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Week1: Parts and Functions of the
Major Organs of the Body
The body contains major organs. These
are the bones, muscles, stomach,
intestines, kidneys, heart, lungs and
brain. These major organs perform their
work to help the body function
Let’s do this!
1. Bend forward, then raise your
arms sideward.
2. Turn your head from left to
3. Sway your hips.
4. Bend your knees
How many bones are involved in
the movement?
Are the bones connected to
each other?
What covers these bones?
How do muscles help the bones
to move?
 The bones in the body have different sizes and shapes.
Some bones are long and some are short. There are flat
bones while others have irregular shapes. Bones
together with the muscles help together to make the
body move. One of the important functions of the bones
is to protect the internal organs of the body.
a. Skull protects the brain.
b. Backbones protect the spinal cord.
c. Ribs form a protective cage around the heart and lungs.
d. Hipbones protect the body when we sit.
Aside from our Skeleton,
Muscles are also necessary
for movement: They're the
masses of tough, elastic
tissue that pull our bones
when we move.
 The muscles form the fleshy parts of the body. They enable
our body to move. Muscles also give shape and forms to our
body. Muscles have different types.
 a. Smooth muscles. They are located along the walls of the
major/internal organs. They are also called the involuntary
 b. Skeletal muscles are muscles attached to the bones.
These muscles are also known as the voluntary muscles. The
skeletal muscles of the arms and legs work by pairs when
you move.
Bones don't work
alone — they need
help from the muscles
and joints.
Muscles pull on the joints,
allowing us to move.
Muscles help the body
perform other functions so
we can grow and remain
strong, such as chewing
food and then moving it
through the digestive
A joint is a point
where two or more
bones meet.

Joints allow our

bodies to move in
many ways.

Do you think our body can move if the

muscles and bones do not coordinate
with each other?
If the bones do not have joints, what
will happen? Why?
What are
functions of
the muscles?
True or False:

1. The muscles and bones coordinate

with each other.

True or False:

2. The point where the bones meet

are called joints.

How does our stomach and intestines works?
 The stomach is shaped like a letter
J. It is also compared to a bag or
pouch made of muscles. The
stomach serves as “storage or
holding organ” of the digestive
system. As the muscles of the
stomach contract and relax, food is
squeezed, twisted and churned.
The partially digested food in the
stomach are pushed to the small
intestine for final digestion.
 The small intestine is a
coiled long tube organ.
The linings of the small
intestine function like a
filter. Digested nutrients
are absorbed by the small
intestine then go into the
How do the
stomach and
small intestine
help the body?
 The heart is made up of hollow muscular
organ located in the middle of the chest. The
heart pumps blood to and from the different
parts of the body.
 The lungs are made up of spongy tissues
that contain tiny air sacs called alveoli. The
lungs are the main organ for breathing.
 The heart and lungs support each other to
allow distribution of nutrients and oxygen
and work together to remove carbon dioxide
or waste product in the body.
 The brain is found in the
head and is protected by the
skull and soft tissues called
meninges. Its main function
is to 8 process information
it receives and to send
instructions to the different
parts of the body.
Where can you find
the brain?
How does the brain
help our body?
 The kidneys are a pair of bean-
shaped organs. They remove
urea from the blood through tiny
filtering units called the nephrons.
Kidneys remove liquid waste
from the blood in the form of
urine. They also keep a stable
balance of salts and other
substances in the blood.

Your major organs help you in many

ways. How will you take care of them so
you won’t be infected by covid-19?
Directions. Read each item carefully. Chose the letter of the best
1. How do the skeletal muscles work? They work by __________.
A. groups B. pairs C. 5’s D. 2’s 2.
2. How does the heart work?
A. It pumps blood.
B. It helps maintain body posture.
C. It processes and receives information.
D. It removes all the liquid wastes in the blood.
3. Which statement tells the structure of the lungs?
A. Lungs are made up of hard tissues.
B. Lungs are made up of spongy tissues.
C. Lungs are made up of fingerlike tissues.
D. Lungs are made up of cotton like tissues.
4. How do you describe the bones in the body?
A. They have different sizes and shapes.
B. They have the same sizes and shapes.
C. They are rectangular in shape.
D. They are circular in shape.
5. How do the stomach muscles work during digestion?
A. They contract and relax.
B. They contract and pump blood.
C. They contract to receive oxygen.
D. They contract to release oxygen.
6. How do the linings of the small intestine function? They
function like a ___________.
A. squeezer
B. Absorber
C. filter
D. juicer
7. How do the kidneys remove urea from the blood?
Through the _________________.
A. fingerlike projections
B. hollow muscles
C. tiny filtering units
D. smooth muscles
8. Which sentence describes the structure of the heart?
A. It is made up of spongy tissues.
B. It forms the fleshy parts of the body.
C. It is made up of hollow muscular organ.
D.It is protected by soft tissues called meninges.
9. Which of the statements tell the function of the brain?
I. It processes information it receives.
II. It controls different activities of the body.
III. It controls muscle movement of our body.
IV. It distributes nutrients and oxygen.
A. I, II and III B. II, III, and IV
C. I and IV D. II and IV
10. How do the heart and lungs work together? They allow
distribution of __________________________.
A. clean air to all parts of the body
B. nutrients to all parts of the body
C. toxic oxygen to all parts of the body
D.nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body

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