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Mood Disorders

Ivan Suneel Samuel Forman Christian College

General characteristics of Depression and Mania

Depression is an emotional state marked by great sadness and apprehension, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, withdrawal from others, loss of sleep, appetite, and sexual desire, or loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities. Depressed individuals may speak slowly, after long pauses, using few words and a low monotonous voice. Many prefer to sit alone and remain silent. Others are agitated and can not sit still. They pace, wring their hands, continually sigh and moan, or complain.

General characteristics of Depression and Mania..

Depressed people may neglect personal hygiene. Utterly dejected and completely without hope and initiative, they may be apprehensive, anxious, and despondent much of the time. Depression in children often results in somatic complaints, such as headaches or stomach aches. In adults depression is often characterized by distractibility and complaints of memory loss.

General characteristics of Depression and Mania..

Mania is also an emotional state or mood of intense but unfounded elation accompanied by irritability, hyperactivity, talkativeness, fight of ideas, distractibility, and impractical grandiose plans. Some people suffer from episodes of depression and then suddenly become manic. There have been cases in which there is no depression reported but mania has been manifested in one or two episodes. However, this is rare. The episode of mania could last from several days to several months.

Formal Diagnostic Listings

Two major mood disorders are listed in DSM-IV, Major depression, also referred to as unipolar depression and bipolar disorder.

Presence of five of the following symptoms is required for the formal diagnosis of depression and that too for two weeks at least: Sad, depressed mood, most of the day, nearly every day Loss of interest in usual activities Sleep problems Poor appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain Loss of energy

Negative self concept; self reproach and self blame, feelings of worthlessness and guilt. Complaints or evidence of difficulty in concentrating, such as slowed thinking and indecisiveness Recurrent thoughts of suicide or death

Increase in activity levelat work, socially, or sexually Unusual talkativeness, rapid speech Flight of ideas or subjective impression that thoughts are racing Less than usual amount of sleep needed Inflated self esteem; belief that one has special talents, powers, and abilities Distractibility; attention easily diverted Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that are likely to have undesirable consequences (reckless spending)

Chronic Mood Disorders

In Cyclothymic disorder, the person has frequent periods of depressed mood and hypomania.

In Dysthymic disorder the person is chronically depressed. Many patients who are chronically depressed may also have episodes of major depression as well.

Theories of Mood Disorders

Psychoanalytic Theory of Depression: Freud theorized that the potential for depression is created early in childhood. Lets Discuss Becks theory of Depression: According to Beck, in childhood and adolescence depressed individuals acquire a negative schema. Negative triad: negative view of the self, the world, and the future.

Theories of Mood Disorders

Learned helplessness theory is that an individuals passivity and sense of being unable to act and control his or her own life is acquired through unpleasant experiences and traumas that the individual tried unsuccessfully to control, bringing on the sense of helplessness, which leads to depression (Seligman, 1974). Interpersonal theory of Depression


Theories of Bipolar Disorders

Genetic Factor: About 10 to 25 percent of the first degree relatives of bipolar patients also have experienced an episode of mood disorder. Concordance rate for bipolar disorder in identical twins is about 72 percent and in fraternal twins about 14 percent.


Neurochemistry and Mood Disorders

The theory involving norepinephrine is most relevant to bipolar disorder. A low level of norepinephrine leads to depression and a high level to depression. Serotonin theory suggests that a low level of serotonin produces depression


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