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Active Recreation

A. Give the definition of Fitness and
identify the different warm-up exercises;
B. Apply the different warm-up exercises;
C. Practice a Dance Fitness
Exercise/DANCERCISE applying the
different warm-up exercises.
 The class will be divided into 2 Groups
 Each group will form 1 line
 The person at the end of the line will pick
examples of Physical Activity.
 The student will pass the action until the student
in front and the student who will be the last
receiver of the action will be the one who will
guess the action/Physical activity.
 The group who will earn the highest score will
be given plus points for the other activity later.
 walking/ Jogging
 biking
 Hip hop dancing
 Playing badminton
 Playing Volleyball/ Basketball
 Swimming
 Strength training
 Aerobics Exercises
 Ballroom dancing
 Hiking
 Yoga exercises
 Zumba exercises
 Malling
 Hiking
Reflective Questions:
 1. How do you feel about the different activities you
are engaged in?
 2. What influences your choice of physical activity?
 3. What challenges do you encounter in performing
the activities?
 4. How do these activities affect you and your
 5. How do you benefit from engaging in these
The Warming Effect

An effective warm-up exercise should:

 Increase blood flow to the muscles;
 Increase muscle elasticity;
 Gently raise heart rate;
 Increase mental alertness; and,
 Increase core body temperature.
a. Neck Stretch
 Bend your head forward
and slightly to the right.
 With your right hand,
gently pull your head
downward to stretch
your neck.
 Hold for about 16
counts. Repeat on the
opposite side
b. Shoulder Rolls
 Stand in upright
position. Roll
shoulders in
circular motion
forward to
c. Side Arm Stretch

 Stand in upright position.

Extend the right arm to
the left. Use the left
arm/hand to gently push
the right arm towards the
body to straighten and
stretch it. Hold the stretch
for 16 counts. Repeat on
left arm.
d. Tricep Stretch
 Extend one hand down
the center of your back,
fingers pointing
 Use the other hand to
grasp the elbow and
stretch your tricep
 Hold the stretch for 16
counts. Repeat on the
opposite arm.
e. Hamstring Stretch
 Stand with your feet shoulder-
width apart, one foot extended
half a step forward.
 Keeping the front leg straight,
bend your rear leg, resting
both hands on the bent thigh.
 Stretch the hamstring
muscles. Hold the stretch for
16 counts. Repeat on the
opposite leg.
f. Quadricep Stretch
 Stand near a wall or a piece of
sturdy exercise equipment for
 Grasp your ankle and gently
pull your heel up and back
until you feel a stretch in front
of your thigh.
 Hold for about 16 counts.
Switch legs and repeat.
g. Outer Thigh Stretch
 Sit on the floor. Extend your legs in front of •Gently twist waist and
your body.
shoulders to the right, looking
 Bend right knee, cross right foot over left behind the right shoulder.
knee and place on the floor.
 Place left elbow on right knee.
•Feel the stretch in the right
 Keep abdominal muscles tight and back outer thigh.
straight. Keep shoulders back and chin up.
•Inhale (breathe in) through your
 Place right arm behind your right hip on
floor for support.
nose, and exhale (breathe out)
through your mouth, as you
complete this stretch.
•Hold this stretch for 16 counts.

•Repeat on the opposite side to

stretch your left outer thigh.
h. Inner Thigh Stretch
 Stand upright, with both feet facing forward,
double shoulder-width apart.
 Place your hands on your hips, in order to
keep your back straight, slowly exhale,
taking your body weight across to one side.
 Avoid leaning forward, or taking the knee of
the bent leg over your toes. As you increase
the stretch, the foot of the bent leg should
point slightly outward.
 Repeat on the opposite side.
i. Calf Stretch
 Begin this calf stretch with
your hands against the wall
and your leg to be stretched
behind you.
 Keep your heel down, knee
straight and feet pointing
forwards. Gently lunge
forwards until you feel a
stretch in the back of your
calf or knee.
 Hold for 16 counts and
repeat with the other leg.
j. Knee Bends/Squat
 Plant your feet flat on the ground, •Never let your knees extend
about shoulder-width apart. beyond your toes.
 Point your feet slightly outward, •Pull in your abdominal
muscles and keep your lower
not straight ahead.
back in a near neutral position
 Look straight ahead. Bend your (a slightly arched back might
knees as if you were going to sit be unavoidable).
back in a chair, keeping your heels •In a controlled manner slowly
on the floor. lower yourself down so that
your upper legs are nearly
parallel with the floor. Extend
your arms for balance.
Other Warm-Up Exercises:

 a. Hip Circles  h. Jog in Place

 b. Alternate Cross Kicks  i. Jumping Jacks
Front  j. Breathing Exercises
 c. March on the Spot  k. Alternate Reach Up
 d. March Feet Apart  l. Lower Back Stretch
 e. Knee Lifts  m. Shin Stretch
 f. Alternate Toe Touches
 g. Waist Turns
 The class will be divided into 3
groups, each group will make their
own routines for their dance fitness
 Apply the different warm-up
 Practice for 20 minutes.
RUBRICS for the Dancercise

 Follows the proper warm-up exercises 10%

 Energy/Enthusiasm- 15%
 Mastery of the Steps 10%
 Group Participation 10%
 Overall Impact 5%
TOTAL : 50%
Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines
1. Perform around 20-30 minutes of moderately intense physical activity on most
days of the week. It can an accumulation of minutes for each day.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast everyday.
3. Manage stress effectively.
4. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
5. Perform simple flexibility exercises involving all joints of the body.
6. Eat a healthy diet that is rich in whole-wheat grains, fruits, and vegetables
and is low in saturated and trans fats.
7. Do not use tobacco in any form and avoid second hand smoke.
8. Maintain your recommended body weight through adequate nutrition and
9. Have at least one close friend or relative in whom you can confide in and to
whom you can express your feelings openly.
10. Be aware of your surroundings and take personal safety measures at all times.

I. Objective:
To analyze current lifestyle habits and help determine changes necessary for future
health and wellness

II. Materials: pen

 activity notebook / HAND OUT

III. Procedure: Place a check in the column corresponding to your answer for
each question. Get your final score according to the guidelines provided at the
end of the questionnaire.

Answer the following reflective questions below.

Always Nearly Often Seldom Never
(5) Always (3) (2) (1)

1. I participate in vigorous aerobic activity for 20 minutes, 3x a day.

2. I participate in strength training exercises, 2 or more days per week.

3. I perform flexibility exercises a minimum of 2x per week.

4. I maintain my recommended body weight.

5. I eat 3 regular meals that include a wide variety of food every day.

6. I limit the amount of fats in my diet on most days of the week.

7. I eat fruits and vegetables every day.

8. I regularly avoid snacks, especially those high in calories and fat.

9. I readily recognize and act on it when I am under excessive tension and stress.

10.I am able to perform effective stress management techniques.

11 I have close friends and relatives with whom I can discuss personal problems and
approach for help when needed.

12. I spend most of my leisure time in wholesome recreational activities.

13. I can deal effectively with disappointments and temporary feeling of sadness,
loneliness, and depression.

14. I can work out emotional problems without turning to alcohol or violent

15. I associate with people who have a positive attitude about life.
16. I do not spend time and talent worrying about failures.

17. I wear a seatbelt, whenever I am in a car or vehicle.

18. I do not drive under the influence of alcohol nor read, write or send text
messages while driving.

19. I avoid being alone in public places and staying out until midnight.

20. I always keep doors and windows locked, especially when I am at home alone

21. I support community efforts to minimize pollution.

22. I use energy conservation tips and encourage others to do the same.

23. I study in a clean environment.

24. I participate in recycling programs in my community.

Health- Environme
Related Nutrition Stress Emotional Personal ntal Health
Fitness Management Well-being Safety &
1. 5. 9. 13. 17. 21.

2. 6. 10. 14. 18. 22.

3. 7. 11. 15. 19. 23.

4. 8. 12. 16. 20. 24.


Answer the following reflective questions:

a. Are you aware of your family health history and lifestyle factors that may negatively
impact your health and fitness?
b. Do you accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity five
days per week? What did you find out after answering the questionnaire?
c. Do you make a constant and deliberate effort to stay fit and healthy?

Weight Loss Strategies
Make a commitment to change. You must accept that you have a problem and
decide that you really want to change.

 Incorporate exercise into the program. Choosing enjoyable activities, places, time,
equipment, and friends to work out with will help you get motivated.
 void automatic eating. Many people associate certain daily activities with eating,
for example cooking, watching television, or reading. Most foods consumed in
these situations lack nutritional value or are high in sugar and fat.
 Stay busy. People tend to eat more when they sit around and do nothing.
 Try “junior size” instead of “super size”. People who are served larger portions eat
more, whether they are hungry or not. Use smaller plates, bowls, cups, and glasses.
 Eat slowly and at the table only. Eating at the table encourages people to take time
out to eat and deters snacking between meals. After eating do not sit around the
table but rather, clean up and put away the food to avoid snacking.
 Cut unnecessary items from your diet. Substituting water for a daily can of soda
would cut calories from your diet.
 Do not serve more food than you should eat. Measure food in portions and keep
serving dishes away from the table.
 Think positive. Avoid negative thoughts about how difficult changing past
behaviours might be. Instead think of the benefits you will reap, such as feeling,
looking, and functioning better, plus enjoying better health and improving the
quality of life.
Health Consequences of Excessive Body
Being overweight or obese increases the risk for:
• high blood pressure
• type 2 diabetes
• congestive heart failure
• obstructive sleep apnea and respiratory problems
• poor female reproductive health (menstrual irregularities)
• psychological disorders (depression, eating disorders, distorted body image,
discrimination, and low self-esteem)
• shortened life expectancy
• decreased quality of life • gallbladder diseases • stroke •
 Eating disorders
Eating disorders are illnesses that involve crucial disturbances in eating behaviors
thought to stem from some environmental pressures. These disorders are
characterized by an intense fear of becoming fat, which does not disappear even
when the person is losing weight in extreme amounts. Take a look at the following
eating disorders:
 Anorexia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by self-imposed starvation to
lose and maintain very low body weight due to a false/distorted perception of being
 Bulimia nervosa – an eating disorder characterized by a pattern of binge eating
and purging in an attempt to lose weight and/or maintain low body weight

 Binge-eating disorder – an eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable

episodes of eating excessive amounts of food within a relatively short time

 Emotional eating – the consumption of large quantities of food to suppress

negative emotions
I. Objective:
To understand the concept and importance of active recreation

II. Materials: pen

meta strips

III. Procedure: Form three (3) groups and assign a leader.

Group members will be given “meta-strips” where they will write a word or
phrase that can be associated with the term “ACTIVE RECREATION”.
Post the meta-strips on the board.
Summarize all the statements and come-up with a definition of “ACTIVE
Definitions of Leisure, Play, and
Concept Definition
Leisure as time Leisure is time free from obligations, work,
(paid and unpaid), and tasks required for
existing (sleeping, eating)
Leisure as activity Leisure is a set of activities that people
engage in during free time – activities that
are not work-oriented or that do not involve
life maintenance tasks such as
housecleaning or sleeping.
Play Play is an imaginative, intrinsically
motivated, non-serious, freely chosen, and
actively engaging activity.
Recreation Recreation is an activity that people engage
in during their free time, that people enjoy,
and that people recognize as having socially
redeeming values and generates a general
sense of well-being.
Benefits of Recreational Activities:

 enhances personal growth

 helps to build self-esteem and confidence
 reduces tension and anxiety
 encourages spiritual renewal and personal growth
 increases mental relaxation
 generates a general sense of well being
 teaches positive conflict resolution skills
 provides alternatives to self-destructive behaviors
The Good Dose of Exercise

 You should increase the dose or amount of physical activity or

exercise to see changes in your fitness level. This is the overload
principle, which is guided by the FITT Principle that is
composed of the following:
 a. Frequency refers to how often you involve yourself in regular
physical activity or exercise.
 b. Intensity refers to how hard you should exercise or the level of
difficulty of your physical activity.
 c. Time refers to how long you should engage in a specific physical
 d. Type refers to the kind of exercise or physical activity you should
engage in.
 Hip hop aerobics get your heart pumping and your body moving. Do some street
style dancing while you kick up your cardio with popping and locking, breaking,
top rockin’, jerking, freezing, spinning, and sliding.
Benefits of Hip-Hop Aerobics
 calorie and fat burning workout
 improve coordination, flexibility, and agility
 increase aerobic fitness
 improve stamina and endurance
 encourage confidence
 develop social skills and values
 promotes a positive mindset
 improve mental functioning

Are you ready to groove with the beat? Show your hip style now!
Perform the following basic hip-hop dance steps with the help
of your teacher. Interpret the step-by-step instruction given
below and enjoy the hip-hop moves with an upbeat music.
 1. Glide Step
Starting with the right foot, slide to the right, then slide to the left with left foot.
Make it single-single-double slide step.
Extend arms sideward left when sliding to the right then reverse direction

2. Box Step
Cross right foot over left foot, cross left foot over right (cts. 1,2). Pull right foot back then pull left foot back (cts. 3 &
Stomp right foot then punch right arm downward then reverse side (cts. 5,6)
Round arms from chest (cts. 7, 8).

3. Pump Step
Starting with right foot, step side then close left foot to right foot with arms pumping at chest level (cts. 1,2,3,4).

4. Pull Down
Starting with the right foot, slide to the right and push down right arm and pull left leg up (cts. 1,2).
Repeat starting with the left foot. (cts. 3 & 4)
5. The Turn Step
Starting with the right foot, do a 3-step turn to the right and snap both
fingers down (cts. 1,2,3,4)
Repeat starting with the left foot. (cts. 5,6,7,8)

6. Jumping Jack Changes

Jump out, extend both arms sideward, jump in, extend both arms upward
(repeat 2x) (cts. 1,2,3,4)
Cross right foot over left (ball change), repeat with left foot (cts. 5,6,7,8).

7. Hip-hop Wave
Wave right arm upper up moving to the right (cts. 1,2), repeat moving to the
left (cts. 3,4)
Repeat 2x
8. Cool Walk
Starting with the right foot, walk forward with knees slightly bouncing, swing left arm
forward (as if your walking); repeat with left swinging right arm foot (cts. 1,2,3,4)
Repeat 4x

9. Shoe Tap
Start with a simple toe tap with the right foot moving forward closing left to right, then
moving backward (cts. 1,2,3,4).
Repeat starting with the left foot (cts. 5,6,7,8)

10. Hip Roll

Bend both knees and push hips to the right then cross step left (ball change) (cts.
Repeat moving to the left (cts. 5,6,7,8)

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