CSC 410 Day 22 Unintentional Power

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CSC 410 Day 22

Unintentional Power
in the design of computing systems

The Power of Computing Systems.
Computing systems magnify human power:
◦ 1) Speed of operation;
◦ 2) Computational power (MIPS).
◦ 3) Automated control of complex systems (e.g.
computerized auto assembly, air-traffic control).
◦ 4) Rapid response to dynamic systems (e.g.
automated drug administration with continuous
monitoring of vital signs; shifting to different
power sources during times of high demand e.g.
high use of A/C in summer).

Intentional Power.
This refers to those powers of a computing
system it was designed to have:
◦ How much data can be processed / stored?
◦ What devices can it interface with?
◦ What is the intended use of the system?
Usually, computing systems are well-tested
within the range of their intended use.
◦ The world is complex;
◦ Computing systems can be used in unforeseen
Unintentional Power.
The system has the power to produce
unintended results.
Real world usage of a system may involve:
◦ Unanticipated types and ranges of data;
◦ Interfacing the system with novel devices and other computing
◦ Unanticipated real-world events affecting the rate of traffic,
amount of data;
◦ Adaptation of the system to uses it was never designed for.
How much responsibility for unintended results
do designers of a computing system bear?

Example 1:
Therac 25 Radiation Therapy Machine.
Software controlled the safety inter-locks
A safety target used to protect patients from
overdose was not placed quickly enough.
Some patients were severely harmed or died.
◦ Inadequate testing of how the software would control
the hardware emitting the radiation;
◦ Poor error messages that could not distinguish trivial
from (medically) severe problems;
◦ Inadequate communication between IT and medical

Need for realistic testing.
A program may seem to work in a virtual
environment where I/O is just numbers.

If it is to be embedded in a more complex

physical system with real-world variables
(radiation, medicine, airplanes, etc.), it needs to
be tested under more realistic conditions.
◦ How does it interface with other machines, sensors?
◦ How does it interact with other technology?
◦ What is realistic peak demand like, and can the system
handle it?
Not just a technical problem.
“I’m just the tech guy; what do I know?”

When an IT system controls potentially

dangerous physical systems, IT professionals
◦ Consult with qualified professionals who
understand these systems;

◦ Consider wider human and social implications and

values, not just how “good” the solution is from an
IT point of view.
What is a good IT system?

1)Technically good (efficient, well-

documented, easy to upgrade, etc.).

2) Good for the people / society affected by the

IT system in its real-world use.

1) and 2) are not the same: a technically good

solution might still do harm!

Example 2:
Gender Bias in Computer Programs?

Does the typical design of computer programs for
children deter females from computer careers?

1) Are typical computer games male-oriented?

2) Do you think there are reasons fewer women

than men pursue IT as a vocation?

3) Is this something the design of computer

systems could change?

What Creates the Problem of
Unintentional Power?
1) Distance:
◦ Designers are often removed from the actual
circumstances of use of their system (this may be in
a different country).
2) Adaptability:
◦ Computer systems can be adapted and re-used for
different purposes.

3) Limitations of human foresight.

◦ We aren’t good at predicting the impact of future
developments on an IT system.
The Hard Problem.
Since we can’t foresee all future uses of a
system, it is unreasonable to demand that we
plan for all of them.
So what can we do to try to avert disaster?
◦ Design the system so that any problems are
restricted to a limited domain.
◦ Take a broad view of the effects that matter,
especially on human beings and develop
precautions / fail-safes (are you really sure you
want to do this? Abort now?)
◦ Do realistic testing and improve the system in light
of reported problems in real-world use.
IT, vocation and duties.
Unintentional power shows that the vocation of
IT professional has wide social implications.

There is no infallible technique for preventing

all harm, but there is a duty to the neighbor to:
◦ Do the best we can, with the resources we have, to
anticipate potential problems, devise
precautionary measures and revise the system
when it fails for unforeseen reasons.

What if?
We need to use our imagination to consider less
obvious possibilities.

2 factors:
◦ 1) How likely are these possibilities?
◦ 2) How severe are the consequences if they occur
and we haven’t planned for them?

Ifthe consequences are bad enough, even an

unlikely scenario needs to be planned for.

The Precautionary Principle.
Inenvironmental ethics and drug testing, some
appeal to the “Precautionary Principle”:

◦ If it is reasonable to think an action A could be

seriously harmful, then we should “err on the side
of caution,” and not do A until we have good
evidence that A is safe.

This applies to computerization of “risky”

activities, such as healthcare, chemical plants,
nuclear power stations, etc.

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