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Vocabulary learning

 To be able to understand the meaning of the word
 To be able to use the word effectively in a sentence
 Noun
 Means Vaccination , immunization
 the action of inoculating or of being inoculated; vaccination.
 Examples:
 "inoculation against flu was readily available“
 I was given a full medical examination and various inoculations.
 My children have been inoculated (as a verb) against polio
 Synonyms:
 Immunization , Vaccination , injection
 Adjective
 having or showing an interest in learning things; curious.
 unduly curious about the affairs of others; prying.
 Examples
 "his poems reveal an intensely inquisitive mind"
 "I didn't like to seem inquisitive”
 “The monkeys gave so many amusing moments with their inquisitive ways.”
 Synonyms
 Analytical , Nosy , Forward , Impertinent , Inquiring , Interested , Intrusive ,
 Adjective
  describes being comfortable and warm
 Examples
 The night was cold and she was cozy in the bed.
 The smell of pancakes still hung in the air of the cozy kitchen.
 The hospital in Wellington was a peacetime hospital, a hill station and our
quarters were lovely and cozy.
 Synonyms
 comfortable, comfy, relaxed, snug
 Noun
 the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or
 Examples
 “An year before his death, he handed over the stewardship of FRCH to a doctor.
 The broad definition of state-orientated stewardship is that the function of
government is responsible for the welfare and interests of the population
 Stewardship in nursing involves valuing and respecting patients' priorities and self-
 Nurses become stewards or teachers to patients who may not have the expertise or
experience in the disease process
 Synonyms Supervision, charge
Administration, direction
superintendence, care
Guidance, regulation
 Verb
 to put on (an article of clothing), to wrap oneself in
  Donning refers to putting on work clothes, gear, and equipment
 Examples
  I saw that Quell had donned his black suit.
 Donning a heavy coat, she escaped through the doors and hurried out to the
 "Here's a cap!" shouted a soldier, donning a shaggy French cap.
 Synonyms
 put on , pull on , throw in, dress in
 Verb
 to remove (an article of wear) from the body, to take off
 Opposite of donning
 Examples
 He doffed his cap as he introduced himself.
 They doffed their coats when they came inside.
 Synonyms
 Throw off, take of , pull off
 Noun
 anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
 Examples
 He felt a wave of apprehension and accelerated heart beat as the door
 His expression was apprehensive (adjective), but he said nothing.
 There is growing apprehension that fighting will begin again.
 Synonyms
 Anxiety, worry, uneasiness, realization
 Adjective
 worn out or ruined because of age or neglect, not in good condition or health
 Examples
 She opened her eyes and looked around, not recognizing the decrepit factory
 The primary healthcare system has become decrepit.
 Synonyms
 Decaying, falling apart , broke down, ruin, rickety
 Adjective
 extremely bad or of a very low standard.
 Examples
 "the quality of her work is abysmal”
 He showed in his very uninteresting and abysmal performance that he has no
grasp of the problems now facing the industry
 The movie's plot was so abysmal
 He earned an abysmal score on the exam.
 Synonyms
 appalling , atrocious , awful, dreadful,
 Noun
 gerund or present participle: grimacing
 make a grimace, An ugly expression made by twisting your face, used to show
pain, disgust etc.
 Examples
 I saw her holding her abdomen and grimacing (Verb).
 She pushed herself up, grimacing at the flickers of pain still running through
 The patient made a painful grimace (noun) as the doctor examined his
 Synonyms
 Scowl , frown

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