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Practical key words 3

Scientific key words

A variable is a quantity or a characteristic which may be physical,
chemical or biological and it can change in an experiment.
In an experiment, the investigator will change one variable to see
how it affects another. This is called the independent variable.
The dependent variable is the variable which is measured for each
and every change of the independent variable.
Experiment to decide if: Independent variable Dependent variable
body position affects heart rate Body position Heart rate
the type of metal used in Time taken to
saucepans affects the time taken Metal
to boil 250 ml tap water boil 250ml
tap water
the wavelength of light affects
the rate of photosynthesis Wavelength of Rate of
light photosynthesis
Practical key words 3

Scientific key words

Control Variable:
A control variable is something which might affect the outcome of
the investigation and therefore must be kept constant.
There is usually more than one control variable to keep constant.
Experiment to decide if: Control variables

body position affects heart rate Same person used each time
Same way of measuring heart rate
Same time to rest in between positions
Same time in situ before measuring rate
Same environmental temperature
the type of metal used in saucepans Surface area of saucepan
affects the time taken to boil 250 ml Thickness of metal base
tap water Starting temperature of water
Same method of heating
Same method of timing and deciding when
water is boiling
Practical key words 3

Scientific key words

A control is an experiment which is done to make sure that there
are no other factors which can cause the change.

Experiment to decide if: Control Experiment

body position affects heart rate Measure the heart rate of the same person
when they are in a resting position several
Use the same method of recording heart rate
and the same time interval
Just don’t change the body position
Practical key words 3
Categoric variables:
These are variables which have values that are labels like names of plants,
types of material, colours etc.

Blood type of a group of people would be classed as a categoric variable.

Each person is one of four types or categories - A, B, AB or O.
A person cannot be ‘in-between’ blood groups.

Continuous variables:
These variables can have values which can be counted or measured. They
contain numbers.
Continuous variables will normally have a maximum and a minimum value
with lots of values in between.
The height of people in a class
would be a continuous variable.
There is the tallest height and
the shortest height but there are
lot of in-between heights.
Practical key words 3

Fair Test
A fair test is one in which only the independent variable has been allowed to
affect the dependent variable.

Only the independent variable is changed by the investigator.

All other variables must remain the same. We control them.

Practical key words 3

Sketch Graph
A line graph that shows the general shape of the relationship between two

It will not have any points plotted and although axes should be labelled
they may not be scaled.
Practical key words 3

Anomalous, Anomalies or Anomaly

•Anomaly (noun)
•Anomalies (plural)
•Anomalous (adjective)

An anomaly identifies something which is unusual or not expected.

It does not follow the normal pattern. Video

Practical key words 3

An anomaly is a result which is unusual or not expected.
It does not follow the normal pattern. It is not a systematic error.
Current (A)
Resistance Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean
10 0. 35 0.52 0.32
20 0.26 0.27 0.28
30 0.15 0.16 0.17

• Which is the anomalous result in this table? 0.52

• Give two ways in which the scientist could improve the
Omit the 0.52 result when calculating the mean.
accuracy of these results. Repeat the 10Ω experiment again. (Best idea)
• Why is this not a systematic error? All the measurements would be affected by
the same amount.
Match IT

Quantities or characteristics which may be physical,

Independent variable
chemical or biological and can change in an experiment.

The variables which may affect the outcome of the

Continuous variable
investigation if they are not kept constant.

Variable Variable with values which are counted or measured.

The variable which is measured for each and every

Control variables
change in the independent variable.

Dependent variable   The variable which is being changed by the investigator.

A result which is unusual or not expected. It does not

Categoric variable
follow the normal pattern.
An experiment where only the independent variable is
changed and allowed to affect the dependent variable.

Fair test Values which are labels rather than numbers

An experiment which is done to make sure that no other

factors are causing the results.
Match IT Answers
The variable which is being changed by the
Independent variable

Variable with values which are counted or

Continuous variable
Quantities or characteristics which may be physical,
Variable chemical or biological and can change in an
The variables which may affect the outcome of the
Control variables
investigation if they are not kept constant.
The variable which is measured for each and every
Dependent variable
change in the independent variable.

Categoric variable Values which are labels rather than numbers.

A result which is unusual or not expected. It does

not follow the normal pattern.
An experiment where only the independent variable
Fair test is changed and allowed to affect the dependent
An experiment which is done to make sure that no
other factors are causing the results.
Label IT
• Match the key words to the correct definition.
• Choose the best key words for each of the labels A to D

Independent variable The variable which is measured for each and

every change in the independent variable.
Dependent variable A result which is unusual or not expected

Categoric variable The variable which is being changed by the

Anomaly Values which are labels rather than numbers

60 Temperature Time to Time to
Gas produced (ml)

50 (°C) change change

40 colour(s) colour(s)
20 0 35 36
0 10 25 24
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 20 20
Distance of plant from the light bulb
Label IT Answers
• Match the key words to the correct definition.
• Choose a keyword from the list and label the most appropriate diagram.
Independent variable The variable which is being changed by the
Dependent variable The variable which is measured for each and
every change in the independent variable.
Categoric variable Values which are labels rather than numbers

Anomaly A result which is unusual or not expected

Independent Dependent Categoric

Variable Variable Variable
Anomaly A B C D
60 Temperature Time to Time to
Gas produced (ml)

50 (°C) change change

40 colour(s) colour(s)
20 0 35 36
0 10 25 24
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20 20 20
Distance of plant from the light bulb

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