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1. Which of the following states that the universe
originated from a singularity that expanded
A. Big Bang Theory.
B. Steady State Theory
C. Eternal Inflation Theory
D. Oscillating Universe Theory
2. Which of the following states that the universe is
continually being created at various parts of
the universe?
A. Big Bang Theory
B. Steady State Theory.
C. Eternal Inflation Theory
D. Oscillating Universe Theory
3. Which of the following states that the entire
solar system started as a large cloud of gas that
contracted due to self-gravity?
A. Nebular Hypothesis.
B. Condensation Theory
C. Encounter Hypothesis
D. Protoplanet Hypothesis
4. It is a system composed of four major spheres
that interact with one another to help sustain
A. Earth. C. Mercury
B. Mars D. Venus
5. All living organisms of the earth, including those
on the air, land, and water, are considered part
of which subsystem?
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere
B. Biosphere. D. Hydrosphere
6. It makes up the solid portion of the Earth.
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere.
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
7. It is the totality of Earth’s water.
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere.
8. It is the mixture of gases that surround the
A. Atmosphere C. Geosphere
B. Biosphere D. Hydrosphere
9. Which is the inner most layer of the Earth?
A. Crust C. Outer core
B. Inner core D. Mantle
10. Which is the outer most layer of the Earth?
A. Crust. C. Outer core
B. Inner core D. Mantle
11. Which is the thickest layer of the Earth?
A. Crust C. Outer core
B. Inner core D. Mantle.
12. It is defined as a naturally-occurring,
inorganic solid with a definite chemical
composition and an ordered internal structure.
A. Atom C. Mineral.
B. Element D. Rock
13. Which of the following physical properties is
the color of the mineral in its powdered form?
A. Color C. Luster
B. Cleavage D. Streak.
14. A mineral describes the appearance of light as
it is reflected off its surface?
A. Cleavage C. Luster.
B. Fracture D. Specific gravity
15. The most obvious property of a mineral,
and it is often used in identification?
A. Color. C. Fracture
B. Cleavage D. Luster
16. A mineral that breaks cleanly along smooth
planes has __.
A. cleavage. C. hardness
B. fracture D. specific gravity
17. A mineral that doesn’t breaks cleanly along
smooth planes has __.
A. cleavage C. hardness
B. fracture. D. luster
18. It is a measure of the density of a mineral.
A. Cleavage C. Luster
B. Fracture D. Specific gravity.
19. It is naturally-occurring, coherent
aggregate of minerals or solid materials such
as natural glass or organic matter.
A. Atom C. Mineral
B. Element D. Rock.
20. Rocks such as igneous, sedimentary,
metamorphic undergo various processes to
change its classification. The interrelationship
between those rocks is called __.
A. carbon cycle C. phosphorus cycle
B. oxygen cycle D. rock cycle.
21. Igneous rocks are classified by __.
A. density and texture
B. grain size and color
C. mineral composition and texture.
D. mineral composition and hardness
22. Sedimentary rocks are classified by __.
A. sediment size alone
B. sediment size and hardness.
C. mineral composition and color
D. sediment size or chemical composition
23. Metamorphic rocks are classified according
to __.
A. extent of melting
B. grain size or sediments color
C. degree of foliation or recrystallization.
D. chemical composition or sediment size
24. The process that transports rocks, soil, and
sediments to a different location is called __.
A. erosion C. sedimentation
B. mass wasting D. weathering.
25. The gradual breaking of rocks into smaller
pieces is called __.
A. erosion C. sedimentation.
B. mass wasting D. weathering
26. A bulk movements of soil, sand, and rock
debris downslopes in response to the force of
A. Erosion. C. Sedimentation
B. Mass wasting D. Weathering
27. A mixture of molten rock, minerals, and gases.
A. Lahar C. Magma
B. Lava D. Rock
28. When magma never reaches the surface and
cools to form intrusions the resulting rocks are
called __.
A. extrusive rocks C. metamorphic rocks
B. intrusive rocks D. sedimentary rocks
29. When magma does reach the surface during a
volcanic eruption, the rocks that form there are
called __.
A. extrusive rocks C. metamorphic rocks
B. intrusive rocks D. sedimentary rocks
30. How is magma made at subduction zone?
A. Frictional heating as one plate slides over another.
B. Increased pressure leads to melting at the subducting
C. Increased temperature that leads to melting at the
subducting plate.
D. Water released from the subducting plate lowers the
melting point of the overlying mantle.
31. The process by which rising the
temperature and pressure, or changing
chemical conditions, transform rocks and
A. Magmatism C. Plutonism
B. Metamorphism D. Volcanism
32. Alfred Wegener is the proponent of the theory of
continental drift. Continental drift suggest that __.
• A. the plates runs past each other
• B. the continents never moves apart
• C. the crust moves into the lower mantle to create
new magma
• D. the seven continents was once part of the super
continent called Pangea
33. Continental coastlines appear to fit
together like __.
A. clay model C. mud model
B. jigsaw puzzle D. crossword puzzle
34. A boundary between tectonic plates that move
away from each other is called __.
A. convergent boundary C. separation boundary
B. divergent boundary D. transform boundary
35. A boundary between tectonic plates that slide
past each other is called __.
A. convergent boundary C. separation boundary
B. divergent boundary D. transform boundary
36. A boundary between tectonic plates that move
toward each other is called __.
A. convergent boundary C. separation boundary
B. divergent boundary D. transform boundary
37. Rocks formed from the cooling and hardening
of hot liquid magma are called __ rocks.
A. igneous C. mineral
B. metamorphic D. sedimentary
38. Rocks that are formed when the other forms of
rock are under extreme heat and pressure are
called __ rocks.
A. igneous C. mineral
B. metamorphic D. sedimentary
39. Rocks formed from sediment that is
compressed over time and becomes solid are
called __ rocks.
A. igneous C. mineral
B. metamorphic D. sedimentary
40. Which layer of the atmosphere where all
weather occurs?
A. Exosphere C. Stratosphere
B. Mesosphere D. Troposphere

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