Edtech 1

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The field of education technology, also
known as “edtech”, has been around as long as
technology has been used in schools. However,
computers, the Internet, and mobile devices have
given rise to a new revolution of edtech. Along
with this revolution is a whole new vocabulary
and a new audience using these technologies. It
is not just formal educators at learning
institutions, but also parents, tutors, virtual
coaches, and more.
One-to-one (1:1)
Most commonly refers to a program where a school
provides one device (e.g. laptop, tablet, etc) per student.
This is a new initiative and a lot of conflicting reports
exist citing its advantages and disadvantages. Many K-
12 schools are currently running 1:1 pilots to test this
Adaptive Learning
An educational process where the teaching methods
and materials adapt to each students’ pace and level.
Technology is often the vehicle for delivering this
process, since software can change exercises, questions,
and content easily based on previous answers and
actions by a student.
Assistive Technology
Any piece of technology, hardware or software, that
helps a person with disabilities perform everyday tasks
that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. This can
include everything from wheelchairs to screen readers to
text telephones.
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Any communication method that helps individuals
with speech and language impairments to communicate.
AAC technologies are a sub-category of assistive
technologies and include text-to-speech communicators
and picture communicators.
Big Data
A collection of data sets so large that specialized
technologies, techniques, and technicians are required
to process, manage, and store them. An industry has
arisen around the processing and analysis of large
volumes of student data.
A device or mobile app that allows students to
answer a multiple-choice question. The teacher
presents a question to the class, then students use their
clickers to input their answer. Some use this as an
alternative to paper quizzes.
Blended Learning
A teaching practice that combines, or blends,
classroom and online learning. The instruction of a
lesson occurs with both teacher interaction and
computing devices. Also known as Hybrid Learning.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
A teaching framework that classifies learning
objectives from lower order to higher order thinking
skills: Remembering, Understanding, Applying,
Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating. Some criticize
elements within this framework or its real-world
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Also known as Bring Your Own Technology
(BYOT), this is an initiative where students bring their
own mobile devices into the classroom for class
purposes, as opposed to using school-issued devices.
This is often seen as an alternative to 1:1 programs due
to lower maintenance costs, though students without
devices cannot participate.
Classroom Management
A psychological method used by teachers to
minimize classroom disruptions and maximize a
learning environment. Though a number of tactics can
be used, they generally fall into the use of positive or
negative reinforcement.
Cloud Computing
Generic term that refers to the computer
hardware and software that powers the cloud. This
includes servers (a computer with specialized
software on it), data storage, applications, and more.
Education Technology
Any kind of technology that is used for
educational purposes by an educator or educational
institution. Most commonly used in reference to
software utilized in primary, secondary, and higher
education, though it can cover much more than that.
Also known as “edtech.”
Digital Classroom
A classroom that mostly or entirely relies on
electronic devices and software instead of paper and
pens. It is usually characterized by a central computing
device, like a laptop or tablet, and a number of online
software and apps.
Flipped Classroom
A form of blended learning, this is the practice of students
watching lecture material (usually in video form) at
home, then practicing their learnings in an interactive
environment in the classroom. Households without
computers or an Internet connection cannot participate
in this practice, however.
The practice of applying game mechanics
into an activity. Examples of game mechanics
are goals, badges, competition, immediate
feedback, and leveling up.
Hybrid Learning
Synonymous with Blended Learning. See the
Blended Learning definition above.
Instructional Technology
A subset of education technology, this practice
focuses more on the use of technology for
instructional purposes, though the terms are
sometimes used interchangeably.
Learning Management System (LMS)
A piece of software that manages, analyzes, and
runs educational courses and training programs. Also
included are student registration, curriculum
management, skill & competency management, and
reporting features. Most modern LMS packages are
Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
An online course that includes video lectures,
reading materials, problem sets, and a student
community. Supporters see MOOCs as a disruptive
innovation and detractors question its actual
educational efficacy.
Open Educational Resource (OER)
Any online educational material that is freely
accessible and openly licensed for public
consumption. Such materials can be online courses,
lectures, homework assignments, exercises, quizzes,
interactive simulations, games, etc.
Open Source Software
Any piece of software that is freely available
and openly licensed. Other programmers can
contribute to the original software or create their
own versions of it. Most modern websites
incorporate some kind of open source software,
including edshelf!
Student Information System (SIS)
A piece of software that manages student data.
This includes grades, attendance, background
information, discpline records, health records, etc.
Substitution Augmentation Modification
Redefinition (SAMR)
The four levels of this model represent how
integrated technology is into a curriculum, from
substituting non-technical tools with technical ones,
augmenting existing tasks with technology,
modifying existing tasks with technology, to
redefining tasks using technology in ways that were
previously inconceivable.
Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
An acronym that stands for the fields of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics. These
fields are often grouped together because of a national
movement to promote these subjects in the US. This
includes initiatives to integrate their curriculums
together and hopes that such an emphasis will lead to
a stronger high-tech workforce.
Student Response Systems
Synonymous with Clickers. Sometimes also called
Classroom Response Systems or, more generically,
Audience Response Systems. See the Clickers definition
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
A model for how pedagogy, technology, and content
can interact and work together. Often drawn as a Venn
diagram of three intersecting circles, Matthew Koehler
and Punya Mishra created this framework on top of Lee
Shulman’s PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge)
model by adding technology into the mix.

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