Flora and Fauna of Odisha: Presented By: Agrodwip Das Class: 9 D Roll No.:18

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Flora and

Fauna Of
Presented by: Agrodwip Das

Class: 9th D

Roll no.:18
Odisha, a state in eastern India, is extremely diverse and gives the state abundance
of natural beauty and wildlife. The districts in the interior are thickly covered by
tropical moist deciduous and tropical dry deciduous forests. The hills, plateaus and
isolated areas of the northeastern part of the state are covered by the tropical moist
deciduous forests whereas the dry deciduous forests are located in the southwest
region of the state. Some of the trees which grow in abundance in Odisha are
bamboo, teak, rosewood, sal, piasal, sanghvan and haldi. There are 479 species of
birds, 86 species of mammals, 19 species of amphibians and 110 species of
reptiles present in Odisha. The state is also an important habitat for the endangered
olive ridley turtles and Irrawaddy dolphins. Koraput district of southern Odisha has
been identified by Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of UN as Global
Agricultural Heritage site which is among only other three sites in the world. Other
sites are in Peru, China and Philippines.
z Flora of Odisha
Almost one-third of Odisha is covered by forests which make up about
37.34% of the total land area of the state. These forests cover most of
southern and western Odisha. The eastern plains adjacent to the coast are
covered by farmlands.
 The forest cover of Odisha extends over an area of 58,136.869 square
kilometres out of which reserve forests make up an area of 26,329.12
square kilometres (10,165.73 sq mi), demarcated protected forests
make up 11,687.079 square kilometres (4,512.406 sq mi) and Forest cover,
undemarcated protected forests make up 3,638.78 square kilometres Raghurajpur, Odisha
(1,404.94 sq mi). Other types of forests make up 16,261.34 square
kilometres (6,278.54 sq mi) while unclassed forests make up 20.55
square kilometres (7.93 sq mi) of the total forest cover. Bon Jour The
State Government of Odisha also classifies forests based on their
About 538 square kilometres (208 sq mi) of land are classified
as veryz dense forests with a canopy density of over 86
percent, 27,656 square kilometres (10,678 sq mi) of forests are
classified as moderately dense cover with a canopy density of
50 to 70 percent and 20,180 square kilometres (7,790 sq mi) of
land are classified as an open forest with a canopy density of
10 to 40 percent.
Odisha is the vast state of plants and animals. Odisha’s
forests yield large quantities of teak and bamboo. Teak, apart
from medicinal plants and Kendu leaves contribute
substantially towards Odisha’s economy. Odisha’s forest
ecosystem has been greatly affected by deforestation and
illegal smuggling and poaching. The state government has
established the Odisha Forest Development Corporation to
combat the means of smuggling. The State Pollution Control
Board has brought a set of rules to force in order to combat
environmental pollution.
Chilika Lake z
 In 1981, Chilika Lake was designated the first Indian wetland of international
importance under the Ramsar Convention due to its rich biodiversity. Over a
million migratory waterfowl and shorebirds winter here including many rare and
endangered species. The lake is of great value in preserving genetic diversity
and over 400 vertebrate species have been recorded. However conflicts have
arisen over the ecosystem of the lake such as Siltation, and disagreements
between fisherman, resulting in an overall loss of biodiversity. As a result, the
Odisha State Government with support from the Government of India adopt
adaptive conservation and management actions. In 1992, the Government of
Sanderlings at Chilka
Odisha, concerned by the degradation of the lake’s ecosystem, established the
Chilika Development Authority (CDA) for the restoration and overall development
of the lake under the Indian Societies Registration Act. An Integrated
Management Plan was later implemented with financial support of Rs 570 million
(US$12.7 million) and Hydrobiological monitoring was supported under the
Odisha Water Resources Consolidation Project of the World Bank, to the extent
of Rs 10 million (US$220,000). A strong support network was created with 7
state government organisations, 33 NGOs, 3 National Government Ministries, 6
other organisations, 11 International organisations, 13 research institutions and
55 different categories of community groups established good international
contacts for protection in the area.
In November 2002, the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award
was presented z to the Chilika Development Authority for
“outstanding achievements in the field of restoration and wise
use of wetlands and effective participation of local communities
in these activities”.[2][3]

The ecological richness of the lake is of great value in

preserving the genetic diversity because of the multiplicity of its Chilika Sea mouth
habitat, flora and fauna. (Some are pictured in the photo
gallery).[4] The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) surveyed the
lake between 1985 and 1988 and identified 800 species of
fauna, including many rare, endangered, threatened and
vulnerable species, but excluding terrestrial insects.
 The rare and threatened animal species identified are
green sea turtle (EN), dugong (VU), Irrawaddy dolphin
(VU), blackbuck (NT), spoon billed sandpiper (CR), limbless
skink and fishing cat (EN). 24 mammalian species were
reported. 37 species of reptiles and amphibians are also
Fishing cat, Prionailurus
Fauna of Odisha z

Chilika Lake is the largest wintering ground for migratory birds, on the Indian sub-continent. It is one of the hotspots of
biodiversity in the country. Some species listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species inhabit the lake for at least part of
their lifecycle.

Migratory water fowl arrive here from as far as the Caspian Sea, Baikal Lake and remote parts of Russia, Mongolia, Lakah,
Siberia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and from the Himalayas.[8] A census conducted in the winter of 1997–98 recorded about 2 million
birds in the lake.

In 2007, nearly 840,000 birds visited the lake, out of which 198,000 were spotted in Nalbana Island. On 5 January 2008, a bird
census involving 85 wildlife officials counted 900,000 birds of which 450,000 were sighted in Nalabana. Removal of invasive
species of freshwater aquatic plants, especially water hyacinth, due to restoration of salinity, is a contributing factor for the
recent increasing attraction of birds to the lake.

 Nalbana Island is the core area of the Ramsar designated wetlands of Chilika Lake. Nalbana means a weed covered island In
the Odia language.... It is a major island in the centre of the lake and has an area of 15.53 km2 (6.0 sq mi). The island gets
completely submerged during the monsoon season. As the monsoon recedes in the winter, lake levels decrease and the
island is gradually exposed, birds flock to the island in large numbers to feed on its extensive mudflats. Nalbana was
notified in 1987 and declared a bird sanctuary in 1973 under the Wildlife Protection Act.

 Large flocks of greater flamingos from Iran and the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat, feed in the shallow waters of the lake. Other-
long legged waders seen around Nalbana Island are the lesser flamingos, Goliath herons, grey herons, and purple herons,
egrets, spoonbills, storks and black-headed ibis.

 Rare birds reported in the lake are Asiatic dowitchers (NT), Dalmatian pelican (VU), Pallas’s fish-eagles (VU), the very rare
migrant spoon-billed sandpiper (CR) and spot-billed pelican (NT).
The white-bellied sea eagle, pariah kite, brahminy kites, kestrel, marsh harriers, and the
world’s most widespread bird of prey, the peregrine falcon, are among the raptors seen

Many short-legged shorebirds are seen in a narrow band along the shifting shores of the
lake and islands. These include plovers, the collared pratincole, ruff, dunlin, snipes and
sandpipers. Larks, wagtails and lapwings are also found on the mudflats. Feeding in
deeper water are the longer-legged avocets, stilts and godwits.

The higher vegetated areas of the lake support moorhens, coots and jacanas. Pond
herons and night herons can be seen along the shores with kingfishers and rollers. Little
cormorants are seen on perches around the lake. Compact flocks of brahminy ducks, as
well as shovellers, pintails, gadwall, teals, pochards, geese and coots, are also seen.[13]

Nesting colonies of gull-billed terns and river terns are seen on the Nalabana Island. In
2002, the Bombay Natural History Society survey recorded 540 nests of the Indian river
tern at the island, the largest nesting colony in the southeast Asia.[11]

 As per the Chilika Development Authority’s (CDA) updated data (2002), 323 aquatic
species, which includes 261 fish species, 28 prawns and 34 crabs are reported out of
which sixty five species breed in the lake. 27 species are freshwater fishes and two
genera of prawns. The remaining species migrate to the sea to breed. 21 species of
herrings and sardines of the family Clupeidae are reported.
Between 1998 and 2002, 40 fish species were recorded here for the first time and following the reopening of the lake mouth in 2000, six threatened
species have reappeared, including:

Milk fish (Seba khainga),z

Indo-Pacific tarpon (Panialehio),

Ten pounder (Nahama),

Bream (Kala khuranti),

Hilsa (Tenuealosa) ilisha (ilishi) and

Mullet R. Corsula (Kekenda)[4][5]

Commercial fisheries

For centuries fisher folk evolved exclusive rights of fishing through a complex system of partitioning the fisheries of the lake, harvested the lake in a
relatively sustainable fashion and developed a large range of fishing techniques, nets and gear.[14]

During the British rule, in 1897–98, fishermen community enjoyed exclusive fisheries rights in the lake. The fisheries of the lake were part of the
Zamindari estates of Khallikote, Parikud, Suna Bibi, Mirza Taher Baig and the Chaudhary families of Bhungarpur and the Khas mahal areas of Khurda,
lying within the kingdoms of the Rajas of Parikud and Khallikote. The zamindars (Landlords) leased out the fisheries exclusively to the local fisherfolk.

 With the abolition of zamindari (land lordship) system in 1953, traditional fishing areas continued to be leased out to cooperatives of local
fishermen. Fishing, particularly, prawn fishing, became increasingly remunerative with outside interest playing an important role. But in 1991, when
the government of Odisha proposed a leasing policy that would have resulted in the auction of leases to the highest bidder, fishermen’s
cooperatives challenged the order in court. The High Court of Odisha ordered the Government to enact changes that would protect the interests of
traditional fishermen and since then no new leases have been reported. This has resulted in a chaotic regime in which powerful vested interests
from outside dominate, and the local people have been subordinated.[14]

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