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Dances from the Past

What is Dance?

:Dance comes from the word “damson”, which means “to strength or to drag”.It
developed as a natural expression of united feeling and action.

:It is considered the mirror of the society, because it responds to historical and religious
events as well as social and political statements.

(A). To please Gods

Dance as ritual
In most ancient civilizations, dancing before the God is an important element in
temple ritual. In Egypt the priest and priestesses, accompanied by harps and pipes,
perform stately of a God or imitate cosmic patterns such as the rhythm of might and day.
(B). To please the others, to please themselves.
During ancient times it is believe it has health benefits from
increasing stamina, relieving stress, Dance is the way to express ourselves
when our words are insufficient, dance is the best way to convey emotion.At
Egyptian funerals, women dance to express the grief of the mourners.

(C). To build community within on ethnic group or social interaction.Dance

was a way to celebrate during festivals, a source of entertainment, and a
religious ceremony for many of these civilizations.
Dance During the Prehistoric Period

 :It’s
a major form of religious ritual and social expression within
primitive culture.
 :Itwas used as a way of expression and reinforcing tribal unity and
 :Shamans as lead dancers acted as physicians and religious leaders and
kept tribes healthy, prosperous and safe.
Dance during the Ancient Civilization

 :Ancient Egypt.
:3,300 BCE (First Dancing). It is believed that the first people to dance
were the Egyptians.
:The (3) major danacers were involved:
(1). The king
(2). The priests who performed magical dances;
(3). Virgin dancers who were trained to perform during ceremonies
led by the priests.
 Ancient Crete.
 :The Cretan civilization (3000-1400 BC) was a cultural link in the ancient
world between Egyptians and Greeks.
 :Cretans used dance to perfect their military training which made
 Ancient Greece.
:Dance was not just for religious and military training but also
a from of entertainment and display.
:Plato immensely gave importance to dance in education as
started in the education or the Laws. He highlighted the two
kinds of dance and music. (fin and honorable) and (imitating
what is mean or ugly).
 Ancient Rome.
 :Gave less importance to dancing which eventually became an integral
part of the corruption in the latter days of the roman Empire resulting
in the condemnation of dance by early Christians.
 :Dance was primarily performed for religious, social and
entertainment. Theatrical entertainment was probihited but still
existed and was performed within church during religious ceremonies.
 Dance During the Middle Ages and The Renaissance.
 :1400 (Ballet Comes into Play). Ballet started in this year in Italy, but
didn’t really become popular until around the year 1500. Ballet is
believed to be the main core of every single dance style.
 :A vast dance movement occurred throughout the courts of Europe in
the 15th century and 16th centuries. New court dances performed by the
nobility came about as well as the rise of the art of ballet in Italy and
 :Several other dance forms continued to sprout and spread across
several countries.

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