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CSC 410 Day 29

Computer Security:
The Aerowright Case


1. Take in project plans.

2. Work on building up your bibliography of

relevant sources.
◦ Include relevant sources in ethics (see as well as technical
sources and computer news.

The Aerowright Case.

◦ 1. Vocational Analysis.

◦ 2. Application of Ethical Theory.

◦ 3. Application of Professional Codes.

◦ 4. What can we learn?

The Aerowright Case
(fictional, but realistic).
Aerowright is an aerospace company with an IT
system called AIRNET.
The commercial director, Arthur Daly wanted
to upgrade to a wireless system.
◦ Make relevant technical information “available on
demand during actual negotiations” (129)

◦ Negotiators could then “use their laptops or hand-

held computers to connect to AirNET while they
were in meetings” (129)
How the adoption decision was made
The WLAN supplier explained the convenience
and cost benefits and fast implementation

The AirNET applications would not change and

existing security would remain in place.

Did not seem like an IT security issue.

◦ Security warnings from the system security
engineer were ignored as AirNET had never been
breached before.

The implementation
Initially went well.
◦ Ease of negotiation was improved.
◦ No problems for 6 months.

Then a dictionary-building attack was able to

translate encrypted files.
Corporate secrets were posted on bulletin
boards, wing design documents were destroyed.
Corporate credibility plummeted, and
Aerowright may go out of business!
1. Vocational Analysis.
1)What vocational responsibilities may have
been avoided by Arthur Daly?
◦ How are abdication and usurpation of vocation

2)Did the system security engineer fulfill his

vocational duties?

3)Which neighbors were poorly served and


2. Application of Ethical Theories.
1. What ethical theory seemed to guide
Arthur Daly’s thinking?

2. How would the case be evaluated by:

◦ 1) Ethical egoism
◦ 2) Utilitarianism
◦ 3) Deontological Ethics
◦ 4) Virtue Ethics

3. Application of Professional Codes.
1. Refer to the professional codes in the
Appendix (169-201).

2. Are there any rules or emphases that show

problems in the handling of this case by
Arthur Daly or the systems security

4. What can we learn?
1. What could Arthur Daly have done better?

2. What could the systems security engineer

have done better?

3. What general lessons emerge about the

tradeoffs between accessibility and security?

4. How would you, as an IT professional,

handle a similar situation?


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