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American Literature and the Life

of John Steinbeck Jr.

Group 3:
Kessa Kylien
Megan Minglana Maravilla
Sandyr Manliguis
Nikki Ladonga
Heather Lisondra
Contents of this Presentation
Throughout this presentation we will discuss about American literature and its famous

1. We will discuss about a brief history of American literature and how it came to be.

2. Mention the authors literary piece, their biography and their most famous literary

3. Discuss a brief description about the characters on their literary work.

4. Mention a summary of their literary piece.

5. And lastly answer the guide questions for the authors literary piece.

Brief history of Biography of John

01 American literature 02 Steinbeck Jr.

A Summary of
A Brief Description
03 John Steinbeck
Jr.’s Famous
04 on the characters of
“The winter of our
Literary work “The Discontent”
winter of our
Brief history of American
Brief history of American
This history of American Literature begins with the
arrival of English-speaking Europeans in what would
become the United States. At first American literature
was naturally a colonial literature, by authors who were
Englishmen and who thought and wrote as such. 
John Smith, a soldier of fortune, is credited with
initiating American literature. His chief books
included A True Relation of…Virginia…(1608) and The
Generall Historie
of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (1624).
The life of John
Steinbeck Jr.
John Steinback Jr.’s Biography
John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. was born on February 27, 1902, in
Salinas, California, US. Right from childhood he developed a
great taste for literature, and at the age of fourteen he decided to
make a career in writing. His formal education started at Salinas
High School and he later attended Standford University and
studies English literature, he left the institution in 1925 without
completing his education but although he received a less formal
education, his writings left a permanent mark on the history of
literature owning to his narrative techniques. His writing career is
marred with a series of challenges.
A Summary of John
Steinbeck Jr.’s Famous
Literary work “The winter of
our Discontent”
The winter of our Discontent
The winter of our Discontent, by John Steinbeck, tells the story of Ethan
Allen Hawley, a man from a family that was once very wealthy but fell
to misfortune. He dreams of the glory days, but he resigns himself to
working as a clerk in a grocery store until, under pressure from the
townspeople, he becomes determined to rebuild his family fortune, no
matter what the cost. Danny has his boss, who is an undocumented
immigrant, deported so that he can purchase the grocery store. However,
his boss, oblivious to Ethan’s involvement in the matter, his boss,
oblivious to Ethan’s involvement in the matter, rewards his honesty and
good work and gives him the store. Then Ethan has a plot of land taken
from Danny Taylor, his ex – best friend and the town drunk. Danny, who
is also clueless to Ethan’s involvement in the matter, kills himself and
wills Ethan the land
The Winter of our
Though Ethan restores the family’s wealth and rebuild his
reputation with the townspeople, he begins to feel
remorseful over his actions. Then he learns that his son
won an essay contest by plagiarizing the essay. He also
learns that his son feels no remorse over his actions – he
explains to his father that everyone cheats to gain
advantage. Ethan sinks into depression and plans to kill
himself. Then he finds a family talisman that he gives to
his daughter, as he believes she is the only untainted
member of his family and thus the only one who can
restore the family to honor.
A Brief Description on the
characters of “The winter of our
A Brief Description on the characters of “The winter of our
1. Ethan Allen Hawley: Grocery clerk, husband, and father. Ethan decides to gain back his family’s
riches by turning over his boss to the Immigration Service, obtaining a large plot of land from his
best friend, and robbing a bank.

2. Mary Hawley: Wife of Ethan. She is a patient and caring woman that has kept the family
together through the hard times. Even though she supports her husband, she wishes that he would
make more of his life than working as a grocery clerk, and she pressures Ethan to make more
money so that the family can keep up appearances in the town.

3. Red Baker: The banker’s dog. A red setter that Ethan speaks to in the mornings on his way to

4. Joseph Patrick Morphy: The bank teller who works in the bank next to Ethan’s store. He is “a good
bookkeeper and a wonderful bank teller” (7). Joey likes women but does not like commitment.
He is also a clever storyteller who has great knowledge of other people’s lives.
A Brief Description on the characters of “The winter of our
1. Alfio Marullo: The owner of the grocery store. Mr. Marullo is an illegal immigrant from Italy.
He came to America with nothing and managed to make a small fortune after working his way up
from a sandwich cart.

2. Mr. Baker: The owner of the bank next to Ethan’s store. Mr. Baker is involved in the town’s
politics and growth. He is also a businessman who believes in earning a little off the top.

3. Margie Young-Hunt: A young, attractive woman who dates many of the men in town. She is
divorced and lives off the annulment. She is searching for another man to support her because her
ex-husband is going to die soon. She is lonely and spends her spare time reading the fortunes of
the women in town and flirting with the men.

4. Mr. Biggers: A grocery wholesaler who works for B.B.D. and D. He offers Ethan a bribe to take
goods from his supplier.
A Brief Description on the characters of “The winter of our
1. Allen Hawley: Ethan’s teenage son. Allen dreams of the theater. He talks about appearing on
television so that he could win a fixed contest and make a lot of money. He has little interest in
books or education, focusing instead on finding the easy way out. As a result, he plagiarizes an
essay that he submits to a national contest.

2. Mary Ellen Hawley: The young daughter of Ethan. She is more interested in learning the family
history and getting an education than her brother. She cares deeply about her father but also
wishes that the family had more money.

3. Willie: “Our fat constable.” He is the night shift policeman, likes to gossip, and usually sleeps
during his shift

4. Stonewall Jackson Smith: The day constable. He is a good policeman with F.B.I. training. He
is a tough man who does not give his feelings away. Ethan explains, “If you were going in for
crime, the chief would be a man to avoid” (38).
A Brief Description on the characters of “The winter of our
1. Danny Taylor: The town drunk. He was Ethan’s best friend growing up. Both Danny and Ethan
came from well-to-do families. Danny owns a large plot of land where the town leaders want to
build an airport. He does not want to sell the land because it is all that makes him worth anything
to the people of New Baytown.

2. Old Captain: Ethan’s grandfather. Ethan imagines Old Captain as he is struggling through the
important decisions in his life. He uses Old Captain as a model for honest living and valor.

3. Richard Walder: Federal Agent who was sent to investigate Mr. Marullo and deport him. He
returns to New Baytown to give Ethan the store after he is touched by the description of Ethan’s

4. Dunscombe: The N.B.C. agent sent to inform Ethan that his son plagiarized. He asks Ethan to
forget the whole thing and not to punish his son because in doing so the story of how N.B.C.
missed the plagiarism when distributing the awards would interest the media.
Guide Questions
and our Answers
Guide Questions
Why do you think this was How are these related to What tone or mood
written? What events could the author’s personal is exhibited in the
history and background? lines of the excerpt
have inspired the author to
write this piece?
These are related to the The tone or mood that was
This was written by the author’s personal history exhibited in the story was
author to express his and background because he that of a melancholic mood
feelings of discontent spent considerable time because of all the
regarding living in the supporting himself while misfortunes Ethan had to go
writing and his experiences through throughout the
world that hates him.
lent authenticity to his entirety of the story.
depictions of the lives of the
workers in his stories.
Thank you for
Group 3:
Kessa Kylien
Megan Minglana Maravilla
Sandyr Manliguis
Nikki Ladonga
Heather Lisondra

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