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Thermoregulation is the process that allows

most organisms to maintain the optimum
temperature of their body despite the
changes in the temperature of their
Classifying Organisms Based on
● Not all organisms have the capacity to maintain and
regulate their own body temperature within the
desirable range.

● Animals can be classified into two major groups based

on their capacity to regulate their body temperature.

● Animals can either be ectotherms or endotherms.

Endotherms ● Examples of
endotherms are
● Endotherms have the birds, mammals like
capacity to generate their humans, and a few
own body heat within their species of reptiles.
internal structures.

● Endothermic organisms can

alter metabolic heat
production to maintain the
normal body temperature.
Ectotherms ● Examples of
● Ectotherms depend on the ectotherms are fish,
environment to maintain their amphibians, and most
body temperature. reptiles.

● Ectotherms cannot generate

their own internal body heat
and depend on the external
heat sources in their
Body temperature regulation in
Thermoregulation Strategies

● Animals have their own strategies and modifications

in order to be able to regulate their body
temperatures properly.

● Some of these are behavioral modifications, while

others are modifications to their anatomies.
Anatomical Modifications
● Animals also have
● Regulation of the insulating parts like
diameter of the feathers and hair.
blood vessels is done
by the circulatory ● These structures can help
system. the animal retain heat.
● This helps bring ● Countercurrent heat
blood closer to or exchange is also seen in
farther from the skin. some animals.
Behavioral Modifications
● Animals have developed
behavioral strategies to manage
body temperature.

● These behavioral mechanisms can

help retain or disperse heat.
● For example, lizards prefer lying on Iguanas are ectotherms
the rock surfaces to absorb
temperatures for comfort
Pathways That Alter
Homeostatic mechanisms maintain
the internal environment within
tolerable limits. When body processes
are not maintained through feedback
mechanisms, the body may suffer
illness or disease.
Factors Altering Homeostasis

● Aside from internal feedback mechanisms of

the body, there are external influences based on
lifestyle choices that affect the body’s overall

● These lifestyle choices greatly impact the normal

functions in an organism.
Factors Altering Homeostasis

● Deficiency occurs when the cells are not getting the

necessary substances.

● Toxicity occurs when the cells are getting poisonous,

unnecessary substances. This is detrimental to overall
● Some genes are
sometimes deactivated, ● This damage can
altered, or modified due to result in the
certain conditions. mechanisms of that
organism for coping
● For example, some with change being
chemicals are known to affected.
cause damage to DNA.
Mental Health and Stress
● Emotions are affected by the
concentrations of several
chemicals in the body.

● Imbalance to these chemicals

can cause complications to the
Mental Health and Stress

● Stress can also cause


● An excessive amount of
stress, for example, can
cause the normal release of
some hormones to be
altered. Stress
Nutrition, Rest, and Exercise
● If the body lacks
necessary nutrients, ● Exercise and proper rest
the cells may benefit all of the systems
function poorly. of the body.

● The disuse of the ● A proper diet can also

body can also lead to give the body the
many negative necessary nutrients.
● The presence of ● Examples of
poisonous and toxins that can
unnecessary substances interfere with
may interfere with the functions of
cellular functions. the body are
● Pollution can introduce pesticides, and
toxins to the body. smoke

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