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Jonard Filton M. Asis

What is business plan?
● A Business Plan is a document in which a business opportunity, or a business already
under way, is identified, described and analyzed, examining its technical, economic and
financial feasibility.
● It is an indispensable tool in order to start up a business project, independently of the size
of the project and/or of the amount of business experience of the entrepreneur.
● It provides an answer to simple questions about a new business or a business already under

Which markets?
What is the purpose of a Business Plan?

● The purpose of a Business Plan is to identify, describe and analyze a business

opportunity and/or a business already under way, examining its technical, economic
and financial feasibility.

● It should serve as a business card for introducing the business to others: banks,
investors, institutions, public bodies or any other agent involved.
A Business Plan has a dual function:
Management Tool Planning Tool

● Provides economic/financial ➢ The company assumes and takes

responsibility for the definition of its
● Introduces an analysis of the supply
● With results-oriented actions.
and demand. ● Strict fulfillment of its economic
● Reflects the commercial strategy commitments.
and the marketing policy. ● Provides qualitative and quantitative
● Identifies the guidelines for the information.
management of human resources. ● Planning conforms to a homogeneous
Three primary parts to a business plan
● The first is the business concept, where you discuss the industry, your
business structure, your particular product or service, and how you plan to
make your business a success.
● The second is the marketplace section, in which you describe and analyze
potential customers: who and where they are, what makes them buy and so
on. Here, you also describe the competition and how you'll position yourself
to beat it.
● Finally, the financial section contains your income and cash flow statement,
balance sheet and other financial ratios, such as break-even analysis. This
part may require help from your accountant and a good spreadsheet software
A business plan consists of
seven key components:

1. Executive summary
2. Business description
3. Market strategies
4. Competitive analysis
5. Design and
development plan
6. Operations and
management plan
7. Financial factors
1. Executive summary 2. Business description
- a brief introduction and summary - a key part of a business plan that summarizes
of your business plan. what a company does and what makes it unique.

3. Market strategies 4. Competitive analysis

- is a business's overall plan for - assessing and analyzing the comparative
reaching prospective customers. strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

5. Design and development plan 6. Operations and management plan

- to provide investors with a - describes how your business operates on a
description of the product's design continuing basis.

7. Financial factors
- It is an important internal factor which has a substantial
impact on business functioning and performance.
Business plans can be divided roughly into four separate
types. There are very short plans, or mini plans. There are
working plans, presentation plans and even electronic
plans. They require very different amounts of labor and not
always with proportionately different results.
Types of Plans
The Miniplan. The Working Plan. The Presentation The Electronic Plan.

A miniplan may consist Plan. The majority of

A working plan is a
of one to 10 pages and If you take a working business plans are
should include at least
tool to be used to
plan, with its low stress composed on a
cursory attention to operate your computer of some kind,
on cosmetics and
such key matters as business. It has to impression, and twist then printed out and
financing needs and be long on detail presented in hard copy.
the knob to boost the
marketing So you may find it
but may be short on amount of attention
plan.especially cash appropriate to have an
presentation. paid to its looks, you'll
flow, income projection
wind up with a electronic version of
and balance sheet.
presentation plan. your plan available.

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