o u t h ink
a b it h e l p y o u a s a
the ne w h
person? t
r e x p e r ie n c e? Is i
How w a s y o u
d e v e l o p i ng g o o d
wor t h w h i le
W h y o r w h y n o t?
Submit any output as proof of having done any school work with
passion (PT done in the past quarter)

PERSON with a PASSION: Make an expose of an inspiring

person you know works with passion and thus is successful.
Introduce him/her and his/her work through a poster or essay.

MY PASSION: Expose your personal passion. Poster or essay or

any presentation. (digital photo or physical)

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