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Product Knowledge

Beverages - Anshuman
Product List

 Fruit Based Beverages

Fruit Drinks
Fruit Juices
Cold Press Juices
 Water
Packaged Drinking Water
Packaged Natural Mineral Water
Water with Added Minerals
 Coconut Water
 Whey based Drink
Product I Fruit Based Beverages

 Classification of Fruit based beverages :-

Fruit Drink - upto 25% fruit content
Nectar - 25-90% fruit content
Fruit Juice - 100% fruit content
Cold Press Juice - Fresh Juices from
fruit & vegetables
Product I Difference

 Fruit Drink :-  Fruit Juice:-

Not 100% juice 100% fruit juice
Contains lesser vitamins & Contains similar amount of
minerals vitamins & minerals
Added sugar No added sugar
Added preservatives No preservatives
Added Colors No added colors
Brands like Real, Tropicana Brands like Real Activ, Tropicana
delight, Maaza etc. 100% Juice etc.
Product I Fruit Based Beverages

 General ingredient used in Fruit based

beverages :-
•Fruit puree/concentrate
•Added Sugar
•Acidity regulator
Product I Fruit Puree/Concentrate Processing

Fruit Reception
Washing & Sorting
Puree extraction
Enzyme deactivation
Pasteurization Concentration
Filteration Filteration
Storage & Blending Storage & Blending
Product I Sugar


•Chemically known as sucrose, sugar

comprises of 1 molecule of glucose and 1
molecule of fructose.
•Extracted commercially from Sugar cane &
Sugar Beets
•Sugar is required by the body to carry out
all functions

Most common types of sugars are:

•Sucrose i.e. Table sugar

•Fructose & Glucose: Honey and fruits
•Lactose: Milk
•Maltose: Malted drinks & Beer
Product I Sugar I Process Flow
Product I Sugar I Molassess

•During the crystallization phase, the liquid in the bed of sugar crystals is molasses

•There are 3 types of molasses; Light, Dark & blackstrap

•The nutritional content in 2 tbsp molasses is as under:-

Product I Sugar I Fuel or Toxic

Fuel for body:- Toxic for body:-

•Mainly, a good source of •Dental carries

carbohydrate •Insulin resistence
•Type-2 Diabetes
•Carbohydrate provides energy •Cancer
•Cardiovascular disorders (Cholesterol)
•Energy, required for proper •Addiction
funtioning of body •Obesity
Product I Flavor

 Flavors consists of 3 sensations :-


 Mainly, of 3 types :-
•Natural : obtained from plant or
animal raw materials
•Natural-identical : Obtained by
synthesis or are isolated through
chemical processes
•Artificial : Flavoring substances
that are not identified in a natural
product intended for
consumption by human being
Product I Methods to Prepare Natural Flavor

1. Solvant Extraction

Mixing 2 solvants & one solvant extracting flavors from other

• Liquid CO2
 Supercritical CO2 is becoming an important commercial and
industrial solvent due to its role in chemical extraction in addition
to its low toxicity and environmental impact.
 The relatively low temperature of the process and the stability of
CO2 also allows most compounds to be extracted with little
damage or denaturing.

• Immiscible Liquids
 Removal of a substance/flavor from a solution or mixture by
dissolving it in another immiscible solvent like alcohol etc. in which
the flavoring substance is more soluble.
Product I Methods to Prepare Natural Flavor

2. Distillation
Based on the principle of difference in melting point of materials

•Vacuum Distillation

 Raw material is heated under vacuum at controlled tempratures,

turning the component into vapour, which is then cooled and
condensed to a purified liquid product.

•Steam Distillation

 Distillation of a liquid in a current of steam, used especially to purify

liquids that are not very volatile and are immiscible with water.
Product I Food Color

 Substance that imparts color to food /


 Comes in many forms :-


 Mainly of 2 types :-

 Color helps in percieving flavor of

Product I Food Color

Purpose of Color Additives :-

Offsetting color loss due to light, air, extremes of temperature, moisture, and
storage conditions.
Masking natural variations in color.
Enhancing naturally occurring colors.
Providing identity to foods.
Protecting flavors and vitamins from damage by light.
Decorative or artistic purposes such as cake icing.


Natural Food Color :-

Dye, pigment or any other substance obtained from seeds, fruits, vegetable, animal,
algae, or mineral.

Synthetic Food Color :-

Also known as Artificial Food Colours, are manufactured chemically and are the
most commonly used dyes in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
Product I Food Color
Product I Acidity Regulator

• Change or maintain pH of food / beverage

• Helps in maintaining acidity or alkalinity

List of some Acidity Regulators (singly or in combination) :-

 Citric acid - E330

 Lactic acid - E270
 L-tartaric acid - E334
 Malic acid - E296
 Phosphoric acid - E338
 Fumeric acid - E297
 Acetic acid - E260
Product I Preservatives

• Preserve food from spoilage

• Spoilage
•Microbial growth
•Chemical changes
• Longer shelf life

List of some Preservatives (singly or in combination) :-

 Sorbic acid
 Na, K, & Ca salts of Sorbic acid
 Benzoic acid
Product I Water

 Earth’s surface is covered by 71% water

 Essential for life – can survive only a few days without water
 97% of the water on the Earth is salt water. However, only 3% percent is fresh
water; slightly over 2/3 of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.
 The remaining unfrozen freshwater is found mainly as groundwater, with only a
small fraction present above ground or in the air.
 Fresh water is a renewable resource

 Source of Fresh Water

• Surface water
• Frozen water
• Ground water
• Rain water
Product I Packaged Drinking Water

 Industrially, Drinking water, mainly, available in

following variants :-
•Packaged Drinking Water
•Packaged Natural Water
•Packaged Water with Added Minerals

 Classification based on FSSAI regulation

 Packaged Drinking Water - Water treated to reduce

TDS & other minerals as per RDA

Packaged Natural Water - Natural water with

permitted TDS & other minerals

Packaged Water with Added Minerals - Water

treated & then minerals are added as per
requirement based on RDA
Product I Water
 Several treatments are currently used in
industies before packaging the water. Some
of them are listed as below :-

• Filteration

• Aeration

• Membrane separation

• Cartridge filter

• Activated carbon filteration

• De-mineralisation

• Re-mineralisation

• Reverse osmosis
Product I Water

 Certain parameters needs to be checked before packaging water. Some of them

are enlisted here as :-

• Color
• Odour
• Total Soluble Solids
• pH
• Nitrates
• Nitrites
• Manganese
• Magnesium
• Zinc
• Flouride
• Iron
• Calcium
• Chlorides
• Sulphates
• Microbial parameters like E. coli, yeast & mould count etc.
Product I Coconut Water

 Coconut Water contains -

•Vitamins B,
•Vitamin C,
•Micro nutrients, and
•less sugar than many sports drinks
and much less sugar than sodas
and some fruit juices

 Coconut water extracted directly

from tender coconut & packed
Product I Coconut Water I Process Flow

Receiving and storage of coconuts

Preliminary washing of coconuts in potable water
Sanitizing with chlorinated water for 15 minutes i.e. 300 ppm 5% chlorine bleach (1
oz or 1 tablespoon of bleach per 4.5 liters of water)
Storage of coconuts in a clean environment and air drying off the ground
Cutting of coconuts on a sanitized plastic cutting board or stainless steel table
Filtering of the coconut water through a SS mesh and cheese cloth
Collection of coconut water in a sanitized container (4 ºC)
Transfer to a cooling tank, or to a freezer, and chill to 4ºC
Rapidly filling coconut water in sanitized bottles with automatic
capping & sealing and immediately cooling in ice or in a freezer
Sterilize the sealed bottles
Store at 4ºC
Product I Coconut Water

 Coconut water helps in -

•Replenishes the body
•Helps to prevent heart attacks
•Lowers high blood pressure
•Can have anti-aging effects
•Fights free radicals to help prevent cancer
•Contains trans-zeatin which can be used to treat Alzheimer’s disease or
•Have bioactive enzymes help in the digestion and metabolism
Product I Whey

 Whey
•A liquid, resulted as a by-product of Paneer, cheese, greek yogurt etc.
•Contains less fat (<0.2%)
 Whey, classified, on the basis of its pH as :-
•Sweet whey
•Acid whey

 Sweet Whey :-
•whey resulting from cheese that is cultured or curdled with rennet instead of
additional acid.
•pH - More than 5.1
 Acid Whey :-
•whey resulting from cheese in which an acid (like vinegar or lemon juice) has
been added to aid in the curdling process.
•Less than 5.1
Product I Application of Whey

 Whey protein concentrate Electrodialysis MF
Removal of
 Whey protein powder bacteria & fat
 Whey based beverages whey
Demineralized WPC
 As an ingredient in several whey (10-25%
products like ice cream,
Whey Protein WPC
milk shakes, lemonade, Isolate (WPI) (35-85%
 Doughing
 As feed to cows & buffalos
 Composting
Product I Whey Based Beverages

 General ingredients used in whey based beverages :-

Consumable Whey
Fruit concentrate
Acidity regulator

 Methods to made whey consumable :-

Adding culture
Filteration - Micro & Ultra

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