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Wild Cats
Lion is the king of the jungle.
The mane makes the male
look bigger than it really is.
They are found in Africa, the
males of this fierce species
have such loud roars, they can
sometimes be heard 8 km [5
miles]away.The biggest species
are found in India [Gujarat]
and they are called Asiatic
Tiger is the biggest of all cats,
weighing up to 363 kg [ 800 lb], has
great paws for swiping prey. It is the
largest living cat species and a
member of the genus Panthera. It is
most recognisable for its dark vertical
stripes on orange fur with a white
underside. An apex predator, it
primarily preys on ungulates, such as
deer and wild boar. Bengal tigers are
one of the biggest subspecies of cats
roaming the earth today.
Cheetah is the fastest animal
on legs would easily beat the
speediest human sprinter – it
can reach speeds of 115 km/h
[70 mph]. The long tail
balances the cat when it turns
at speed. They are found in
Africa. They are capable of
running at 80 to 128 km/h with
the fastest reliably recorded
speeds being 93 and 98 km/h.
Puma is also known as Cougar. The
tail of this solitary American cat is
nearly as long as the rest of its
body. It is also known as many
names like mountain lion, panther
etc. This cat is also known by more
names than just about any other
mammal. But no matter what you
call it, it’s still the same cat ,Puma
concolor , the largest of the ‘small

A black panther’s fur isn’t

entierly black. When
sunlight hits one of these
cats at the right angle, its
markings can be seen as
spots or stripes that are a
slightly darker shade of
black than the cat’s coat.
This creature lurks in the
jungle at night, slipping in
and out of the dark as if
were just a shadow.

The King Cobra is a
venomous snake species
of elapide endemic to
jungle in Southern and
Southeast Asia. The sole
member of genus
Ophilophagus, it is
distinguishable from
eobras, most noticeably
by its size and neck
patterns. The reptile
makes its home in
The Green Anaconda,
also known as the giant
anaconda, common
water boa or sucuri is a
species found in South
America, in the Amazon
basin. It is the heaviest
and one of the longest
known extant snake
species. Like all boas, it
is a non-venomous
constrictor. It spends
most of its time in water.
The snake’s name comes from the
colour of its mouth .Possible the
fastest snake striker from Africa is
lethally venomous. Black mambas
live in the savannas and rocky hills
of southern eastern Africa. They
are Africa’s. They are Africa’s
longest venomous snake, reaching
up to 14 feet in length. It is the
second- longest snake after king
cobra; mature speciments
generally exceed 2m and
commonly grow to 3m.
Found in Africa, this scary serpant
has the longest fangs – up to 5cm
[2 in] long- and produces the most
venom of any snake. The
distinctive patterns on this snake’s
skin help it blend in amongst leaf
litter gaboon viper [bitis gabonica]
also called gaboon viper extremely
venomous but usually docile
ground dwelling snake found in
tropical forests of central.

Corallus caninus, commonly

called the emerald tree boa, is a
non-venomous boa species
found in the rainforests of
South America. Since 2009 the
species Corallus batesii has
been distinguish from C.
caninus. Most snakes lay eggs,
but this gloriously green
climbing species which gives
birth to live young .
The world’s biggest lizard,
reaching lengths of 3m [10 ft],
lives on tiny islands in
Indonesia, where it is the top
predator, hunting prey up to the
size of deer. A forked tongue
allows this lizard to detect the
scent of potential prey.
At home on the volcanic
Galapagos Islands, this is the
only lizard that feeds on
seaweed. Usually black, the
males turn a vibrant green or
pink during breeding season.
The marine iguana also known
as sea iguana, saltwater iguana
or Galapagos marine iguana.
Unique among modern lizards,
it is a marine reptile.
A thorny devil, also
commonly known as the
mountain devil, thorny
lizard, thorny dragon, and
moloch, is a species of lizard
in the family Agamidae. The
species of endemic to
Australia. It is the solo
species in the genus Moloch.
It can grow up to 21 cm in
total length, with females
generally larger than males.
Iguana is a genus of
herbivorous lizards that are
native to tropical areas of
Mexico, Central America, South
America, and the Caribbean.
Green skin is perfect for a
climbing lizard that wants to
stay hidden in the forests of
South America. It has long
claws for climbing trees.
The frilled lizard also
known commonly as the
frilled neck lizard, frilled
dragon or frilled agama, is a
species of lizard in the
family Agamidae. It is
endemic to northern
Australia and southern New
Guinea. This species is the
only member of the genus

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