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In computing, a firewall is a network

security system that monitors and controls
incoming and outgoing network traffic
based on predetermined security rules.

A firewall typically establishes a barrier

between a trusted network and an
untrusted network, such as the Internet.
Thanks GOD!!!
I am safe here
in this room.
Nehra Classes

Are Awesome
Virus Infected System
Having Firewall Enabled

Local Area Network (LAN)

Types of Firewalls
1. Software Firewall:
Such type of Firewall is either Operating System built-in or can be
enabled by installing a software in the computer e.g. antivirus
softwares, total protection softwares, internet security softwares etc.
A software firewall is installed on an individual computer and it
protects that single device. If multiple computers need protection,
the software must be installed on each device.
Types of Firewalls
2. Hardware Firewall:
A Hardware Firewall is a physical device similar to a server that filters
traffic to a computer. Instead of plugging the network cable into the server,
it is connected to the firewall, positioning the firewall between the uplink
and the computer.

Hardware Firewall

Hardware firewalls allow you to protect your entire network from the

outside world with a single physical device. This device is installed
between your computer network and the internet. A hardware
firewall monitors packets of data as they are transmitted.
Types of Firewalls
Hardware Firewall

Hardware Firewall
Working of Firewall
• Firewall is used to control incoming & outgoing traffic in any device or
• Firewall decides which traffic can come in machine (network) & which
can go out of it.
• Firewall can be found at every level in any network. E.g. Computer,
Router, Server & Other Networking Devices.
• Firewall can also forward packets to next machine (network) which
are coming from other machines (networks), if your machine is
working as router.
• Both types of traffic incoming as well as outgoing can be controlled
with Firewall.
Working of Firewall
• Generally no restrictions are there on outgoing traffic from your
machine (PC), by default firewall doesn’t block all outgoing traffic. We
manage outgoing traffic with the help of Proxy Server in network.
• Firewall controls or restricts all incoming traffic except the traffic that
is coming in response of any request, by default on clients (PCs) it
doesn’t allow any unattended traffic to come in. It drops such traffic.
Working of Firewall
Destinatio Destinatio Source
Source Source IP Request
n n IP MAC
Port Address type
Port Address Address


Destinatio Destinatio n
Source Source IP Response
n n IP
Port Address MAC type
Port Address

Personal Computer Server Computer

(Client Machine) (Data Centre)
Working of Firewall
Stop Here !! I am
Sorry, No One is
allowed to visit the
Hi, I want to get Passport Office.
issued my Passport.
Google Main Server

Working of Firewall

Destinatio Destinatio Source

Source Source IP Request
n n IP MAC
Port Address type
Port Address Address

Destinatio Destinatio
Source Source IP n Response
n n IP
Port Address MAC type
Port Address

Personal Computer

Redhat Server
Manging Firewall in Linux (RHEL)
Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL 8)

1. IPTABLES is the default utility to 1. Firewalld is the default service used 1. Only Firewalld is the default
manage and monitor firewall to manage and monitor firewall as well service used to manage and monitor
configuration as well as its its components but IPTABLES can also firewall as well its components.
components. be used.
2. Only IPTABLES command is used to 2. FIREWALL-CMD command is used to 2. Only FIREWALL-CMD command is
manage Firewall. manage Firewall but IPTABLES can also used to manage Firewall.
be used.

3. Packets filtering is possible 3. To use IPTABLES first remove the 3. Only Firewalld can be used, no
through IPTABLES only. Firewalld packages, then install & support for IPATBLES command.
enable IPTABLES.
4. Netfilter is the kernel module used 4. Netfilter is the kernel module used 4. Netfilter is the kernel module
for packet filtering. for packet filtering. used for packet filtering.
5. GUI Package used to manage 5. GUI Package used to manage firewall 5. GUI Package used to manage
firewall is system-config-firewall. is firewall-config. firewall is firewall-config.
Manging Firewall in Linux
Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL 6) Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL 8)

6. /etc/sysconfig/iptables is the 6. /usr/lib/firewalld/services an XML 6. /usr/lib/firewalld/services an XML

default configuration file used to file as well as /etc/firewalld/services file as well as /etc/firewalld/services
manage rules & settings in firewall. configuration files are used. configuration files are used.

7. IPTABLES is responsible at backend 7. IPTABLES is responsible at backend 7. NFTABLES is responsible at backend

for managing the IPTABLES services to for managing the Firewalld daemon & for managing the Firewalld daemon &
filter the packets. services to filter the packets. services to filter the packets.

8. # service iptables status command 8. # systemctl status firewalld 8. # systemctl status firewalld
is used to check the firewall status. command is used to check the firewall command is used to check the firewall
status. status.
Manging Firewall in Linux


Manging Firewall in Linux

Managing Firewall Form GUI in
Firewall Zones in Linux (RHEL)
The predefined zones are stored in the /usr/lib/firewalld/zones/ directory and can be instantly applied to any
available network interface. These files are copied to the /etc/firewalld/zones/ directory only after they are
modified. The default settings of the predefined zones are as follows:
Any incoming network connections are rejected with an icmp-host-prohibited message for IPv4 and icmp6-
adm-prohibited for IPv6. Only network connections initiated from within the system are possible.
For computers in your demilitarized zone that are publicly-accessible with limited access to your internal
network. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.
Any incoming network packets are dropped without any notification. Only outgoing network connections are
For use on external networks with masquerading enabled, especially for routers. You do not trust the other
computers on the network to not harm your computer. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.
Manging Firewall in Linux
For use at home when you mostly trust the other computers on the network. Only selected incoming
connections are accepted.
For use on internal networks when you mostly trust the other computers on the network. Only selected
incoming connections are accepted.
For use in public areas where you do not trust other computers on the network. Only selected incoming
connections are accepted.
All network connections are accepted.
For use at work where you mostly trust the other computers on the network. Only selected incoming
connections are accepted.
One of these zones set as default zone.
Ports Information In Firewall
• Size of one port = 16 bits, each bit may have the value as 0 or 1. So in total only 2 values
are possible for each bit, i.e. 2.
• Total size of bits can be 2^16 = (2)16 = 65536, ranging from (0000000000000000)2 to
• Here binary (0000000000000000)2 = 0 in decimal numbers.
• And binary (1111111111111111)2 = 65535 in decimal numbers.
• Ports ranging from 0 to 1023 are called well known ports are reserved for important
services like:
FTP = 20, 21
SSH = 22
Telnet = 23
SMTP = 25
Ports Information In Firewall
DNS = 53
DHCP = 67, 68
HTTP = 80
POP3 = 110
HTTPS = 443

• Ports ranging from 1024 to 65535 are called as unreserved ports which can be
manually defined and used for other services.

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