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S T .

A L E X I U S College
Contemporary Philippine
Arts from the Regions 12

Teacher Jose
S T . A L E X I U S College
S T . A L E X I U S College

Precious Lord, St. Alexius ran away

from home disguised as a beggar in
order to pursue his vocation. Later, he
returned as a beggar keeping his true
identity hidden.

S T . A L E X I U S College

But his parents who were kind to the

needy, invited him in.

For seventeen years, they let him live in a

corner under their stairs, seeing him only
as a homeless man. There, he prayed and
taught the faith to children.

S T . A L E X I U S College

I ask him to intercede for the homeless.

Lead them to the ministries and
organizations that will supply their needs
and draw out the gifts that they can offer.

S T . A L E X I U S College

O Jesus, fill my heart with Your kindness

toward them. Saint Alexius, pray for us.


S T . A L E X I U S College
Identity and Core Purpose

St. Alexius College is a duly recognized and accredited

institution founded by Dr. Arturo P. Pingoy and Dr. Amparo
Y. Pingoy in 1971, to provide education and training for
regional and socio-economic development.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Identity and Core Purpose

Inspired by the founders’ belief that “education is the key to

social mobility”, and enlivened by the virtues of St. Alexius,
the institution integrates theory, praxis, research and
community service to form principled, competent and
productive citizens who make a difference in society.

S T . A L E X I U S College

St. Alexius College is an educational prime mover in the

region, particularly in Allied Health and Basic Education,
forming ethical, competent and development-oriented
graduates for a meaningful life in a globalizing society.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Core Values
St. Alexius College will pursue its vision-mission within an
environment that embraces:

S T . A L E X I U S College
Aims of the Integrated School Department
The Integrated School Department of St. Alexius College
aims to provide high quality, learner-centered, holistic and
inclusive basic education where:
 Students are actively engaged and motivated to learn.
 Teachers are reflective designers and competent
facilitators of instruction.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Aims of the Integrated School Department
 Administrators and staff ensure a safe, healthy and
nurturing school environment.
 Parents work in partnership with the school in
developing mindful, well-rounded individuals.
 Community and other stakeholders provide opportunities
for culture-based, relevant and meaningful learning.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Senior High School Program Goal

The Integrated School Department of St. Alexius

College, Inc. aims to provide high quality, learner
centered, holistic and inclusive basic education to
develop a positive character, healthy lifestyle,
academic competence, a deep love for culture and
learning and skills for future career.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Checking of Attendance

S T . A L E X I U S College
Online Class Rules
1. Log in 5 minutes before your class time at around 7:55 am.
This is to give time for the teacher to admit you in the class.

2. To avoid unnecessary noise, mute your microphone. You

can turn it on when it is time for you to speak.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Online Class Rules
3. For the teacher to see you, turn on your video.

4. Use the ‘raise hand’ option if you want to ask or answer

questions and/or want to say something.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Online Class Rules

5. Listen attentively and participate actively. I'll be giving

points for those who will participate in our activities later.

6. Prepare your ballpens/markers and lapboards/notebooks as

well as necessary materials for the activity and discussion.

S T . A L E X I U S College
1 Discuss the Value of Art;

Appreciate the Four

At the end of 2 Coordinates of Art
the lesson, the Criticism; and
should be able
to: Identify how to critique
3 an Artwork.

S T . A L E X I U S College
The Value of Art

S T . A L E X I U S College
Aesthetic Value
• The concept of “aesthetic value” refers to the value which
causes an object to be a “work of art”. This is a quality which
appeals to our sense of beauty.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Intellectual Value
• An artwork stimulates thought. It enriches our mental life by
making us realize fundamental truths about ourselves, about
other human beings, and about the world around us.

S T . A L E X I U S College
• This is the quality associated with the emotional power of art.
Great works of art move us deeply and stir our feeling and
imagination, giving and evoking visions above and beyond the
plain of ordinary life and experience.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Spiritual Value
• Art elevates the spirit by bringing out moral values which
make us a better person. The capacity to inspire is part of the
spiritual value of art.

S T . A L E X I U S College
• A great work of art endures. It can be viewed again and again
as each encounter gives fresh delight and new insights and
opens new worlds of meaning and experience. Its appeal is

S T . A L E X I U S College
• Great art is timeless and timely. It is forever relevant and
appeals to one and all, anytime, anywhere because it deals
with elemental feelings, fundamental truths, and universal

S T . A L E X I U S College
• This is the peculiar way in which an artist sees his subject,
forms of ideas, and expresses them. Great artworks are
marked as much by their memorable substance as well as by
their distinctive style. Style should suit content.

S T . A L E X I U S College
• Artistic forms are skeletal structures or conceptual
frameworks designed to support or enclose parts of the works
of art. It is the organization, arrangement, or framework of an

S T . A L E X I U S College
Four Coordinates of Art

S T . A L E X I U S College
• Every work of art, such as poem, a novel, an essay, a play, a
musical piece, paintings, etc., has four basic coordinates:
• Subject matter;
• The Artist;
• The Audience; and
• Its own form

S T . A L E X I U S College
Subject Matter
• With respect to subject matter, art is an imitation, depiction, or
representation of some aspect of nature or life.
• According to subject matter, art may be classified into two

S T . A L E X I U S College
Subject Matter
1. Representational or Figurative Art
- portrays or depicts something other than its own form.
Examples: Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa
2. Non-representational or Non-objective Art
- represents nothing except its own form. Examples: the
Pyramids of Eygpt, the symphonies of Mozart.

S T . A L E X I U S College
The Artist, Writer, or Creator
• Form the point of view of the artist, art is a means of
expression, a medium for communicating an idea, an emotion
or some other human experience, an impression of life, a
vision of beauty.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Audience or Readers
• From the viewpoint of the audience, art is experience, for
what is a poem unless one can read it.

S T . A L E X I U S College
• With respect to the form, art is a composition, a whole
consisting various parts or elements.

S T . A L E X I U S College
How to Critique Artworks

S T . A L E X I U S College
Describe what you see
• This is the objective portion of the art critique. It involves a
technical description – nothing more. It should include things

S T . A L E X I U S College
• Artist’s name
• The title of work
• Type of Artwork
• The subject of the painting (scene)
• Objects in the painting
• First impression
• Colors used
• Shapes, lines, and texture
• Light saturation
• Sensory qualities. Identify the predominant mood and visual
S T . A L E X I U S College
Analyze the artwork
• Evolve the art criticism from a technical description to an in-
depth examination of how the technical elements were utilized
by the artist to create the overall impression conveyed by the

S T . A L E X I U S College
Interpret the artwork
• This part of an art critique is more objective than the others, as
you are expected to use your analysis of the technical aspects
of the piece of art apply your own supposition to the artist’s
intended purpose for the artwork.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Evaluate the artwork
• This is a summation of the art criticism process leading up to
this point. Use your analysis and interpretation to draw
conclusions and reach judgments about the artwork.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Use art vocabulary in your art critique
• Remember, there are no incorrect descriptions when you
critique artwork. Your goal is not to say whether or not the art
is good, but rather to impart as best you can visceral response
the artwork incites.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Reminders for the next
1. Clean your table in preparation for the next

2. Wash your hands and sanitize your study

area after each class.

S T . A L E X I U S College
Reminders for the next
3. Join your next class 5 minutes before the actual
time around ____am.

In our school policy, three tardiness is equivalent
to 1 day absence.

S T . A L E X I U S College

S T . A L E X I U S College
A Pleasant Alexian Day!

S T . A L E X I U S College

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