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Our world has been called a
“global village”. Satellite
communications make possible
television, telephone and documents
transmitted through fax and electronic
mails across thousands of miles in
thousands of seconds.
Global education poses a
variety of goals ranging from
increased knowledge about the
peoples of the world to
resolutions of global problems,
from increased fluency in
foreign languages to the
development of more tolerant
attitudes towards other cultures
and peoples.
Global education embraces today’s
challenges as national borders are
opened. It paves the way for borderless
education to respond to the needs of
educating children of the world they are
entering. It offers new curricular
dimensions and possibilities, current
scientific and technological
breakthroughs for completely new
frontiers in education.
As a future teacher, we should prepare to
respond to these multiple changes. To
become a global teacher you should be
equipped with a wider range of
knowledge of the various educational
systems outside the country; master skills
and competencies which can address
global demand; and possess attitudes and
values that are acceptable to multicultural
But why a shift in the use of GLOBAL to GLOCAL as our
chapter title?
Roland Robertson (1992) a sociologist, in his article “
glocalization”: time-space and homogeneity-heterogeneity,
suggest replacing the concept of globalization to
glocalization with the view in mind to blur the boundaries
between global to local. Robertson offers to see the local as
one aspect of globalization, It may mean, a global outlook
adapted to the local condition or a local outlook adapted to
the global condition. Further, he said that the term
Glocalization means it is local culture which assigns
meaning to global influences, and that the two are
interdependent and enable each other.
a difference?
What is global education?
Global education has been best described by two
•UNESCO defines global education as a global to
develop countries worldwide and is aimed at
educating all people in accordance with world
•Another definition is that global education is a
curriculum that is international in scope which
prepares today’s youth around the world to function
in one world environment under teachers who are
intellectually, professionally and humanistic ally
UNESCO’s education 2030 Incheon
declaration durin the world education
forum established a vision “Towards
inclusive and equitable quality education
lifelong learning for all”
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)
4 for education is one of the seventeen
goals of the UNITED NATION’s SDGs.
By 2030, the seven
outcome targets of
SDG 4 must have
been achieved.

These are:
4.1 Universal primary and secondary
education ensure all girls and boys to
complete, free,equitable and quality
primary and secondary education leading
to relevant and effective learning
4.2 Early Childhood development
and universal pre-primary
education ensure that all boys and
girls have access to quality early
childhood development care and
pre-primary education so that they
are ready for primary education.
.3 equal access to
technical/vocational and higher
education. Ensure equal access for
all women and men to affordable
and quality technical vocational
and tertiary education including
4.4 relevant skills for decent work
substantially increase the number
of youth and adults who have
relevant skills including technical
and vocational skills; for
employment, decent jobs and
4.5 gender equality and inclusion.
Eliminate gender discrimination in
education and ensure equal access to all
levels of education and vocational
trainings for vulnerable, including
persons with disabilities, indigenous
peoples and children invulnerable
.6 Universal youth literacy.
Ensures that all youth and
substantial proportion of
adults, both men and women
achieve literacy and
4.7 education for sustainable
development and global
citizenship. Ensure all
learners acquire knowledge
and skills needed to promote
sustainable development.
To be continue

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