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Sri Balaji College of Engineering &

Technology, Jaipur

National Conference
On February 11-12, 2022 (Friday & Saturday)

“Recent Innovations in Engineering,

Science & Technology”
Email Id.:
Overview of Affordable Housing

Guidance By:-
Mr. Rohit Soni Presented By:
Vivek Saini
Rinku Raj Pal
Akram Ali
Definition of Affordable Housing
 Housing for sale or rent at rates lower than market
rates that is allocated on the basis of need rather than
ability to pay.
Why is affordable housing an issue?
• Low level of local incomes compared to house prices
and rents.
• Severe shortage of suitable affordable housing in rural
areas to rent or buy especially for young people and the
Consequences for Community
 A lack of affordable housing can be damaging to the
viability of the community:
• Threats to services- Schools, bus routes, shops, post
• Limited labour force – stifles community life and
economic prospects. Key posts can be hard to fill.
Existing Housing Provision 
 • Much existing social housing sold off and is now on
open market
• Many former tied properties have been sold off or used
for holiday lets
• Shortage of available rental property
Some of the factors that affect the supply
and demand of housing stock
• Demographic and behavioural factors
• Migration (to cities and potential employment)
• Increased life expectancy
• Building codes
• A greater propensity for people to live alone
• Young adults delaying forming their own household (in
advanced economies).
• Exclusionary zoning
What is needed?
• More low cost rental property – either social housing
(less popular with communities), private or
community owned rental housing.
• Low cost homes to buy.
• Low cost self build plots.
How can DGSCHT help? 
• Raising the profile of the problem at local and national
• Working with policy makers to try to rural proof
planning and housing policies
• Working on directly with communities to explore all
Rural Housing Body Status 
  DGSCHT is a designated Rural Housing Body under
the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003.This means:

1. All property we sell must be offered back to us at the

discounted rate at every subsequent sale (Rural
Housing Burden).
2. We can enter long term leases of land for housing (ie
100 yrs) in a way similar to lease hold in England.
Minimum volume of habitation.
 Provision of basic amenities.
 Cost of the house.
 Location of the House.
What do we do about it
• Encouraging and assisting housing associations to
invest in rental housing or shared equity housing for
• Providing low cost self build plots
• Example – Monreith
What do we do about it
 • Working with private developers using rural housing
burden. Before the Trust intervened the council had
no way to require small scale developments to meet
their affordable housing planning policy requirements
(20% contribution)
What do we do about it
 • Working with private landlords, eg. Dormont Passive
Houses- 8 low cost rental houses built by local estate
via Rural Homes for Rent Scheme
• The Trust provided the housing needs data and
supported the applicant through the planning process.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING Central Level Schemes
 National Urban Housing and Habitat Policy (NUHHP),
 Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
 Basic Services for the Urban Poor (BSUP)
 Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme.
 Interest Subsidy Scheme for Housing the Urban Poor
 Rajiv Awas Yojana.
Dormont Passive Houses
Land Issues
• Often not much land around rural communities can be
developed (flood risk etc)
• Land owners feel short changed when others profit
from their generosity – i.e. Council housing sell off.
• Land owners don’t want to loose good agricultural
land. They are not always large landowners.
• They may be required to sell for the highest price.
Possible Solutions
• Work with landowners when possible – see Dormont
• Look at mixed/joint development – ie include open
market and low cost housing to sweeten the deal for
landowners – inclusion of a high number of affordable
houses can help with planning.
• Look a ways of leasing land for housing on long term
basis – ie 100 yrs ( may work for Church and Trusts).

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