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4.0 Introduction 4.3 Using Heuristics I n Games

4.1 An Algorithm for Heuristic Search 4.4 Complexity Issues
4.2 Admissibility, Monotonicity, and 4.5 Epilogue and References
4.6 Exercises
1. From Greek heuriskein, “to find”.

2. Of or relating to a usually speculative formulation serving as a guide

in the investigation or solution of a problem.

3. Computer Science: Relating to or using a problem-solving technique

in which the most appropriate solution of several found by alternative
methods is selected at successive stages of a program for use in the
next step of the program.

4. the study of methods and rules of discovery and invention.

5. In state space search, heuristics are formalized as rules for

choosing those branches in a state space that are most likely to
lead to an acceptable problem solution.
• Al problem solvers employ heuristics in two situations:-

– A problem may not have an exact solution, because

of inherent ambiguities in the problem statement or
available data.

• Medical diagnosis is an example of this. A given

set of symptoms may have several possible
causes. Doctors use heuristics to chose the most
likely diagnosis and formulate a plan of treatment.
• Al problem solvers employ heuristics in two situations:-

– A problem may not have an exact solution, because

of inherent ambiguities in the problem statement or
available data.

• Vision is another example of an inherently inexact

problem. Visual scenes are often ambiguous,
allowing multiple interpretations of the
connectedness, extent and orientation of objects.
Optical illusions exemplify these ambiguities.
Vision systems use heuristics to select the most
likely of several possible interpretations of a given
• Al problem solvers employ heuristics in two situations:-
– A problem may have an exact solution, but the
computational cost of finding it may be prohibitive. In
many problems, state space growth is
combinatorially explosive, with the number of
possible states increasing exponentially or factorially
with the depth of the search.
– Heuristics handle above problem by guiding the
search along the most “promising” path through the
space. By eliminating unpromising states and their
descendants from consideration, a heuristic
algorithm can defeat this combinatorial explosion
and find an acceptable solution.
• Heuristics and the design of algorithms to implement
heuristic search have been an important part of artificial
intelligence research.

• Game playing and theorem proving require heuristics to

reduce search space to simplify the solution finding.

• It is not feasible to examine every inference that can be

made in search space of reasoning or every possible
move in a board game to reach to a solution. In this case,
heuristic search provides a practical answer.
• Heuristics are fallible.
– A heuristics is only an informed guess of the next
step to be taken in solving a problem. It is often
based on experience or intuition.
– Heuristics use limited information, such as the
descriptions of the states currently on the open
list, they are seldom able to predict the exact
behavior of the state space farther along in the
– A heuristics can lead a search algorithm to a sub
optimal solution or fail to find any solution at all.

• The combinatorics for exhaustive search are high.

– Each of the nine first moves has eight possible responses.
– which in turn have seven continuing moves, and so on.
– As simple analysis puts exhaustive search at 9 x 8 x7x … or 9!.
• Symmetry reduction can decrease the search space, there are really
only three initial moves.
– To a corner.
– To the center of a side.
– To the center of the grid.
Symmetry reductions on the second level of states further reduce the
number of possible paths through the space. In following figure the
search space is smaller then the original space but It is still factorial in its
• Heuristics

– Algorithm analysis the moves in which X has the most

winning lines.

– Algorithm then selects and moves to the state with the

highest heuristic value i.e. X takes the center of the grid.
Fig 4.2 The “most wins” heuristic applied to the first children in tic-tac-toe.

Luger: Artificial Intelligence, 6th edition. © Pearson Education Limited, 2009
• Heuristics
– Other alternatives and their descendants are eliminated.
– Approximately two-thirds of the space is pruned away with
the first move .
– After the first move, the opponent can choose either of two
alternative moves.

• Heuristics
– After the move of opponent,
The “max win lines” heuristics
can be applied to the
resulting state of the game.
– As search continues, each
move evaluates the children
of a single node: exhaustive
search is not required.
– Figure shows the reduced
search after three steps in the
games. States are marked
with their heuristics values.

– It is difficult to compute the exact number of states that must
be examined. However, a crude upper bound can be
computed by assuming a maximum of nine moves in a
game and eight children per move.
– In reality:
• The number of states will be smaller, as board fills and
reduces our options.
• In addition opponent is responsible for half the moves.
• Even this crude upper bound of 8 x 9 or 72 states is an
improvement of four orders of magnitude over 9!.

Implementing Best-First-Search
• Best first search uses lists to maintain states:

– OPEN to keep track of the current fringe of the search.

– CLOSED to record states already visited.

• Algorithm orders the states on OPEN according to some

heuristics estimate of their “closeness” to a goal.

• Each iteration of the loop consider the most “promising” state on

the OPEN list.

• Example algorithm sorts and rearrange OPEN in precedence of

lowest heuristics value.

Figure: Heuristic search of a

hypothetical state space with
OPEN and CLOSED states
• At each iteration best-first –search removes the first element
from the OPEN list. If it meets the goals conditions, the
algorithm returns the solution path that led to the goal.
• Each state retains ancestor information to determine if it had
previously been reached by a shorter path and to allow the
algorithm to return the final solution path.
• If the first element on OPEN is not a goal, the algorithm
generate its descendants.
• If a child state is already on OPEN or CLOSED, the algorithm
checks to make sure that the state records the shorter of the
two partial solution paths.
• Duplicate states are not retained.

• By updating the ancestor history of nodes on OPEN and

CLOSED when they are rediscovered, the algorithm is more
likely to find a shorter path to a goal.
• Best-first-search applies a heuristics evaluation to the states on
OPEN, and the list is sorted accordingly to the heuristic values of
those states. This brings the best states to the front of OPEN .

• Because these estimates are heuristic in nature, the next state to

be examined may be from any level of the state space. When
OPEN is maintained as a sorted list, it is often referred a priority

• Figure 4.4 shows a hypothetical state space with heuristic

evaluations attached to some of its states.

• The goals of best –first search is to find the goals state by looking
at as few states as possible: the more informed the heuristic, the
fewer states are processed in finding the goal.
• The best-first search algorithm always selects the most
promising state on OPEN for further expansion.

• It does not abandon all the other states but maintains them on

• In the event a heuristic leads the search down a path that proves
incorrect, the algorithm will eventually retrieve some previously
generated next best state from OPEN and shift its focus to
another part of the space.

• In the example after the children of state B were found to have

poor heuristic evaluations, the search shifted its focus to state C.

• In best-first-search the OPEN list allows backtracking from paths

that fail to produce a goal.
• We will evaluate performance of various heuristics for
solving the 8-puzzle.

• Figure shows a start and goal state for the 8-puzzle,

along with the first three states generated in the search.

• Heuristic 1
– The simplest heuristic, counts the tiles out of place
in each state when it is compared with the goal.
– The state that had fewest tiles out of place is
probably closer to the desired goal and would be
the best to examine next.
– However, this heuristic does not use all of the
information available in a board configuration,
because it does not take into account the distance
the tiles must be moved.

• Heuristic 2
– A “better” heuristic would sum all the distances
by which the tiles are out of place, one for each
square a tile must be moved to reach its
position in the goal state.

• Heuristic 3

– Above two heuristics fail to take into account the

problem of tile reversals.

– If two tiles are next to each other and the goal

requires their being in opposite locations, it takes
more than two moves to put them back to place,
as the tiles must “go around” each other.

– A heuristic that takes this into account multiplies

a small number (2 , for example) times each
direct title reversal.

• The “sum of distances” heuristic provides a

more accurate estimate of the work to be done
than the “number of titles out of place” heuristic.

• Title reversal heuristic gives out an evaluation of

‘0’ since non of these states have any direct tile

• Devising A Good Heuristic

– Good heuristics are difficult to devise. Judgment
and intuition help, but the final measure of a
heuristic must be its actual performance on
problem instances.
– Each heuristic proposed above ignores some
critical information and needs improvement.
– An improved version is discussed next.

• Devising A Good Heuristic

– The distance from the starting state to its descendants
can be measured by maintaining a depth count for
each state. This count is ‘0’ for the beginning state and
may be incremented by ‘1’ for each level of the search.

– It records the actual number of moves that have been

used to go from the starting state in the search to each

• Devising A Good Heuristic

– Let evaluation function ‘f(n)’, be the sum of two

f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

– Where:-

• g(n) measures the actual length of the path

from start state to any state n.

• h(n) is a heuristic estimate of the distance

from the state n to a goal.

h(n) = 5 h(n) = 3 h(n) = 5

• Each state is labeled with a letter and its
heuristic weight, f(n) = g(n) + h(n).

• The number at the top

of each state indicates
the order in which it
was taken off the
OPEN list.
Successive stages of OPEN and CLOSED that generates the
graph are:
• The g(n) component of the evaluation function gives
the search more of a breadth-first flavor.

• This prevent it from being misled by an erroneous

evaluation, If a heuristic continuously returns “good”
evaluations for states along a path that fails to reach
a goal, the g value will grow to dominate h and force
search back to a shorter solution path.

• This guarantees that the algorithm will not become

permanently lost, descending an infinite branch.
• Simple games such as the 8-puzzle are ideal vehicles for exploring the
design and behavior of heuristic search algorithms.

• More realistic problems greatly complicate the implementation and

analysis of heuristic search by requiring multiple heuristics to deal with
different situations in the problems space.

• A single heuristic may not apply to each state in these domains.

• Instead, situation specific problem-solving heuristics are encoded to

deal with various states.

• Each solution step incorporates its own heuristic that determines when,
it should be applied.
• An individual with adequate savings and income should invest in stocks.

• The individual may prefer the added security of a combination strategy.


• The individual may prefer placing all investment money in savings.


• Thus the rule is a heuristic in nature. The problem solver should be programmed
to account for this uncertainty. Additional factors may also be taken into account
to make the rule more informed and capable of finer distinctions.
– Age of the investor.
– Long term prospects for security.
– Advancement in investors profession.
• Now how the financial advisor is going to weigh the above heuristic to decide
the best option or to find out a solution which is closer to the best solution.
• One way is to attach a confidence measure with the conclusion of each rule.
Attach a real number between –1 to 1 as:-
• 1 corresponding to certainty ‘True’.
• -1 to define a value of ‘False’.
• Values in between reflect varying confidence levels.
• This way the preceding rules would be reflected as under:
with confidence = 0.8
with confidence = 0.5
with confidence = 0.1
• A search algorithm is admissible if it is guaranteed to find a minimal path to solution,
whenever such a path exists.
• Breadth-first search is an admissible search strategy .
• In determining the properties of admissible heuristics, we define an evaluation
function f*.
f*(n) = g*(n) + h*(n)

Let: f(n) = g(n) + h(n) Let: f*(n) = g*(n) + h*(n)

• g(n) measures the depth(cost) at which • g*(n) is the cost of the shortest path
state n has been found in the graph. from the start node to node n
• h(n) is the heuristic estimate of the cost • h*(n) returns the actual cost of the
from n to a goal. shortest path from n to the goal.
• f(n) is the estimate of total cost of the • f*(n) is the actual cost of the optimal
path from the start state through node n path from a start node through node n
to the goal state. to a goal node.
• In an algorithm A, Ideally function f should be a close estimate of
– The cost of the current path, g(n) to state n, is a reasonable estimate of g*(n).
– Where: g(n)  g*(n).
– These are equal only if the graph search has discovered the optimal path to state n.

• Similarly, we compare h*(n) with h(n).

• h(n) is bounded from above by h*(n) i.e, h(n) is always less than
or equal to the actual cost of a minimal path h*(n) i.e. h(n) 
• If algorithm A uses an evaluation function f in which h(n)  h*(n),
the algorithm is called algorithm A*.
The heuristic of counting the number of tiles out of place is certainly less than
or equal to the number of moves required to move them to their goal position.
Thus this heuristic is admissible and guarantees an optimal solution path.

h(n) h*(n)
• Comparison of
search using
heuristics with
search by breadth-
first search.

• Heuristic used is
f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
where h(n) is tiles
out of place.

The portion of the

graph searched
heuristically is
shaded. The
optimal solution
path is in bold.


• Monotonic heuristic is admissible. Consider any path in the space as a sequence of
states S1, S2, …… Sg, where S1 is the start state and Sg is the goal: For the sequence of
moves in this arbitrary selected path:
S1 to S2 h(S1) - h(S2)  cost (S1, S2) by monotone property
S2 to S3 h(S2) - h(S3)  cost (S2, S3) by monotone property
S3 to S4 h(S3) - h(S4)  cost (S3, S4) by monotone property
. . . . by monotone property
. . . . by monotone property
Sg-1 to Sg h(Sg-1) - h(Sg) - cost (Sg-1, Sg) by monotone property
• Summing each column and using the monotone property of h(Sg) = 0:
path S1 to Sg h(S1)  cost (S1, Sg)

This means that monotone heuristic h is A* and admissible.

• If breadth first search is considered a A* algorithm with
heuristic h1, then it must be less than h* (as breadth first
search is admissible).
• Also number of tiles out of place with respect to goal state is
a heuristic h2. As this is also admissible therefore, h2 is less
than h*.
• In this case h1  h2  h*. It follows that the “number of tiles
out of place” heuristic is more informed than breadth-first
• Both h1 and h2 find the optional path, but h2 evaluates many
fewer states in the process.
• Similarly the heuristic that calculates the sum of the direct
distances by which all the tiles are out of place is again more
informed than the calculation of the number of tiles are out of
place with respect to the goal state.
• One can visualize a sequence of search spaces, each smaller
than the previous one, converging on the direct optimal path
• If a heuristic h2 is more informed then h1 then the set of
states examined by h2 is a subset of those examined by h1.
• In general, then the more informed and A* algorithm, the less
of the space it needs to expand to get the optimal solution.
Figure 4.17: Two-ply minimax applied to the opening move of tic-tac-toe, from
Nilsson (1971).
Figure 4.18: Two-ply minimax and one of two possible MAX second moves, from
Nilsson (1971).
Figure 4.19: Two-ply minimax applied to X’s move near the end of the game, from
Nilsson (1971).
Figure 4.20: Alpha-beta pruning applied to state space of Figure 4.15. States without
numbers are not evaluated.
Figure 4.21: Number of nodes generated as a function of branching factor,
B, for various lengths, L, of solution paths. The relating equation is: T =
B(BL - 1)/(B - 1), adapted from Nilsson (1980).
Figure 4.22: Informal plot of cost of searching and cost of computing heuristic
evaluation against informedness of heuristic, adapted from Nilsson
Figure 4.23: The sliding block puzzle.
Figure 4.24
Figure 4.25
Alpha-beta Search
Two-player games
• The object of a search is to find a path from the
starting position to a goal position
• In a puzzle-type problem, you (the searcher)
get to choose every move
• In a two-player competitive game, you
alternate choosing moves with the other player
• The other player doesn't want to reach your
• Your search technique must be very different
• Each game outcome has a payoff, which we can
represent as a number
• By convention, we prefer positive numbers
• In some games, the outcome is either a simple win
(+1) or a simple lose (-1)
• In some games, you might also tie, or draw (0)
• In other games, outcomes may be other numbers
(say, the amount of money you win at Poker)
Zero-sum games
• Most common games are zero-sum: What I win
($12), plus what you win (-$12), equals zero
• There do exist non-zero-sum games
• For simplicity, we consider only zero-sum games
• From our point of view, positive numbers are
good, negative numbers are bad
• From our opponents point of view, positive
numbers are bad, negative numbers are good
A trivial "game"
• Wouldn't you like
to win 50?
• Do you think you
• Where should you
• Your opponent will
choose smaller numbers
• If you move left, your
opponent will choose 3
• If you move right, your
opponent will choose -8
• Your choice is 3 or -8
• Play will be as shown
• In a large game, you don't really know the payoffs
• A heuristic function computes, for a given node, your
best guess as to what the payoff will be
• The heuristic function uses whatever knowledge you can
build into the program
• We make two key assumptions:
– Your opponent uses the same heuristic function
– The more moves ahead you look, the better your heuristic
function will work
Luger: Artificial Intelligence, 6th edition. © Pearson Education Limited, 2009
Luger: Artificial Intelligence, 6th edition. © Pearson Education Limited, 2009
Luger: Artificial Intelligence, 6th edition. © Pearson Education Limited, 2009
Answer to problem 4
Answer to 5
The End

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