Rubric Development

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Why use

of good rubrics
Definition &
types of rubric

Strategies for
SOLO taxonomy
graphic sorting
Using rubrics
with students

 A scoring tool that lays out the specific expectations for an assessment
task (Stevens & Levi, 2005)
 A set of clear explanations or criteria used to help teachers and students
focus on what is valued in a subject, topic, or activity (Russell, & Airasian,
Components of a rubric:
 Criteria/Indicator
 aspects of an assessment task which the assessor takes into account when
making their judgment
 May use different weightings for different criteria
 Level of Attainment
 often use grade level descriptors
Types of rubrics:
 Descriptive (Analytic), Holistic
 Why and when we use particular types of rubrics

For teachers: For students:

• Prompt a criterion-referenced • Clarify the teacher’s

assessment expectations of student
• Provide students with detailed performance
and timely feedback • Provide informative
• Encourage critical thinking descriptions of expected
• Facilitate communication with performance
others involved in scoring • Help to monitor and critique
• Help to refine teaching own work
skills/learning activities

Well defined
 Clearly describe the expected level of student performance for
each criterion in a rubric
 Avoid general evaluative words (poor, excellent, etc.)
 Use specific objective terms (correctly identifies, uses only
basic vocabulary, chooses incorrect formula… )

Context specific
 Describe what teachers expect from student for a given
performance or work product on a particular subject domain
 Viable for instruction

Finite and exhaustive

 Every response must be scorable
 Too many score levels is confusing for students and causes
disagreement among teacher scores
 Represent the different levels of learning targets as defined by
Related to Common Core theme/strand
 Coherent with the cognitive complexity of the standards

(1) Task Task Description:
description   Criteria Criteria Criteria Criteria Total
1 2 3 4
(2) Assessment
Level 5          
(3) Performance
levels Level 4          

Level 3          
Level 2          
 Provides
judgment on Level 1          
each criterion
 Time consuming
to make

A single scale with all criteria to be included in the

evaluation being considered together
 Based on an overall judgment of student work
Task Description:
Advantage:   Criteria
 Saves time in Level 5 Overall description of Level 5
developing and
Level 4 Overall description of Level 4
Disadvantage: Level 3 Overall description of Level 3
 Does not provide
Level 2 Overall description of Level 2
specific feedback
for improvement Level 1 Overall description of Level 1

On performance-based tasks:

 extended response items
 projects
 presentations
 portfolios

 Reflecting on the task & content

 Learning outcomes of the unit and the particular assessment
 What we want from the students, why we created this
assessment, what our expectations are
 Listing the learning outcomes & expectations
 Focus on the particular details of the task and what specific
learning objectives we expect to see in the completed task
 Grouping & labeling the outcomes & criteria
 Organize the results of reflections, group similar expectations
together to become the rubric Indicators
 Application of a rubric format
 Apply the templates & descriptions to the final form of the

Relationship between the intended Learning

Progression (LP) and rubrics
 Direct use of the LP as standard reference
Use of a general strategy (i.e. modified Bloom’s
taxonomy or SOLO taxonomy)
 Assign the target outcome as mapped onto the Cognitive Rigor
Matrix as the maximum level of the rubric
 Use the SOLO taxonomy as scoring
Phenomenographic sorting

A possible value of 0 – 4 can be used to score each


Possible Level Responses that …


4 Extended not only include all relevant pieces of information, but also
extend the response to integrate relevant pieces of
information not in the stimulus.
3 Relational integrate all relevant pieces of information from the stimulus.
2 Multistructural respond to several relevant pieces of information from the
1 Unistructural respond to only one relevant piece of information from the
0 Pre-structural consist only of irrelevant information.

* Modified from Wilson (2005, p.


1. Sort student responses into performance level piles

(excellent, good, …, and poor), or in terms of the
levels of understanding of the responses
2. Describe similarities within a pile and differences
 These similarities and differences can inform the different
level of rubrics
3. Do sorting in pairs
 To reconfirm matches & mismatches
 Allow dialogue to maximize the effectiveness of rubric

Explain what the test will emphasize

 Emphasis and expectations will be delineated in the
assessment criteria in the rubrics
Inform students how the assessment will be scored
 Explain what each of the assessment criteria defined in the
rubrics means
Explain how the results will be used
 Explain the importance of the test scores in the student’s
learning progression

Make sure that the wording of the rubrics is

understandable to students (simplify wording for
lower grades).
Works best with holistic rubrics (or with a combined
version of analytic descriptions).
Provide rubrics to students in advance of the
administration of the assessment.
Alternatively, students can be provided with a
general rubric and a small number of papers (names
removed). Students can score the papers in small
groups; groups are required to come to consensus on
the grade to be assigned.

 Ni tko , A . J., & Br o o k hart, S . ( 2 0 0 7 ) . Ed u cati o nal asse ssme nt o f stud e nts. Up per
S a ddl e Ri ver , NJ: Pe arso n Ed uca ti o n, I nc.
 M cM i l l an , J. H. ( 2 0 0 7 ) . Class ro o m asse ss me n t . P rin ciple s an d pr a ct ice fo r e f fective
s tan dar d -b a se d in st ru ct io n ( 4 th e d .) . Bo sto n : Pe arso n - Al l yn & Ba co n.
 O re go n De p a rtm en t o f Ed uc ati o n. ( 2 0 1 4 , June ) . Asse ssm ent gu i danc e.
 P o ph am, W . J. ( 2 0 1 4 ) . C ri te ri o n-re f e re nc e d me asu re me nt: A hal f -ce ntur y wa ste d?
P ap er p re se nte d at the A nnu al M e eti n g o f Nati o n al C o un ci l o n M eas ure me nt i n
Ed uca ti o n , Ph i l ad e p hi a , PA .
 P o ph am, W . J. ( 2 0 1 4 ) . Clas sro o m ass es smen t: Wh at te ach e r s n e eds to kn ow . S a n
F ranc i sco , C A: P e arso n
 Russe l l , M . K ., & A i ra si an, P . W. ( 2 0 1 2 ) . Class ro o m asse ss me n t : Co n ce pt s an d
applicat io n s . Ne w Yo rk , NY : Mc Graw -Hi l l .
 S te ve ns, D. & L e vi , A. ( 2 0 0 5 ) . In t r o du ct io n to ru b r ics . As asse s sme n t to o l to s ave
g r a din g time , co nvey e f fective f eedb ack , a n d pro mo te st u d en t le ar n in g . S te rl i n g:
S ty l us Pub l i shi ng , L L C
 W i ha rd i ni , D . ( 2 0 1 0 ) . A sse ssme nt d eve l o p m en t I I . U np ub l i sh e d ma nuscri pt.
Re se arch and D e ve l o p men t D e p artme nt, Bi nus Busi ne ss S c ho o l , Jakarta , Indo n e si a.
 W i l so n, M. ( 2 0 0 5 ) . C o n structi ng me as ure s: A n i tem re sp o nse m o de l i ng appro ach.
M ah wah, NJ: L awre nc e Erl b au m A sso ci a te s.

Rubrics PPT by the Oregon Department of Education and

B e r k e l e y E v a l u a t i o n a n d A s s e s s m e n t R e s e a r c h C e n t e r i s l i c e n s e d u n d e r a C C B Y 4 . 0.

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O r e go n D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n we l c o m e s e d i t i n g o f t h e s e r e s o u r c e s a n d wo u l d
g r e a t l y a p p r e c i a te b e i n g a b l e t o l e a r n f r o m t h e c h a n g e s m a d e . To s h a r e a n e d i te d
ve r si o n o f t h i s r e s o u r c e , p l e a s e c o n t a c t C r i s te n M c L e a n , c r i s t e n . m c l e a n @ s t a te . o r. u s.

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