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Middle Ear

Presented by: Shair e Islam

Gross anatomy
• The middle ear, also known as the tympanic cavity or the tympanum,
• The tegmen tympani, which is a laminar projection of the petrous part of the
temporal bone, forms the roof of the tympanic cavity
• The floor also has a microscopic canal, known as the tympanic canaliculus
• There is an imperfection in the posterior wall of the tympanum known as
the aditus.
Tympanic Membane
• The tympanic membrane is an oval structure that is situated at an angle relative
to the external acoustic meatus.
• Made of Epithelial and simple cuboidal
Auditory ossicles

• There are three auditory ossicles located in the middle ear known as the malleus,
incus and stapes
• The stapes is the most medial in the chain of bones
• The incus has two limbs and a cuboidal body.
• The malleus is the largest, and most lateral of the bony chain. It is a club-shaped
structure whose head rests in the epitympanic recess
Clinical points

• Otitis media is inflammation or infection located in the middle ear. Otitis media
can occur as a result of a cold, sore throat, or respiratory infection.
• Hyperacusis is when everyday sounds seem much louder than they
should. Stapedius muscle is paralyzed, patients may experience a decrease in
their ability to tolerate sounds of a particular frequency.
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