Gluco Co Tico Ids

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Presented by: Adnan Saqib

Learning objectives
• Importance
• Secretions
• Physiological Functions
• Life protecting hormone
• Because it helps to withstand the stress and trauma in life
• Glucocorticoids have metabolic effects on carbohydrates,proteins,fats
and water
• Glucocorticoids act mainly on glucose metabolism.
• Glucocorticoids are:
1. Cortisol
2. Corticosterone
3. Cortisone
• It is more dominant and it has 95% of glucocorticoid activity

• It is less potent and it has only 4% glucocorticoid activity

• With 1% accuracy and secreted in very minute quantity
• Glucocorticoids are secreted mainly by midde layer of adrenal cortex
known as zona fasciculata
• A small quantity of glucocorticoids is also secreted by innermost layer
of adrenal cortex known as zona reticularis
Chemistry And Half Life
• Glucocorticoids are C21 steroids having 21 carbon atoms
• Half-life of cortisol is 70 to 90 minutes
• corticosterone is 50 minutes
• Half-life of cortisone is not known
Daily output and plasma level of
Hormone Daily output Plasma level
(µg) (µg/dL)

Cortisol 10.0 13.9

Corticosterone 3.0 0.4

1. On Carbohydrate Metabolism
I. By promoting gluconeogenesis in liver from amino acids:
• Glucocorticoids enhance the breakdown of proteins in extrahepatic cells,
particularly the muscle.
• From blood, amino acids enter the liver and get converted into glucose
ll. By inhibiting the uptake and utilization of glucose by peripheral cells:
• This action is called anti-insulin action of glucocorticoids
• Hypersecretion of glucocorticoids increases the blood glucose level, resulting in
hyperglycemia, glucosuria and adrenal diabetes
2. On protein metabolism
• Glucocorticoids promote the catabolism of proteins
i. By releasing amino acids from body cells (except liver cells), into the
ii. By increasing the uptake of amino acids by hepatic cells from blood
• Hypersecretion of Glucocorticoids resulting in muscular wasting and negative
nitrogen balance.
Function of cortisol in Stress
• Cortisol Is Important in Resisting Stress and Inflammation
• Almost any type of stress, whether physical or neurogenic, causes an immediate and
marked increase in ACTH secretion by the anterior pituitary gland, followed Within
minutes by greatly increased adrenocortical secretion of cortisol
• Some of the different types of stress that increase cortisol release are the following:
1. Trauma of almost any type
2. Infection
3. Intense heat or cold
4. Injection of norepinephrine and other sympathomimetic drugs
5. Surgery
6. Injection of necrotizing substances beneath the skin
7. Restraining an animal so that it cannot move
8. Almost any debilitating disease
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