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Gapan City, Nueva Ecija

The Benefits of Playing Badminton

(Lesson 7)

Benefits of Playing Badminton
1. Badminton Helps Reduce Health Risks
Badminton can reduce the risks of developing type two diabetes as
an adult. It reduces the production of sugar in the liver, which in turn
reduces the body’s fasting blood sugar.

Whereas for children and young adults, chasing the shuttlecock and
moving around the court at a fast pace can aid in developing bone
mass and density. This lessens the likelihood of osteoporosis in the
2.Improved Mobility

As we age, our mobility gradually begins to become more

limited. We can prevent this by ensuring we lubricate our
joints by keeping up with our fitness regime and
remaining active. It also helps to minimize the risk of
arthritis and other joint issues.
3. Badminton Improves Your Mental Wellbeing

Taking part in any form of regular physical activity helps to

release our natural feel good happy hormones, endorphins. In
turn, this can help reduce depression, anxiety and stress and
improve our overall mood and sleep. Talking to other players
and rallying in singles or doubles means that badminton is a
social sport. This can be particularly beneficial in combating
loneliness among older players.
4. Fights Insomnia

As badminton is a strenuous physical sport, it makes you

feel exhausted. Given the current scenario, being at
home with limited movement has taken a toll on our
sleep schedules. If you are someone who has trouble
sleeping, badminton is just the sport for you! It works on
your entire body, thus making you feel tired. This
tiredness can help you have a sound sleep.
5. Helps Maintain Your Physique

Doesn’t matter what skill level you are playing

badminton. It helps all to improve their overall
physique. It is also known as a figure-toning workout.
So, if you have flab around your waist and desperately
want to get rid of it and want those six packs bulging
out, half an hour or one daily combined with a good diet
is all you need.
6. Improves Cognitive Function

Mind – Body coordination is a must when playing

badminton and this results in improved cognitive
function. Keeping an eye on the shuttlecock and quickly
strategizing how to smash it will help to improve your
thinking skills which also helps you in making better
decisions in life.

The backhand smashing and forehand smashing needs

high flexibility. By making it a habit our muscles become
flexible and strong. Flexibility of muscles helps you
maintain a healthy smart life.

One among the important benefits of playing

badminton is that it boosts up the muscle strength
making you strong and fit. The continues movements
from here to there build up your muscle mass, as well
as tone them up into perfect structure. It boosts up
your core muscles, calves, quads and hamstrings

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