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Defensive Driving

• This Course is intended to:
• –Improve your traffic safety awareness
• –Lessen the likelihood of collisions
• –Eliminate
• the misery and tragic cost in human lives
• the financial expense involved in motor vehicle accidents
Course Goals & Objectives
• To help you understand how Your attitude affects your driving
• To enable you to recognise and evaluate your current driving
• To ensure that you understand the responsibilities of driving
• To help improve the standard of driving on the Project
What is Defensive Driving?
• Planning ahead
• Being observant
• Being aware of others and what they may do
• Anticipating other people’s errors
• Showing consideration for other road users, including pedestrians,
cyclists etc.
Road Statistics
• Number 4 cause of Death in the World as per statistics
• World Wide - every year
• –Killed - over 500,000!
• –Seriously Injured -
• over 15 Million
Common Causes of Vehicle Accidents

• Failure to GIVE WAY the right of way

• Driving too close to the vehicle in front (tailgating)
• Ignoring signals
• Poor standard of vehicles and lack of maintenance
• Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Major Factors
• Environment

• –poor driving standards

• –poor road surfaces
• –extreme weather / poor visibility

• Attitude
• –anger & impatience
• –tiredness
• –driving under the influence of alcohol or
Major Factors.
• Distractions
• –passengers
• –day-dreams
• –Problems
• –Using mobile phones while driving
• Poor Vehicle Condition
• –no lights
• –bad tyres
• –chassis alignment
• Give way to traffic from Left
• Going Straight? Indicate Right turn here

NO overtaking on roundabouts No Indicator

• Right Turn?

Indicate Right turn

Left turn?

Indicate Left turn

95% of Road Accidents are Caused by Driver
• Attitude
• –taking risks
• overtaking
• speeding
• –abuse of alcohol or drugs
• –arrogance, impatience
Driver’s Responsibility
• Take into account the road conditions
• –surface, weather, visibility
• –traffic, pedestrians, animals
• –location - town or rural
• Consider the vehicles condition
• –age (corrosion), brakes, tyres, lights,
steering, suspension, etc.
• –poor maintenance
• Carry out regular vehicle checks
• Apply 4 seconds Safe distance
Daily Safety Checks
• Brakes operates efficiently
• –(including parking brakes)
• Tires
• –Good condition, properly inflated

• Seatbelts
• –Fully serviceable
• –3 points seatbelts in front side
• Lights
• –All functioning – including brake lights
and indicators
• Use dipped headlights in rain or
when light is poor
• –See and be seen - you may be
able to see, others may not see
• –If you are dazzled, pull over and
give your eyes time to recover.
Give Way / Yield
• Driver must Yield or stop for all
Emergency Response vehicles
showing BLUE, RED or GREEN
flashing lights.
• –Pull over to let them pass
• –stop if vehicles remains behind
• Do not fit or use BLUE, RED or
GREEN flashing lights unless you
are authorized to do so
Four Way Flashers
• Use only to indicate a
• Not:-
• –I’m important and I’m coming
• –I’m going straight on
• –I’m breaking the speed limit but
flashing my “Four Ways” makes it
Safe Driving Rules
• Seatbelts must be worn at all
times by the DRIVER and ALL
• Drivers must wear footwear
that is properly fastened and will
not slip of the foot.
• – Footwear that is held on by
single strap either through the
toes or over the foot shall not be
worn when driving

Safe Driving Rules

• Speed limits must be adhered to:-
• –Open road/Highway 80 KPH
• –Site 20KPH –
• –Office area 10KPH
• –Camps 10KPH

• On site and on the camps

Fail to meet your Responsibilities:-

Remedial Measures
• The Three E’s
• –Education- skills training
• hazard perception
• attitude changes -
concentration, consideration and
• –Engineering - well maintained
• –Enforcement
Driving While Under the Influence of
Alcohol or Drugs
• Daewoo has a zero tolerance to driving while under the
influence of Alcohol or Drugs. It will result in:


Drug and Alcohol Testing

• You WILL be tested for drugs and alcohol

• –You are the driver of the vehicle that has
been involved in a collision with any other
• –If your conduct gives cause for concern,
having committed and unsafe act, failed
to comply with the rules of the road or
breached any HSE requirements
Driving To Stay Alive
• Driver error is the major contributor in 95% of all collisions


• A collision WILL happen if

• –Driver has failed to do everything reasonably practical to prevent it

• DEFENSIVE DRIVING is when the Driver conscientiously drives to PREVENT
Five seeing habits
• Aim high in steering
• Get The big picture
• Keep your eyes moving
• Leave yourself an out
• Make sure they see you
1 - Aim High in Steering
• ACTION Zone 4 to 6 seconds, do
an action immediately!
• SEEING Zone 12 to 15 seconds,
check hazards to adjust conditions
your vehicle, pick a target in the
center of your lane
• PLANNING Zone 30 to 120
seconds, you have time to smoothly
and safely avoid the danger.
1 - Aim High in Steering
Avoid Head on, Head collision
• Centre your vehicle on the lane.
• Spot early the drivers who are:
• –Driving erratically.
• –Lurking behind a truck.
1 - Aim High in Steering

•Avoid Head on
Head collision
1 - Aim High in Steering
! • Watch for other drivers lurking
behind others in oncoming traffic.

• Never go into the opposite lane, the

oncoming driver may attempt to
swerve back to that side of the road
• Keep in mind that Head-Ons are
deadly and better to hit a stationary
objects than approching vehicle.
2 - Get the Big Picture
Driver must analyze the
route continually, you must
look :
• In front you.
• On your Left
• On your Right
• Behind you
• Below you
• Above you
2 - Get the Big Picture
• Re-establish your visibility.

• Maintain your space.

• Create a safe area or “bubble” around your vehicle.

. 2 - Get the Big Picture

• Driving is a full time job

• Stay focused on the task at hand,
don’t be distracted.
• Avoid fixed vision.
• ”Understand ” the road rather than
simply “
• Looking ” at the road
2 - Get the Big Picture

If you cannot see around

the truck!
Back off and Get the Big Picture!!!
2 - Get the Big Picture
• If you plan to pass the next car, think first :
• Do you really need to do this? Perhaps it would be better to wait!
• Is it safe, do you have enough space and
• time?
• Is it legal?
2 - Get the Big Picture

If you make the decision to pass,

Don’t forget : turn signal, check mirrors,
And accelerate but remember it is never legal to exceed the posted limit : you need at
least 5 M/H or 8 KPH more speed than the vehicle you are passing to pass safely.
2 - Get the Big Picture
• On hills or curves, you must
drive at a speed that you will
be able control, maintain a

• SLOW DOWN!, Driving in

the mountains is not the
same as driving where you
can see for miles ahead.
: 3 – Keep Your Eyes Moving
• Two types of vision:
• Only the Sharp central core has the clearly vision
3 – Keep Your Eyes Moving
• Make a habit of:
• Moving your eyes focusing your central vision every
2 seconds.
• Scan from side to side.
• Include your mirrors in your scanning every 5 to 8
3 – Keep Your Eyes Moving

Keep your eyes moving habits

is particularly important in
preventing intersection
3 – Keep Your Eyes Moving
• Move your eyes at least every 2
• Look at the mirrors every 5 to 8
• Scan the big picture from side
to side.
4 - Leave Yourself an Out
• Nine recommended rules for backing :
• 1.Clear the rear
• 2.Sound the horn before you start to move.
• 3.Never trust the scene you checked to stay the same.
• 4.Back slowly
• 5.As you back, check both side mirrors.
• 6.Don’t back further than necessary.
• 7.Back to the driver’s side.
• 8.Use the ground guide
• 9.Always park so your first move is forward.
5- Make Sure They See You
Make sure they see you:
• –pedestrian
• –Other drivers
• –Animals
• By using :
• –Horn, lights, turn signal, hand
signal, your position or Stop.
Don’t drive in blind spots.
5- Make Sure They See You
• Parked vehicle, drivers or passengers ready to open doors.
• Check the intentions of incoming traffic
• Use your signals well in advance.
• Wait for a response.
• Keep eye contact.
• Headlights on at dawn & dusk - at least 30 minutes before sunset
(dusk) and 30 minutes after sunrise (dawn), and
• during poor visibility (Ex. SANDSTORM).
Always, Follow the Five Seeing Habits

Aim High in Steering Get the Big Picture Leave yourself an out

Keep your eyes moving Make sure they see you

Standard Accident Prevention Techniques
• Remember it takes Time to See, Understand & Act.
• Defensive Drivers allow themselves a few seconds of
“thinking time”.
• So in terms of the Lives, Time and Money that can be
• Saved, these techniques are a measure worth taking
• Recognise the hazard
• Understand the defence
• Act correctly in good time
Good Drivers Are:-
The “Do’s” for Good Drivers
• DO wear your seatbelt
• –and make sure ALL of your passengers wear theirs too - it’s
your responsibility
• DO keep your speed down
• DO maintain your vehicle
• DO drive defensively at ALL times
• –concentrate
• –think ahead
The “Don’ts” for Good Drivers
• DON’T drink and drive
• DON’T carry excess loads
• –passenger and/or materials
• DON’T take chances with lives
• –yours or anyone else`s
How to Prevent an Accident
• Recognise the hazards
• Anticipate what others may or may not do
• Know and follow the rules
• Signal correctly and in good time
• Only move into another lane or road when it is clear
and it is safe to do so
• Do not ‘tailgate’
How to Prevent an Accident
• Use dipped headlights in rain or when light is
• –See and be seen - you may be able to see,
others may not see you
• Do not exceed the speed limits
• –Speed limits are maximum limits, at times it
may be necessary to drive below the limit
Project Requirements
•Only AUTHORISED drivers may drive
vehicles on site
•Site speed limits MUST be obeyed
•REVERSE park whenever possible
If It All Goes Wrong
• In the event of having an accident:
• If there is anybody hurt, get medical help immediately
• All collisions are to be reported to Daewoo HSE section without
delay to permit the road traffic unit to attend.
• Be pro-active, help in the investigation
• Remember, all drivers involved in an accident are to be tested
for drugs and alcohol
Things to Think About
• Do not use a hand held radio or mobile
telephone while driving
• Do not smoke while driving
• Ensure that you and all passengers wear
• – if your vehicle has only 2 seatbelts, only 2
persons will travel.
Project Driving Permit
• Permit system is controlled by ASGT HSE
• The permit shall be carried at all times.
• It is to be produced at the request of any Project
Supervisor, Road Traffic Officer, Safety Personnel or
Security Staff
• It is not to be given to, or used by, any other person
•Drive badly
• An Accident waiting to happen
• Drive Safely
• Live Long - Be Happy

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