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How terribly nice

to meet you!
British Stereotypes

How terribly

Are these British
stereotypes TRUE

1. British people are very polite.

2. British food is terrible.
3. British people love to queue.
4. The British have tea every day at 5pm.
5. British people are obsessed with the Royal Family.
6. Brits love talking about the weather.
7. British weather is always grey.
8. The British have bad teeth.
9. All British people speak like news readers.
10. The Brits don’t consider themselves European.
How many Make a
can you see in
the picture?

Remember, the
highest number
of typically
British items
1) William Shakespeare 17) A London taxi cab
2) A Union Jack mug 18) Some daffodils
3) A double decker bus 19) Stone Henge
4) A red post box 20) Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with all the trimmings
5)A traditional British breakfast 21) Sherlock Holmes
6) Wellingtons 22) Fish and chips
7) A British bulldog 23) A Rolls Royce statuette
8) An E-type jaguar 24) A ‘stop children’ sign
9) Strawberries and cream 25) Some deck chairs
10) Cold Stream guards 26) A football
11) Buckingham Palace 27) A tea pot
12) A thatched cottage 28) An umbrella
13) A pint of beer 29) A red telephone box
14) A British passport 30) Some cheddar cheese
15) A bowler hat 31) A map of the London Underground
16)Tower Bridge, London 32) Some beach huts
Choose at least one
object from the list
and give your
classmates a short
presentation on it.

You can use

your mobile
phone to help
you do your
19. Match these words to their meanings:

1) a quid a) a cup of tea

2) a cuppa b) a short sleep
3) a telly c) an umbrella
4) a loo d) £1
5) a brolly e) a television
6) a kip f) a toilet
British Culture Quiz

Can I put my leg

down now?!

1. The sport people watch most in Britain is:
a) cricket b) football c) tennis d) rugby

2. What is the traditional Sunday Lunch?

b) fried eggs and bacon
c) roast meat
d) fish and chips
e) a Cornish pasty

3. What is the name of the highest mountain in Britain?

a) Snowdon b) Scafell Pike c) Ben Nevis
4. The capital of Northern Ireland is:
a) Cardiff b) Dublin
c) Belfast d) Edinburgh

5. How many countries are in the U.K?

a) 1 b) 5 c) 4 d) 2

6. What is the second largest city in the UK?

b) Birmingham b) Cardiff
c) Plymouth d) Brighton
7. Which country in Britain has road signs written in two
a) Wales b) England
c) Scotland d) Northern Ireland

8. 10 Downing Street is the home of:

b) Harry Potter b) Theresa May
c) Prince William d) David Beckham

9. Who is the patron saint of England?

c) St David b) St George
c) St Patrick d) St Andrew
10. Who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?
a) Charles Dickens b) Princess Diana
c) William Shakespeare d) Winston Churchill

11. The Queen’s granddaughter Zara Philips is a famous Olympic:

b) horse rider b) swimmer
c) boxer d) hockey player

12. Where are the crown jewels kept?

a) Buckingham Palace b) The Tower of London
c) Westminster Abbey d) Big Ben
13. The most expensive shop in Britain is:
a) Marks and Spencer’s b) Harrods
c) Macys d) Primark

14. What is an MP?

b) a military policemanb) a military pilot
c) a Prime-Minister c) a Member of Parliament

15. Which political party is currently in government?

c) The Liberal Democrats b) The Labour Party
c) The Conservative Party d) UKIP
16. You can drive in Britain when you are:
a) 16b) 17
c) 21 d) 18

17. To buy alcohol in a pub you have to be:

b) 14b) 21
c) 18 d) 16

18. You can get married in Britain

when you are:
c) 14b) 16
c) 18 d) 21
20. Match the places to the reason they are famous:

1) Wimbledon a) a famous football pitch

2) Cambridge b) tennis
3) Wembley Stadium c) horse racing
4) Ascot d) the home of Sherlock Holmes
5) Baker Street e) an international music festival
6) Glastonbury f) an old university town
The Best of British
British Teenagers
Shall we talk
to each
British teenagers spend most of their time at school. Students in
Britain can leave school at sixteen (year 11). This is also the age
when most students take their first important exams, the GCSEs.
Most teens take between 5-10 subjects, which means a lot of
studying. They are spending more time on homework than
teenagers ever before. Forget watching TV, teenagers in Britain
now spend 2-3 hours on homework after school.

How is the
How is it
system THE
SAME in your
School Uniform
Visit almost any school in Britain and the first thing you’ll
notice is the school uniform. Although school uniform has its
advantages, when they are 15 or 16 most teenagers are
tired of wearing it. When there is more than one school in a
town, school uniforms can highlight differences between Are you IN
schools. In London there are many cases of bullying and
fighting between pupils from different schools.
Bullies uniforms?
School uniforms are not the only
cause of bullying in Britain. 50% of
teenagers in Britain say they have How can we
been bullied because of their race, OVERCOME
looks, intelligence or for no reason
at all.
Clothes and Looks Are designer
In Britain, some teens judge you by the shirt or trainers you
are wearing. 40% of British teenagers believe it’s important labels MORE
to wear designer labels. If you want to follow the crowd, you IMPORTANT to
need to wear trendy labels. Teenage feet in Britain wear
fashionable trainers and the more expensive, the better.
than other age

Should school
students be
encouraged to
Mobile Phones
Like teenagers all over the world, British teenagers love
to chat. The mobile phone is essential for most of them.
More than 90% of 12-16s have one. Many experts
believe that mobile stop teenagers spending money on
cigarettes and sweets. However, mobile phones aren’t all
good news. They cause 35% of teenage crime. Text- Are there MORE
bullying is also a new and worrying trend.
HOW OLD to young people
should a child be having mobile
before having phones?
their first mobile
Free Time
Music is the number one interest for British teens. But they certainly don’t like all the same music!
UK garage, hip-hop and nu-metal are all popular. Teenagers love going out, too. However, finding
somewhere to go isn’t always easy. Pubs and clubs have strict rules for under-18s in Britain. It’s
no surprise that British teenagers spend more time online than other European or American teens
and use chat rooms to make new friends.

What is the MOST

POPULAR free time
activity amongst
younsters in your
country? Has this
in recent
Speaking British
Why is it so
Watch the video
and complete
the table on the
Then think
next slide.
of your

How to Speak British – Anglophenia Ep 7

Away with the fairies   Daydreaming/Out of touch with reality

Swings and roundabouts   Everything evens out in the end
Horses for courses  
Different people are good at different things
The dawn chorus  
Birds singing in the morning
Bob’s your uncle  
There we go!
Chin-wag   Gossiping/Chatting
Donkey’s years   A really long time
To have a butcher’s   To have a look at
It’s monkeys!  
It’s very cold!
Up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire   To go to bed
Up the duff  
Brexit in Brief
Should I stay
or should I
Britain and the EU: summarised.
Now match
up the dates
to the Try to do it
important from your
events. memory!

1967 Referendum on Britain’s membership

1973 Introduction of the Euro
1975 Formation of the EU
1987 European Community established
1991 Britain joined the EU
1993 The Maastricht Treaty
2002 Signing of the Single European Act
Immigration: what does each camp say?

The LEAVE camp say that uncontrolled

immigration from eastern Europe is too
high. Britain needs to control its borders.
Only by leaving the EU can we do that.

The STAY camp claim that Britain will have

less control if it leaves the EU. The European
partners help to restrict the flow of
immigrants. For example, the French help to
prevent refugees in the jungle at Calais from
crossing into the UK.
Look at the
on the next

Which camp, Which points

LEAVE or STAY, do you think
made each are TRUE?
argument? Why?
1. Immigrants come here because life is better than the poor countries they come
2. They come because they get instant access to benefits that other European
countries don’t offer.
3. They come to find work and they make a great contribution to the economy.
4. They come because they get free housing, education for their kids and in-work
5. Local authorities cannot cope with the pressure on services: GP practices,
schools and hospitals are really struggling.
6. Britain has an ageing population and needs foreign workers to contribute and
pay tax.
7. They are not coming for the weather, are they?
8. They come because the British are very tolerant.
9. Britain needs immigrants as native Brits won’t do the jobs that the immigrants
are taking on.
10. Britain has always accepted immigrants; it’s nothing new and it’s not a problem.
Read the Which camp,
economic LEAVE or STAY,
debate for both has the strongest
camps on the argument in your
next slide. opinion?
The Economic Debate
• The UK would be free to arrange deals
STAY with the rest of the world by itself
• The UK is in a stronger position to
influence trade deals as part of the EU • The UK is losing its influence anyway as
• To deal with the EU, the UK would have to the other EU countries are moving
observe its rules, but have no power in towards closer financial integration
setting them
• Inward motion of immigrants helps with • Inward motion is depriving British
labour shortages workers of jobs and driving down
• The UK’s contribution to the EU of 10
billion pounds net is just 0.6% of GDP and
• The UK wouldn’t have to pay into the EU
the benefits we get from the EU in grants
can’t be measured.
• We could replace the Common
• If we pull out of the Common Agricultural
Agricultural Policy which consumes
policy, we will have to make one of our
own 38% of the total EU budget, with
something more efficient.
Finally, which
side would you
have voted

or STAY?!

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