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and its balance

 By shishir paudel
Protected plants
 Animals
Importance of animals and birds
Animals that are going to Extinct
One-Horned Rhinoceros
Bengal Tiger
Asiatic Elephant
Red panda
Giant Pied Hornbill
Protected plants
According to Department of Plant Resources, 2006 has listed 10,098
species of plants in Nepal including 5848 species phanerogams among
which 700 species are medicinal plants, 13 species of plants are listed in
CITES Appendices, 16 species are protected by Nepal Government and
60 species are threatened medicinal plants.
Group of Organism No of species globally No of species in Nepal’s
Floral diversity
Representation in world(%)Lichens 20,000 465 2.3Fungi 69,000
1,822 2.4Algae 26,000 687 2.6Bryophytes 16,600 853 5.1Pteridophytes 
11,300 380 3.4Gymnosperms 529 28 5.1Angiosperms 220,000 5,856 2.7
Source: Nepal Biodiversity Strategy, 2002The Red Data Book categories
used by IUCN have been used with the following interpretation
applicable to Nepalese conditions.
Of the total number of species found globally, 3.96
percent mammals.
 3.72 percent butterflies and 8.9 percent of birds.
 There are 26 type of pet animals,9 type of birds, and 3
types of retiles.
 These species are commonly seen in the wild. The
protected species include 26 mammals, nine birds and
three reptiles.
Animals and birds do control and balance our environment.
 They have a great importance in our lives.  Animals are
important in our daily life as well as for other purposes. Such
that we use animals for providing us food, clothing, help in our
 In our country animals are worshipped like snake, bull,
oxen ,cow ,etc.
A Even the small of the smallest of living creature is the part of
the whole eco system. 
Animals that are going to Extinct
Due to the excessive deforestation many animal are being
extinct. Some of them are:
1. One-Horned Rhinoceros
2. Bengal Tiger
3. Asiatic Elephant
4. Red panda
5. Python
6. Giant Pied Hornbill
One-Horned Rhinoceros
The one rhinoceros, also called the greater one-horned
rhinoceros and great Indian rhinoceros, is
a rhinoceros native to the Indian subcontinent. 
 An adult rhino usually weighs between 2-2.5 metric tons.
It is found in chitwan national park and Bardiya national
park in Nepal.
Bengal Tiger
Tigers are the most charismatic and well known largest of
all the Asian big cats.
 Tigers have narrow black, brown or gray stripes on their
heads, bodies and limbs.
Tigers can be differentiated easily since the pattern of
stripes is unique to each individual.
An adult tiger can measure nearly 3 meters from the nose
to the tip of the tail, and can weigh more than 250 kg.
It is mostly found in the forest of Nepal.
Asiatic Elephant

The Asian or Asiatic elephant is the only living species of

the genus Elephas and is distributed in southeast Asia
 from India and Nepal in the west to Borneo in the east. 
Average shoulder height of males is 2.75 m , and average
weight is 4 t , while average shoulder height of females is
2.4ft, and average weight is 2.7 t .
Red panda

The red panda , also called the lesser panda, the red bear-

cat, and the red cat-bear, is a mammal native to the
eastern Himalayas and southwestern China
The head and body length of a red panda measures 50 to
64 cm , and its tail is 28 to 59 cm . Males weigh 3.7 to
6.2 kg and females 3 to 6.0 kg .
It is find at the height of 3500 meter above the sea level.
It is a great snake having life span up to 35
It can be up to 7 meter long.
Its scientific name is Pythonidae.
It belongs to chordata phylum.
Giant Pied Hornbill

The great hornbill  also known as the great Indian

hornbill or great pied hornbill, is one of the larger
members of the hornbill family.
It is found in the Indian subcontinent Southeast Asia.
The great hornbill is a large bird, 95–130 cm long, with
a 152 cm wingspan and a weight of 2.15–4 kg
Thank you
Special thanks goes to sujan lamsal sir for providing such
a nice homework.

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