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Healthy and Unhealthy Personalities

What does Skinner's theory say about


Skinner believed that the environment determines behavior.

According to his view, people have consistent behavior patterns
because they have particular kinds of response tendencies. This
means that over time, people learn to behave in particular ways.
What is the Healthy Personality?
Skinner offered several means by which human behavior is controlled. The first
is social control, in which another person, a group, a society, or a nation shapes
an individual's behavior. This is accomplished through (1) operant conditioning.
(2) describing the contingencies of reinforcement, (3) depriving or satiating a
What is the unhealthy Personality?
Social control and self-control sometimes produce counteracting strategies and inappropriate behaviors.
Counteracting Strategies
People can counteract excessive social control by (1) escaping from it, (2) revolting against it, or (3)
passively resisting it.
Inappropriate Behaviors
Inappropriate behaviors follow from self-defeating techniques of counteracting social control or from
unsuccessful attempts at self-control.
No one will like to interact with that person , most of the time they are trying to avoid
Characteristics of healthy personality

1.capable to experience and express emotions

2.confident in their own abilities
3. Emotionally stable
4 . Fairly resilient to stress
6. Accepts life's disappointments
7. Genuine
8 . They make their own decisions
Characteristics of unhealthy personality

1. Gettingtired always.
2.Always assume the worst.
3.Don't listen to the experts.
4.Blames genetics regarding their health.
Advantage of healthy personality
1. More positive than negative emotionas in daily life
2. Opennes and flexibility of emotional expression
3. Trust in one's oen experience
4. Self - acceptance
5. Resistance to stress
6. Healthy self - assertion
7. Responsibility and competence
8. Warm ,authentic connection to others
Disadvantages of Unhealthy Personality
1. No one will like to interact with that person , most of the time they are
trying to avoid that person
2.  They dont like to face challenge so would not be able to go forward
3. They are not understandable people , so very hard to deal with society
(they are getting angry very easily , impatience etc )
4. They dont have proper goals , so are wasting time
5. They dont have proper goals , so are wasting time
6. Because of their pessimistic side it can affect others very badly
7. They cant perform well what other healthy people can
8. They can be easily affected by different kind of diseases , thus adding
to their unhealthiness

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