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Fundamentals of

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology
Do you believe that
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Data, Information, and Knowledge
• Data: Raw facts

• Information: Collection of facts organized in such a way that

they have additional value beyond the value of the facts
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Data and information work the same way. Rules and
relationships can be set up to organize data into useful,
valuable information.

BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Data, Information, and Knowledge
•Process: Set of logically related tasks
performed to achieve a defined outcome
•Knowledge: Awareness and understanding
of a set of information

BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Knowledge Workers (KWs) are people who create,
use, and disseminate knowledge and are usually
professionals in science, engineering, business, and
other areas.
Knowledge Management System (KMS) is an
organized collection of people, procedures,
software, databases, and devices used to create,
store, and use the organization’s knowledge and
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
The Characteristics of Valuable Information
• Accessible - Information should be easily accessible.
• Accurate - Accurate information is error free.
• Complete - Complete information contains all the
important facts.
• Economical - Information should also be relatively
economical to produce.
• Flexible - Flexible information can be used for a variety
of purposes.
• Adequacy: (Sufficiency) - Adequacy means information
must be sufficient in quantity.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
The Characteristics of Valuable Information
• Relevant - Relevant information is important to the
decision maker.
• Reliable - Reliable information can be trusted by users.
• Secure - Information should be secure from access by
unauthorized users.
• Simple - Information should be simple, not overly complex.
Sophisticated and detailed information might not be needed.
• Timely - Timely information is delivered when it is needed.
• Verifiable - Information should be verifiable. This means
that you can check it to make sure it is correct.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
The Characteristics of Valuable Information
• If information is not accurate or complete
• People can make poor decisions, costing
thousands, or even millions, of dollars.
• If information is not relevant, not delivered
to decision makers in a timely fashion, or
too complex to understand
• Information can be of little value to the
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
The Value of Information
Valuable Information
• Can help people and their
organizations perform tasks more
efficiently and effectively
• Can help managers decide whether
to invest in additional information
systems and technology.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
What Is an Information System?
• Is a set of interrelated elements or components
that collect (input), manipulate (process),
store, and disseminate (output) data and
information and provide a corrective reaction
(feedback mechanism) to meet an objective
• System is a group of interrelated component
working together toward a common goal by
accepting inputs and producing output in an
organized transformation process.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
System Concept

BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Input, Processing, Output, Feedback
• Input – Gathering and capturing raw data
• Processing – Converting or transforming data into
useful outputs
• Output – Production of useful information, usually
in the form of documents and reports
• Feedback – Output that is used to make changes to
input or processing activities
• Forecasting - Predicting future events to avoid
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Feedback Mechanism
• The component that helps
organizations achieve their goals.

BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Manual and Computerized IS
– Manual
• is that system where physical registers and account books are
used for keeping proper record of business transactions.
Example: Developing patterns and trends on graph
paper for stock analysis
– Computerized
• is that system where computers and various accounting software
are used for keeping proper record of business transactions. 
Example: Using program trading to track the market and
trade large blocks of stocks when discrepancies
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Computer-Based Information
•A single set of hardware, software,
databases, telecommunications,
people, and procedures that are
configured to collect, manipulate,
store, and process data into
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
The Technology Infrastructure is a set of shared IS
resources that form the foundation of each computer-
based information system.

BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Computer-Based Information Systems
• CBIS components
– Hardware: Computer equipment used to perform
input, processing, and output activities
– Software: Computer programs that govern the
operation of the computer
– Database: Organized collection of facts and
– Telecommunications: Electronic transmission of
signals for communications
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
• CBIS components
– Networks: Connect computers and
equipment in a building, around the country,
and around the world
– Internet: World’s largest computer network
– People: Manage, run, program, and
maintain the system
– Procedures: Strategies, policies, methods,
and rules for using a CBIS
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
Feedback & Control
•Feedback: Feedback is data about
the performance of a system. This step
is helpful for future planning.
•Control: Control involves monitoring
and evaluating feedback to determine
whether a system is moving toward
the achievement of its goal.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
• Resources: People, hardware, software,
data and networks are five basic resources
consist of Information System.
•Activities: Input, Processing, Output,
Storage & Controls. All information
system uses these components to transform
raw material into information product.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
• People Resource: People are required for the
operation of all Information System.
• Specialists: Are people who develop and
operate Information System.
• End Users: Also called users or client.
• Hardware Resources: The hardware
component consists of all the physical devices
used with in the Information System.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
• Media: Media (tangible object on which data
• Software Resources: The computer programmed
used for processing information and control
• Data Resources: Data is raw material of
Information System.
• Network Resources: Networks used for data
communication and internet to exchange
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
• Input of Data Resource: Data about business
transactions and other events must be captured
and prepared for processing by the input or data
entry activity such as recording and editing.
• Processing of Data in to Information: Data
are usually process through calculating:
computing, sorting, organise, analyzed
manipulate data, thus converting data into
information for end user.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
• Storage of Data Resources: Storage is a basic
system component of an Information System in
which data and information are retained in an
organize manner for latter use.
• Output of Information Product: Information in
various forms in transmitted to end users and make
available to them in the output activity.
• Control of System Performance: It involves
measuring performance and taking corrective
decision if required.
BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela
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BULACAN POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Information Systems

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems | Associate in Computer Technology Prepared By: Ms. Lynzel N. Valenzuela

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