Eng. 101local and Global Communication in Multicultural Setting

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Intercultural Communication
communication refers to
the communication between people
from two different cultures.

(Chen & Starosta, 1998:28).

Intercultural Communication
•Intercultural communication is a
symbolic, interpretive, transactional,
contextual process, in which people
from different cultures create shared
(Lustig & Koester, 2007:46)
Intercultural Communication
• Interculturalcommunication refers to the effects on
communication behavior, when different cultures
interact together. Hence, one way of viewing
intercultural communication is as communication
that unfolds in symbolic intercultural spaces.

• (Arasaratnam, 2013:48)
Intercultural Communication
•Itis the verbal and nonverbal interaction
between people from different cultural
backgrounds. Basically, 'inter-' is a prefix
that means 'between' and cultural
means… well, from a culture, so
intercultural communication is the
communication between cultures.
What is the Purpose of Intercultural
•Itseeks to understand the differences in
how people from a variety of cultures
act, communicate, and perceive the
world around them. Culture has a large
impact on how people conduct business;
therefore, cultural implications are critical
for succeeding in an international context.
Six Fundamental Patterns of Cultural Differences

• Different Communications Styles

• Different Attitudes Toward Conflict
• Different Approaches to Completing Tasks
• Different Decision-Making Styles
• Different Attitudes Toward Disclosure
• Different Approaches to Knowing
High Context Cultures
•Include Mediterranean, Slav, Central
European, Latin American, African, Arab,
Asian, American-Indian
•Leave much of the message unspecified, to be
understood through context, nonverbal cues,
and between-the-lines interpretation of what
is actually said.
Low Context Cultures
•Include Germanic and English –
speaking countries
•Expect messages to be explicit
and specific.
Sequential Cultures
•Include North America, English,
German, Swedish, and Dutch
•They are business people who give
full attention to one agenda item
after another.
Synchronic Cultures
• Include South America, Southern Europe and Asia
• The flow of time is viewed as a sort of circle, with
the past, present, and future all interrelated.
• This viewpoint influences how organizations in
those cultures approach deadlines, strategic
thinking, investments, developing talent from
within, and the concept of “long-term” planning.
Affective vs. Neutral
• Affective (readily showing emotions)
• Members of neutral cultures do not telegraph their
feelings, but keep them carefully controlled and
• In cultures with high effect, people show their feelings
plainly by laughing, smiling, grimacing, scowling, and
sometimes crying, shouting, or walking out of the
•Give the barriers in intercultural
communications. Describe each and
cite instances or situation where it
really happens.

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