Finite Automato Final 28-08-2022

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Finite Automata

An automaton is defined as a system where energy, materials, and
information are transformed, transmitted, and used for performing some
functions without the direct participation of man.
Examples are automatic machine tools, automatic packing machines, and
automatic photo printing machines.

Different Kinds of Automata

•Automata are distinguished by the temporary memory

• Finite Automata: No Temporary Memory

• Pushdown Automata: Stack
• Turing Machines: Random Access Memory
Finite Automata (FA)

Finite Automata == Finite State Machine

Finite Automata(FA) is the simplest machine to recognize


It has a set of states and rules for moving from one state to
another but it depends upon the applied input symbol.

Basically it is an abstract model of digital computer.

Finite Automata (FA)

Figure: Features of Finite Automata

An FA has three components:
1.Input tape ( Input Buffer) contains single string
2.Head reads input string, one symbol at a time ( From Left to Right)
3.Memory is in one of a finite number of states.
Definition of a Finite Automaton

An automaton can be represented by a 5-tuple

(Q, ∑, δ, q0, F), where −

•Q is a finite set of states.

•∑ is a finite set of symbols, called the alphabet of the


•δ is the transition function.

•q0 is the initial state from where any input is

processed (q0 ∈ Q).

•F is a set of final state/states of Q (F ⊆ Q).


Initial state

Accepting state
Final State

Input Symbols

Dig.1: FA

𝛿 (S1,1)=S1
𝛿 (S1,0)=S2
𝛿 (S2,1)=S2
𝛿 (S2,0)=S1
How an FA works
0 1 0

s f

Input: 001101
0 0 1 1 0 1 ACCEPT

Input: 01001 0 1 0 0 1 REJECT

Example: yielding next configuration

0 1 0 (s, 001101)
s f
M (s, 01101)
M (s, 1101)
M (f, 101)
1 M (s, 01)
M (s, 1)
001101 M (f, )
Design DFA
• Q1. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
where each string Starts with an ‘a’ .
Q1. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
where each string Starts with an ‘a’ .

Strings: DFA: a,b

a) a a
Q1 Q2
b) aa
c) aaa b a,b
d) ab Q3

e ) aabb Q3 = Dead State

f) ababab

and so on ………
• Q2. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
where each string Contains ‘a’ .
Q2. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
where each string Contains ‘a’ .

Strings: DFA: a
a) a a
Q1 Q2
b) aa
c) aaa
d) bba b b

e ) aabb
f) bbabab No Dead State in DFA

and so on ………
• Q3. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which start with ‘ab’
Q3. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which start with ‘ab’

Strings: DFA: a,b

a) ab
b) aba a b
c) abb Q1 Q2 Q3

d) abbb
e ) abaa b a
f) ababaa
g) abab
and so on ……… a,b
Q4 = Dead State in DFA
• Q 4. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which ends with ‘ab’
Q 4. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which ends with ‘ab’

a) ab
b) aab
c) bab
d) abab a a
e ) baaab
f) abaaaab a b Q3
Q1 Q2
g) aabbab
and so on ………
Q5. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which starts with ‘a’ and ends with ‘b’
Q5. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which starts with ‘a’ and ends with ‘b’

a) ab
b) aab
c) abab
d) abaab b
e ) aaaabb
f) abbbaab a b Q3
Q1 Q2
g) aabbb
and so on ……… b
a, b
DFA Q4 = Dead State in DFA
Q6. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which starts and ends with different symbol.
Q6. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which starts and ends with different symbol.
Strings: a
a) ab
a b
b) aab Q1 Q2 Q3

c) abb
d) aabab a
e ) abaabbab Q4
f) ba b
g) bba Q5
h) bababa
i) bbaba DFA
and so on ………
Q7. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over {a, b},
which starts and ends with same symbol.
Q8. Design DFA which do not accepts set of all strings over
{a, b}, which the end with ba.
Q9. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over
{a, b}, even no of a’s and b’s.
Q9. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over
{a, b}, even no of a’s and b’s.
Q10. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over
{0, 1} divisible by 3. n mod 3 =0
Q11. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over
{0, 1} divisible by 5. n mod 5 =0
Q12. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings over
{a,b} all string with prefix ab

L(M ) = { all strings with prefix }

Q13. Design DFA for given language over the alphabet {a,b}
L(M ) = { an b : n>0 }
Q14.L = { W | W belong to {a,b}* and end with
the substrings ab}
Q15.The language is regular:
L = {awa: w E {a,b}*}
Q16. Design DFA which accepts set of all strings
over {0, 1}, which starts with 00 and ends 11.
Q17. Construct a DFA which accept the
language L = {anbm | n > =1, (m) mod 3 = 1}

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