Ch7 - Pervasive Themes in It

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• IT in Education
• IT in Business
• IT in Manufacturing
• IT in Medical & Healthcare
• IT in Transportation
• IT in Financial Institution
• IT in Entertainment
• IT in Other Related Field
IT in Education
IT in Education
• Information Technology has significant effect in Education field,
largely on speeding up the information delivery process, in turns
improving the education environment.
• The use of IT in educational field making sure that the costs of
accessing educational materials became lower and it also makes it
easy for students to learn from anywhere (eg; online information like
notes, videos and etc)
IT in Education
• Information Technology makes it easy for anyone to access academic
material at any time. Both students and the teachers can exchange those
material easily by using the platform provided by IT. 
• As an example, most universities nowadays provides students learning
center website that provide the service to the lecturers to share their
materials (notes and assignment) and it can be downloaded by accessing
the website (eg; UiTM has iLearn)
• E-book also available widely as it has replaced the old way of borrowing
books from the library. The availability is also greatly improved as
students can have multiple copies of the same e-book as much as they
IT in Education
• E-Learning courseware, is a full worth of educational material bundled
together in format that intended to be use in a computer (eg; MOOC).
• It is currently widely available on the internet which can be access
freely or with subscription. This enabled the long-distance learning to
be implemented in various universities nowadays.
• As an example, the largest university in the world Indira Gandhi
National Open University, has student enrollment of more than 4
million. They achieve the number by implementing distance learning
approach of e-Learning.
IT in Education
• The facilities provided by the educational body (eg; school /
university) also play an important role for the IT support in Education.
• Computer installed with required software has become an custom in
any levels of educational body as the students from early ages are
being exposed to technologies to support their learning process.
• Internet access is also come along as one of the facilities and these
allows students improve their learning environment.
IT in Business
IT in Business
• To compete in a business field, investing money in Information
Technology in business is essential. IT allows a business to grow their
business and get a new opportunity to do more businesses.
• Currently, online shopping, digital marketing, social networking,
digital communication and cloud computing etc are the best examples
of change which came through the wave of information technology.
• Accurate business planning, effective marketing, global sales,
systematic management, real time monitoring, instant customer
support and long term business growth cannot be achieved at the
optimum level without IT.
IT in Business
• Customer satisfaction is an important if not the most important
element in a business success. An effective communication is the key
towards achieving this.
• The Internet technology allow the business to communicate to their
customer in real-time thus allowing them to communicate with the
customer effectively whether to help them solves problem or
attracting new customer to the business.
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is usually used by
an enterprise to in assisting them to manage their customer in terms
of understand their customer behavior and future needs.
IT in Business
• Resources management is crucial in business success. Resources such
as financial and human resource needed to be manage effectively as
it is a property that cannot be oversee by any company.
• Information technology has played a vital role in automating such
complex problems by introducing user friendly solutions.
• Internet and Cloud technology enables software engineers to
introduce cloud based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions. 
• Now, the managers can manage or monitor their organizational
resources virtually anywhere in the world by using their personal
computer, laptops, tablets or Smartphone.
IT in Manufacturing
IT in Manufacturing
• An enormous amount of information is generated and used during the
design, manufacture, and use of a product to satisfy customer needs and
to meet environmental requirements.
• Information technology can enable huge improvements in the operation,
organization, and effectiveness of information-intensive manufacturing
processes and activities, largely by facilitating their integration.
• Factories equipment and station, entire manufacturing enterprises,
suppliers, partners, and customers located throughout the world can be
more effectively connected and integrated through the use of
information technology.
IT in Manufacturing
• Internet of Things (IoT) is used in manufacturing in such revolutionary
ways by connecting technologies, has streamlined and simplified
various manufacturing processes.
• IoT can provide real-time feedback and alerts companies of defects or
damaged goods. These simple yet critical implementations of IoT
reduce cost and waste.
• Further incorporation of IoT, Industry 4.0 “represents the vision of the
interconnected factory where equipment is online, and in some way is
also intelligent and capable of making its own decisions.”
IT in Manufacturing
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a machine that has the ability to learn and
adopt intelligent human behavior. These advanced algorithms are
transforming the way the manufacturing industry collects
information, performs skilled labor, and predicts consumer behavior.
• Smart factories with integrated IT systems provide relevant data to
both sides of the supply chain more easily, increasing production
capacity by a lot.
• Quality is no longer sacrificed for efficiency, as machine learning
algorithms determine which factors impact service and production
quality – replacing human hands / sense.
IT in Manufacturing
• Traditionally, robots have been used to perform tedious, repetitive tasks on the
assembly line.
• Nowadays, robots are capable of mimicking more human traits such as dexterity
and memory, which makes them more useful in industries like manufacturing.
• Highly trainable and collaborative, robots are also providing safer working
environments for humans by switching places with them in dangerous or
unsuitable situations.
• Robots also equipped with sensors which provides valuable feedback and data.
Sensors are these smart machines “talk” to the control board, quickly identifying
and fixing mechanical issues, allowing companies to make necessary adjustments
more accurately. Robots increase work efficiency and minimize delays.
IT in Medical & Healthcare
IT in Medical & Healthcare
• Getting the patient treatment as soon as possible is important in a
medical field since early diagnostic and treatment could save a patient
• With the help of IT, the patient care is being enhanced by using
Electronic Health Record (EHR) which register an important health-
related information, such as allergic conditions of the patients.
• With the help of HER, the doctor can diagnose a patient effectively
and efficiently by viewing their past medical record and issues with
their health.
IT in Medical & Healthcare
• Telemedicide & Telehealth, are referring to two-way video
consultation, or the transmission of healthcare data like
electrocardiograms (ECGs).
• These technology can be used in many fields, such as cardiovascular
• By monitoring the patient data, any symptom could be seen remotely
and a faster action when something happen can be taken
• Lots of benefits; shorter waiting time, access to rural areas, efficiency
improvement leads to less cost.
IT in Medical & Healthcare
• Mobile apps also became one of the tools used by a medical
authority to provide patient care. It provides greater flexibility to the
medical individuals and also the patient itself and in the same time it
is inexpensive.
• We cannot deny that there are lots of advantages of mobile
application, there is also some disadvantages such as the risk of
medical record hacking.
• Medical record is a private information that everyone has right to
protect from others. If the EHR record could be stolen from the
installed mobile apps, it breaches the privacy rights of the patient.
IT in Medical & Healthcare
• Mobile apps also helps the user to took care of their own health by
using apps that provide guidance on eating behavior or exercising.
• Self-diagnosis is also enabled the public to search at any symptom
that they themselves or their family had by using the internet.
• Early diagnosis could determine their action, whether they need to
see the doctor or not. But this is risky as a wrong decision could be
made without a professional help.
IT in Transportation
IT in Transportation
• Transportation is vital to our society's proper functioning, providing
mobility of people, goods, and services.
• It enables people to access job markets and participate in
recreational, cultural, educational, and social activities. 
• The transportation field also is a major contributor to the economy, as
a consumer of resources and as a supplier of jobs.
• IT, especially in light of emerging information technologies, is
fundamental to transportation.
IT in Transportation

• The Internet of Things (IOT) assumes that all people and items can be
connected through networks. These vast connected networks could
potentially influence many aspects of our daily driving:
• Route Planning — Sensors in the vehicle communicate with GPS services to
determine the best route, which is then displayed on a head-up display that
physically directs the driver along route.
• Accident Prevention — Sensors alert drivers to the position of other vehicles on
the road and prevent collisions. The cars can even override driver controls to avoid
an accident.
• Safety — A series of sensors in the seat belt can track the driver’s physiological
indicators and determine whether the driver is fatigued or intoxicated. If the driver
fails any of the tests performed by the sensors, the vehicle becomes inoperable.
IT in Transportation
IT in Transportation
• The advent of self-driving cars such as the Google car and Telsa are
making the idea of autonomous cars a reality.
• However, the safety and public acceptance of these autonomous
vehicles has been a question of public interest and concern.
• Moreover, a series of accidents in the summer of 2016 increased the
debate about the safety of autonomous vehicles.
• If it is successfully implemented, it has both economic and
environmental benefits. Removing human control from the vehicle
will potentially help cars reach their designed fuel economy, leading
to less gas consumption and reduced cost of vehicle ownership.
IT in Transportation
• Getting a ticket for bus / airplane / any mode of transportation made
easier as there are lots of online ticket booking services available in
the internet.
• Making use of IT is a smart way of getting the ticket earlier than
others who decided to buy it directly to the sellers.
• Several features provided in the service are; customers can easily
choose their time and seats based on their preference, selecting
addons provided which made its easy to plan their trips.
IT in Transportation
• On demand ride service / e-hail service such as Uber and Lyft dramatically
changed the way people in large cities find transportation.
• With an app, riders can summon a vehicle to their location, any time they
want it. The services have already eroded the profits of cab companies and
decreased DUI rates in many cities.
• While on-demand ride services are a hit with riders, there are serious legal
and ethical questions that are causing governments to re-evaluate
authorization for Uber and Lyft to work in their jurisdictions.
• The primary concern is that Uber and Lyft drivers are considered contract
earners and not employees, leaving them with the burden of income tax but
few benefits.
IT in Transportation
• The most ambitious of all of the technologies changing transportation
is SpaceX’s Hyperloop.
• The concept is a pneumatic tube that uses a series of linear induction
motors and compressors to propel vehicles at super-fast speeds.
• The first proposed Hyperloop would connect Los Angeles and San
Francisco and allow passengers to complete the 350-mile (563km) trip
in just more than half an hour!
• Time will tell if the Hyperloop’s technology will be the future of long-
distance travel in the US and eventually in the whole world.
IT in Financial Institution
IT in Financial Institution
• New technology and innovation that aim to compete with traditional
financial methods. It change the way the bank conduct its business.
• One of them is Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
• Telecommunication devices that enables customers of financial institution to
perform :
• Cash withdrawals, Deposits, Transfer funds and Obtaining account information
• First ATM existed in 1972 in UK.
• Funds might be charge to the customer using ATM service as per use.
IT in Financial Institution
• Currently, most of financial institution providing its customer Online /
Internet Banking service.
• Online or Internet banking is a way for customers of a bank to conduct
a range of financial transactions through their online banking channel.
• Online banking gives you the freedom to bank where and when you
want and is a very convenient way to stay on top of your finances.
• Some example in of Online Banking services:
• Cimbclick (CIMB)
• IRakyat (Bank Rakyat)
• Maybank2U (Maybank)
IT in Financial Institution
• Typical features and functions of online banking sites:
• View accounts
• View transactions
• Transfer money between accounts
• Pay money to someone
• Schedule bill payments
• View statements
• Manage Credit Cards
• All of the features helps us in making our daily financial activity (24/7)
become easier to manage.
IT in Financial Institution
• On the side of the financial institution itself, managing its resources
became easier as several software born from IT development supported
it day-to-day businesses.
• Enterprise Resource Planning is an IT systems which consists of software
modules that serves the needs of all functional area in the financial
• In financial institution case, ERP helps speeding up the generation of
management reports / which also in some extent customizable &
• It is important as it will helps in making crucial decision in the institution.
IT in Entertainment
IT in Entertainment
• Entertainment is something that holds the attention and interest of
an audience, or gives pleasure and delight.
• Many forms of entertainment have persisted over centuries.
• Examples; music, films, video games, and etc. More types of
entertainment produced from the development of technologies.
IT in Entertainment
• Video games that reached the mainstream and became popular in the
late 70s and 80s is one of the main source of entertainment in current
modern culture.
• Machines supporting the entertainment type including PC, console
game (PS4, XBOX, Wii, and etc) is common to the public. 
• Easily accessible game such as mobile phone games also became
widely popular as mobile phone is almost owned by everyone
• Though, there are limitation on running a high-end gaming which
require certain minimum requirement to run.
IT in Entertainment
• IT also used in movies production in such a way of achieving a visual
effects that enhance the audience watching it.
• These are enabled by video editors that available in the market with
the help of professionals with massive working hours.
• Example; Autodesk 3dsmax & Maya, Motion Builder and etc.
• Several technologies / services provided by companies to the public,
allow them to stream movies online, whether it is subscription based
or free.
• Example; Netflix, iFlix and many more.
IT in Entertainment
• Obtaining a music for your favorite artists have never been easier with
the help of technology.
• Software / apps such as Spotify and iTunes allow us to buy music
through online means without reaching out to our closest music store.
• It has been the choice of the current generation to buy the music
digitally since it is much easier for them to get and manage instead of
buying the physical album.
IT in Other Related Fields
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