Effective Speaking

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Assistant Professor
Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
What are Speaking Skills ?
 Ability to convey one’s message or
information, verbally, in a proper and suitable manner

 Ability to express oneself clearly in front of others

 Ability to express one’s ideas, feelings, and thoughts

 Ability to give one’s opinion in different matters

What Are Speaking Skills?

7% • Verbal (words spoken)

38% • Vocal (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice)

• Visual (physical appearance, gestures, eye contact)

Speaking consist of 3 parts

To Speak

To Speak.

To Speak

“ T h e man who can think and does not know how to

express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot
Why to Speak
• Not just “presentation”, but also

The Key Point

(Where you took them)
What to Speak
1. Brainstorming:
Individual Brainstorming is the process of you getting your
ideas out on paper
2. Speaking with the format:
IBC :- I- Introduction, B- Body, C- Conclusion,
3. Aiming to persuasion :
Being Confident and passionate is the key for persuasion
4. Perfect Clarity of thoughts
How to Speak
Speak like a STAR

S= Situation
T= Task
A= Attitude
R= Result
Three E’s of speaking

• Entertainingly
• Effectively
• Enthusiastically
Salient Features of Speaking
• Commanding yet friendly voice
• Perfect clarity of language, thoughts and ideas.
• Listener Friendly
• Comprising of anecdotes, wit and humour
• Avoiding Monotony
• Creating a bond between speaker and listener
• Speed
• Clarity
• Punctuation
• Pronunciation
• Familiarity
• Fluency
• Expressions
Importance of Speaking Skills
 Help create understanding

 Help express oneself to others

 Help a person grow socially in his personal and professional


 Help avoid conflicts

How do speaking skills help us avoid conflicts ?

 By knowing the proper words and the proper way to use them, we can
definitely work our way through a conflicting situation and ease the
tension build-up

 Silence is not always good

 Speaking up is better and it’s about being honest about our experience in
a way that is respectful to ourselves and to those around us.
Some important aspects of voice

 Tone

 Intonation

 Pronunciation

 Flow/Pace

 Pitch
Types of Speaking
Speaking to Inform

 When a person gives a speech before an audience to impart information

on a particular topic or issue it said to be an informative speech. Business
presentations, seminars in colleges, class presentations in schools are
some examples of informative speeches. A person preparing for an
informative speech has to research the subject / topic very well. It should
be short and precise because long informative speeches (lectures) easily
bore the audience. The success of an informative speech will depend on
how much the audience could understand from the speech.
Speaking to Persuade

 Persuasive speeches are those where one tries to persuade or convince

a group of people.
These speeches aim to influence and change the opinions of the
audience. This can be a difficult task as you would be facing a group of
people who may have totally opposite views from your own. The most
important point that has to be kept in mind here is that if you want to
influence others' views and ideas, you have to show your enthusiasm
while speaking.
Speaking to Actuate

 Speaking to actuate is a higher level of persuasive speaking. Here, the

speaker goes a step beyond persuasion and convincing. The aim is to
motivate people enough to take a specific step—to act. This is a powerful
level of speaking. Very few people have achieved this level of mastery of
the art of persuasion where they could so deeply convince people that
they move into action.

 This type of speech is common in conflict (war) situations. It is also seen

in action whenever a speaker not only tries to garner support for some
cause or reason but wants the people he’s speaking to join him in
actualizing it through concrete action. It is characterized by a show of
charisma, very strong words, and great emotional involvement.
 A speech of this type typically does not rely on facts and figures, though
they may be offered. The speaker’s aim is to get his listeners so
emotionally enthralled that they wholesomely adopt his idea, his
principles, his reasoning, as theirs and literally take up the cross and
share his burden. Sometimes, listeners may be so deeply moved that they
take up the cause more seriously than even the person who’s invited
them into it! This sometimes happens among militia groups where
members of a mob overthrow their leader accusing him of not being
“aggressive enough” in the fight for their common cause. They go on to
introduce tougher measures to the dismay of their deposed leader. This is
the pinnacle of persuasive speaking and, indeed, of public speaking.
Speaking to Entertain

 Ceremonial speeches are another form of public speaking usually given

at weddings, funerals, graduation parties, retirement parties etc. One
very important factor to make these speeches effective is to add a
personal touch.
 One gives these speeches for people one knows and it would be great if
one can bring in stories and incidents about the respective person. The
speech can be humorous, touching or emotional, as per the occasion and
the mood. However, one should take utmost care not to hurt feelings by
making snide remarks about them.
A good speech has following characteristics or
• Dynamic: Dynamism is an important quality of a good speech. There
must e variation in style, tone, voice, approach depending on the
situation and timing otherwise audience will lose their attention and
will suffer form monotonous presentation.

• Informal Talk: Speech should be like an informal talk. A good speech is

closer to a personal and informal chat between two intimate friends.
When you speak there should be a perfect rapport between you and
your audience.
• Clear: Clarity is the first major characteristic of a good speech. A
speech must be successful in conveying the (message) ideas or
emotions, facts or arguments to the audience that the speaker
wants to express. If the audience does not instantly grasp your
point, you have failed as a speaker.

• Vivid and Concrete: A good speech is vivid and concrete in

nature. Include facts in a concrete and comprehensive way. No
irrelevant or in comprehensive mater should be included in a
speech. For example, the population of India is growing at an
accelerating rate of 2.3% is a vivid statement.
• Brevity: Brevity is an important characteristic of a good speech.
Speech should be shorter and concrete but comprehensive. The
concentration of average audience does not last more than
fifteen to twenty minutes. So, it is better to wrap up your speech
within five to twenty minutes.

• Interesting: A good speech is always interesting. Quotations,

anecdotes and humors make a speech vivid and interesting. An
interesting speech always wins the attention of the audience.
• Audience Oriented: A good speech is always audience
oriented. The speaker must deliver the speech in such a way
as desired by the audience. The speaker should consider
the age, education, social and economic condition, number
etc. of audience to prepare his speech accordingly.

• Free From Error: A good speech is always free from error.

Error in speech can make the audience confused and loose
the personality of the speaker.
• Authentic: The facts and figure presented in a speech must
be authentic and true. False statement or information
misleads the audience and hamper the acceptability of

• Well Organized: A good speech is always well organized and

well arranged. The pats or points of a speech should be
organized in logical sequence to attract and retain h
attention of the audience.
Qualities of the best speakers
1.Stand erect distributing your weight on both the legs. Do not hold
onto the mike or to the podium for support.

2.Have a good posture and appearance. Do not lean on the podium.

3.Be confident, relaxed and energetic. Do not play with your clothes
or fingers.
4. Wear clothes that befit the occasion.
5.Convey sincerity, conviction and enthusiasm for the subject.
6.Begin the speech, after passing for a few seconds, looking over the
7.Open the speech with a striking, catchy introduction looking into the
eyes of the audience.
8. Have a conversational tone.
9. Establish eye contact with the audience.
10. Use gestures to emphasize and clarify your points.
11.Allow your hands, to fall naturally to your sides, when not gesturing.
12. Have enough voice projection.
13. Modulate your voice.
14.Speak at moderate speed. Do not rush through.
15. Pause before and after important ideas.
16. Have pleasant mannerisms.
17. Do not read your speech.
18. Manage time.
19.Close the speech with a striking, impressive, concluding
20.Stop, while the audience is still eager to hear more.
Characteristics of effective public speakers
• Confidence: Be certain that you will give a spectacular
presentation. Your audience wants to root for you. Give
them a reason to do so by being secure in your abilities.
• A study published by the University of Wolverhampton
stated that a highly confident speaker is viewed as more
credible than a less confident speaker.
• Passion: You need to exude a level of sincerity in your
emotion when communicating to your audience if you want
them to be moved by your presentation.

• Practice, don’t memorize: Memorization can set up a barrier

between you and your audience so practice with the full
expectation that something unanticipated will happen.
• Speak in a natural voice: In general you should try to speak
in a conversational tone. Any connection you’ve made with
your audience could be broken by tones that seem ‘fake’ or
‘too perfect’.
• Keep it Short and Sweet: You want to make sure that your
presentation is easily understandable for those listening to
• Connect with your Audience: A skilled presenter knows that
public speaking is a conversation with the audience and
navigates the energy of the room with material that best
connects his message with the audience. Don't speak to
your audience, speak with them.

• Paint a Picture through Storytelling: Humans are wired for

stories. This is why the best
presentations don’t feel like presentations, they are
simply stories told by people with interesting experiences.
• Know your audience. Great communicators know exactly
who will be sitting in the crowd and will tailor their message
to that audience.

• Make sure you know who will be in the room and where
they come from.
• Speak with the appropriate energy, passion, tone, and
language for your audience.

• Pay attention to the signs of an engaged audience.

• Look for eye contact, heads nodding in agreement,

and other indicators of an actively listening audience.
• Have a crystal clear focus. What are you trying to get
across to your audience?

• Before you even write your sermon or speech, know

the concise answer to this question.

• If you don’t know, then your audience won’t either.

• To hit your target, you have to know where you’re aiming.

• Have a roadmap for where you are taking your


• Clarity is the key to articulating your points without

• Win the hearts of your audience. All of the engaging church
leaders and speakers that I have heard won the hearts of
their audience members.

• They are authentic, transparent, and down to earth.

• Remember that majority of communication is

• People more relaxed appear more confident and make their

audiences more comfortable.

• Engage your audience with humor and tell your stories,

but remember that clear content is key.
• Evaluate yourself regularly. Do you evaluate yourself and
receive feedback from your church staff on a weekly basis?

• Are you focused on doing whatever you can to improve

your communication?

• Watch videos of yourself to help improve style and


• Be sure to remain open for constructive criticism.

• Use a tablet or cell phone to record your content, and pay
attention to the things that you can improve.

• Pay attention to facial expressions, repeated words, and the

filler words that you continually use out of habit.

• Once you see yourself speaking, it is far easier to

change ineffective behavior.

Keep it Short and Sweet.
Connect with your Audience.
Paint a Picture Through Storytelling.
Some important speaking skills during
public speaking
 Research a topic
 Organize your ideas logically
 Employ quotations, facts, and statistics
 Incorporate humor
 Start strong, end stronger
 Analyze the audience
 Punctuate words with gestures
 Vary vocal pace, tone, and volume
 Interact with audience by holding a Q&A session
 Seek feedback
 Convince or persuade listeners when necessary
 Act and speak ethically

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