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Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology

Department of Computer Engineering

Advanced Database Management
Presentation On

In various fields there is a need to manage geometric, geographic, or spatial data, which means data
related to space. The space of interest can be, for example, the two-dimensional abstraction of
(parts of) the surface of the earth – that is, geographic space, the most prominent example –, a man-
made space like the layout of a VLSI design, a volume containing a model of the human brain, or
another 3d-space representing the arrangement of chains of protein molecules.

Spatial data, which means data related to space.

Data that define a location.

They are special in the sense that they use other techniques than tables

to store these representations. This is because it is not easy to

resent geographic phenomena using tables

Spatial data represent the location, size

and shape of an object on earth

A road map is a visualization of geographic information. A road map is a 2-dimensional object
which contains points, lines, and polygons that can represent cities, roads, and political boundaries
such as states or provinces.
The Spatial option is designed to make spatial data management easier and more natural to users or
applications such as a Geographic Information System (GIS). Once this data is stored in an Oracle
database, it can be easily manipulated, retrieved, and related to all the other data stored in the database.

People do confuse GIS with CAD/CAM systems.

A geographic Information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing,storing,checking and displaying
data related to position on Earth’s surface.

Other types of spatial data that can be stored using the Spatial option besides GIS data include data from
computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) systems. Instead of operating on
objects on a geographic scale, CAD/CAM systems work on a smaller scale such as for an automobile
engine or printed circuit boards.

The differences among these three systems are only in the scale of the data, not its complexity. They might
all actually involve the same number of data points. On a geographic scale, the location of a bridge can vary
by a few tenths of an inch without causing any noticeable problems to the road builders. Whereas, if the
diameter of an engine's pistons are off by a few tenths of an inch, the engine will not run. A printed circuit
board is likely to have many thousands of objects etched on its surface that are no bigger than the smallest
detail shown on a road builder's blueprints.
1) Urban Planning :-Urban planning requires analysis of long historical data using computer for
modelling and simulation. A database management tool, GIS, offers forward data mapping
functions that can be used for displaying geographical information and at backhand data retrieval
functions for 'querying' maps. These front-end and backend operations help analysts and planners
for better management. These analysis help in transportation analysis, land use analysis, pollution
analysis etc. Analysing these type types of data, we can plan for better use of resources and

2) Military Operations :-Spatial data holds crucial importance to the Military Commander in
the battle field as it helps in decision-making in the planning and development of a state’s growth.
Use of GIS in the management of military bases facilitates maintenance of all stores which may be
found on the base. “GIS allows military land and facilities managers to reduce base operation and
maintenance costs, improve mission effectiveness, provide rapid modelling capabilities for
analysing alternative strategies, and improve communication and to store institutional knowledge.”
3) Farming Geographic Information Systems is helpful in being able to map and present
current and future changes in rainfall, temperature, crop production and more. By mapping the
geographical and geological features of current (and potential) farmlands scientists and farmers
could work together in creating more effective and efficient farming techniques; this would
increase production of food in different parts of the world that are facing problems in producing
enough food for the people around them. GIS helps analysing soil data which combines with
historical farming practices to determine which crops are best to plant, where they should be
planted and how to maintain the nutrition level of soil to best benefit the plants.

4) Weather Forecasting GIS is the key component in weather processing systems which allows
instantaneous plotting, interpolation and animation of weather data across any isobaric level of the
atmosphere. GIS has facilitated the incorporation of numerical weather model output into weather
processing systems, upon which the satellite images and topography can be superimposed; an
approach which greatly aids the skill of the weather forecaster.
Generalized Architecture

Generalized Architecture

The architecture of Spatial Database Management System is a three

layered architecture:-
➢ Top layer
➢ Middle layer
➢ Bottom layer

Generalized Architecture
Top layer:
➢ The top layer comprises of the Spatial Data Application through which user
communicate directly with the database.

➢ These Application includes GIS(Geographic Information System),

MMIS(Multimedia Information System) or CAD(Computer Aided Design).

➢ These can be used for capturing, storing, manipulating, analysing,

managing and presenting all types of spatial or geographical data.

Generalized Architecture
Middle layer:

➢ The middle layer is the spatial

database where all of the domain
knowledge are encapsulated.

➢ The Spatial Data Application

Communicates directly with this
layer. This layer interacts directly
with both Application layer and
database server.

➢ This layer has three parts:

1)Interface to Spatial Application
3)Interface to DBMS

Generalized Architecture
1) Interface to Spatial Application:

➢ Abstract Data Types:It includes point, line, region, partitions and graphs

➢ Data Model: Traditionally we store and present spatial data in the form of a
map.There are three basic types of spatial data models for storing
geographic data digitally:-
a)Raster:Grid-cell data structures
b)Vector:Use of vectors for representing geographic features
c)Image:Used for representation of graphical or pictorial data.

Generalized Architecture
1) Interface to Spatial Application:
➢ Interpretation of Spatial Data: It involves searching of useful object in the
given collection of pixels data.
➢ Networks: Spatial Networks are the graphs in which geometric object are
connected to each other by help of edges and vertices.
➢ Data Volume: The growing production of data everyday has exponentially
increased the data volume which are required to be managed and processed
➢ Visualization: Information visualization technique is used to present the
data in a visual form allow users to derive insights from the data, and
support user interactions.

Generalized Architecture
2) Core:
➢ Space Taxonomy: It refers to multitude of description that are available to
organise space.
➢ Spatial Data Types and Operations
➢ Spatial Query Language: The spatial query language has been designed as
an extension of SQL and represent SQL concepts for spatial object and the
integration of spatial operations and relationships.
➢ Index: Spatial indexing is an important mechanism that helps to improve
the spatial database information processing and information management.

Generalized Architecture
3) Interface to DBMS :
➢ Index Structure: Traditional Database uses B-tree for indexing and data
storage but for multidimensional data single indexing is not suitable. So, R-
tree are used for Spatial database indexing.
➢ Spatial Join: A Spatial join is a GIS operation that join data from one
feature layer’s attribute table to another from a spatial perspective.
➢ Cost Functions Selectivity Evaluation: For efficient query optimization it is
important to select highly accurate but efficient cost effective mechanism
for query processing.
➢ Bulk Loading: As massive amount of data are being saved in the Spatial
Database. There requires a management for smooth and concurrent loading
of data.

Generalized Architecture
Bottom Layer:

This layer contains the Object Relational Database Server that stores the
data. It supports both object oriented database model and relational
database model. Object-relational DBMS is capable of dealing with very
large data volumes with great complexity.

Spatial Queries

Spatial Queries

Spatial Queries

Spatial Queries

Advantages of Spatial Database :
❖ Easy to Organize and Maintain as the System of Record: Databases are designed to organize
large amounts of data. All of your data will be in one place as the authoritative data source for
your organization. You won’t have to worry about random GIS files being saved in different

❖ Can be Used with a Variety of Software: Once your data is in a database, you can access that
data from a variety of software applications including Esri’s ArcGIS solutions (depending on
your license level) and the popular open source desktop GIS application QGIS. In addition to
using third-party software applications with your database, you can build your own custom
applications (desktop, web or mobile) to view or edit your data - all without having to convert
your data to another file format.

❖ Multi-user: Multiple people can access and edit the data in the database at the same time,
ensuring that your entire team is working off the same data.

❖ Permissions & Security: You can set permissions on tables or even individual fields to make
sure the right people have read/write access to the right data.
Advantages of Spatial Database :
❖ Maintain Data Integrity: You won’t have to worry about losing one of those files from a
shapefile that makes it unusable

❖ . Back-ups and Versioned Editing: You can backup your database to make sure you don’t
lose any data in case of a crash. You can also enable versioned editing so you can revert to a
previous version of your data if needed.

❖ Spatial Data Analysis: With some minimal SQL skills, you can do some pretty cool spatial
analysis directly with the data (as opposed to using an application). Don’t know any SQL?
There are plenty of free tutorials online that will help you get the basics in no time.

❖ Speed Things Up: You can create spatial indices in your database to optimize spatial queries.
Advantages of Spatial Database :
Disadvantages of Spatial Database :

1.Complex, difficult to design

2. Initial training for users

3. Sustainable hardware.

4. Conversion costs

5. Lots of manual editing may be necessary


Green House Gas Emission Estimations

Objective:To assess the impact of land-use and land cover changes on ground carbon
stock and soil surface flux of CO, NO and CH, in Jambi Province, Indonesia

Initiated by development of land-use/land cover maps and followed by field
measurements Spatial database construction development based on 1986 and 1992
land-useland cover maps that developed from Landsat MSSR and SPOT

Weight of sample components of the tree and streams, branches, twigs, etc were
estimated from equations and literature

Emission rates were developed by plotting and analyzing collected air samples Field
data measurements and GIS spatial data were combined using a Look Up Table of


● Able to quantitatively compare emission changes between 1986 to 1992:

● Determined that there was a loss of 8.3 million tons of Carbon Proportion of
primary forest decreased from 19.2% to 12.5%

● Showed 24% of primary forest was converted into logged forest, shrub. cash

● - Greenhouse gas emission varied depending on the site condition and season.

● -Process gave impacts of greenhouse gas on the soil surface

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