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Process stability
1. To carryout the process capability, first we have to check the normality of the data.
2. Below are the results of the normality test done using Anderson darling test. From
the test, as the P value is greater than chosen alpha value of 0.05, the data is
normally distributed.
3. Anderson darling normality test suits fits the study.
I-MR chart to study the stability of the data.
Interpretation from the chart

1. From the above I-MR chart plotted in for the given data set in Minitab indicates that
the process is stable over time.
2. But in the moving range graph, the process was out of control in the month of Oct-14
as the point meets the LCL and in the month of Dec-14 there was sudden increase in
the payments received, which indicates the process is out of control for the respective

3. I-MR chart was used for the study because, the data is having sub group size 1.
2.Scope for Opportunity

1.From the provided project details understand Holistic Health Systems (HHS) operates
39 hospitals and clinics and the current POS performance of HHS is 35.6% and executed
team has determined that 5%-point increase is required to stat HHS competitive target
2. As per data provided in Table 1 (2015 POS by facility) shows that out of 39 facilities, 13
facilities are above POS targeted % (40.6%).
3. So, Scope to set these 13 facilities above the targeted POS% as a control benchmark
and rest of the facilities needs to analyse/investigate for POS% increase.
4. Hypothesis testing need to conduct for facilities with POS percentage Above the
targeted level have the centralized team or not.
5) A testing should be conducted to check the association between POS collection team
and centralized team and to check association is practically significant or not.
3. Testing a theory
Let null hypothesis H0: Centralized team has no impact on POS
collection. So Alternate Hypothesis H1: Centralized team impacts POS
collection. Level of Significance 5% i.e., 0.05

Data used from the Table.1

Chi square test is used for the testing

Central Central
team - team-
  Yes No Total
POS %>35.6% 11 10 21
POS %<=35.6% 13 5 18
  24 15 39

Expected data
Central team Central
  - Yes team- No
POS %>35.6% 12.92 8.07
POS %<=35.6% 11.07 6.92
Now the Chi-Square Statistic = sum of [ (observed - expected) ^2/expected]

For this case we get, Chi square Observed = 1.6121

Now for 2X2 matrix, degrees of freedom = (2-1) X (2-1) = 1

Now, from Chi-square table we get Chi-square (0.05, 1) where 0.05 is level of significance
and 1 is degrees of freedom. we see Chi-square (0.05,1) = 3.841

Now Chi-square observed is 1.6121 which is less than 3.841. This means we cannot
reject the null hypothesis H0 with 0.05 level of significance or 95% confidence interval.

Since we can not reject the null hypothesis, we can conclude that centralized teams have
no significant impact on POS collections.
4. Solution Categories

Have a financial counselling policy
Ask for payment

Have proper patient education on benefit and liability

reduce the no of patients that leave without financial

Avoid wrong patient information

Avoid proceeding with service without verifying


have accurate tools to help estimate patient liability

or responsibility

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