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Maritime English

Ahli Nautika Tingkat II

Meeting 23
Respond to Navigational Emergencies
D. Action to be taken if collision is imminent and following
a collision or impairment of the watertight integrity of the
hull by any cause
E. Assessment of damage control

Oktaviany Ekawanda K., S.S., M.Pd
Create instructions to all crew regarding actions to be taken when collision.
Evaluate levels of damage to own ship.
Explain measures to attempt to limit damage and salve own ship
Watch videos containing damage to own ship.
Discuss in groups the levels of damage and measures to limit damage and salve own ship.
Present in front of the class.

• 10 Important Things To Do During Ship Collision Accident

• By Dilipan Thomas

• Even with the latest developments in navigational equipment and

communication systems, collision accidents between ships continue to occur
around the world. Some of the main reasons for such accidents are negligence,
incompetence and miscommunication.
• Ship Collision just do not leave the ships damaged; they can also lead to major
pollutions and claim several innocent lives. Not to forget the ill fated ferry MV
Dona PAZ, a Philippine registered passenger ferry, that collided with MT Vector
an oil tanker on 20th December 1987 and killed 4386 lives including 11 crew
members from MT vector.
• Considering the vulnerability of such situation mentioned below are important
points to consider when a vessel meets with such unfortunate emergency .
Image Credits:

Note: It should be understood that the following points are just for the purpose of guidance, and
during a real situation, one’s knowledge, seamanship and personal competence come in to play
in handling the situation and saving lives.
• 1. Inform the Master and Engine room: This is obvious, but make
sure you inform the Master, if he is not on bridge. Inform the
engine room and stop the engine. The officer on watch should not
hesitate to call the master even if he has the slightest doubt about
any given situation. (The decision to stop the engine would depend
on the severity of the accident and immediate action to be taken.)
• Master’s experience, knowledge and his overriding authority helps
in making quick and bold decisions to save lives. Once the master
takes over the command of the situation, act on his orders. Mark
the position of collision on chart or by pressing the mob button on
GPS for future reference. Exhibit NOT UNDER COMMAND (NUC)
signal if the ship has lost its headway completely.
• 2. Immediately Send Distress Signal: Send designated or
undesignated distress messages through VHF ,MF/HF, SAT C or any
other available means, depending on the sea area you are in and
time limit you have. If you have enough time inform the company
and the nearest coast radio station about the incident.
• 3. Record Important Data: Record the time of ship collision, name and IMO
number of the vessel(s) you collided with. Waste no time in arguing with
other vessel. Leave VHF channel 16 unoccupied, through which, you can get
necessary information regarding assistance and help if the situation
demands. Use any other VHF channel for inter/intra ship communication. If
possible, take a photograph of the collision from a secure location.
• 4. Sound the Alarms: Sound the general emergency alarm; general alarm
signal is sounded as precaution. It should not be mistaken as a signal for
abandoning the ship. Take attendance, if anybody is missing report the same
to the master. Inform the officer responsible on muster station about the
situation. Make arrangements, to search and find the missing person. The
responsible officers and crew should lower the life boats up to embarkation
deck and make all arrangements to abandon the vessel at quick notice. It
should be noted that engine room should not be left unattended if the
impact of collision is minimal, which do not need an immediate evacuation
of the compartment. Also, the engine room in-charge should ensure all
officers and crew working in the engine room are ready with their life jackets
and TPA if immediate evacuation is required in the later stages.
• 5. Assess the Damage: Send an officer responsible to the area where
the vessels have taken the impact. Inquire about the percentage of
damage occurred. If the damaged area is an enclosed space, ensure to
take all necessary precautions, for enclosed space entry. Make an
assessment of the damage and report the same to master. Any decision
should be taken by the master or if the master is incapable of making
decision or carry out his duties, the person next to his command should
do so.
• 6. Take the Soundings: Send crew to take sounding of all ballast tanks,
fresh water tanks, and wing tanks. Give instruction to engine room to
take sounding of all tanks in engine room. All tanks soundings are to be
taken and recorded, because the tanks far away from the impact can
experience damage or crack due the shock created by the collision.
Record the sounding of all tanks and compare it with the previous
sounding data. If there is any change in the sounding, there can be a
crack or a hole in the tank. The sounding of the particular tank or tanks
should be monitored carefully and the rate of increase or decrease in
water should be calculated.
• 7. Take Immediate Action In Case of Damage: If any tank or tanks appeared
to have suffered damage and ingress of water is confirmed, make necessary
arrangements to pump out the water. If the pumps are not effective and
cannot contain the ingress of water the whole compartment can be sealed
preventing other compartments from being flooded. If a self- closing water
tight door is provided, it should be operated from the bridge itself.
• 8. Check For Oil Spill: If any of the fuel tanks or oil tank is damaged and if
there is imminent danger of oil spill. The procedures mentioned in SOPEP
plan should be followed to contain the oil spill. Read : How to avoid oil spills
on ships?
• 9. Reach The Nearest Port, If Possible: If the master attempts to correct
adverse list or trim, he should consider the effects of shear force, bending
movements, free surface effect when transferring liquids and blasting and
de-blasting on the hull. If the own ship to be afloat without danger and
engines are ready to maneuver, set course for the nearest port for repair.
All the above mentioned duties have to be carried out in a very quick
sequence and with utmost precision as collision can lead to other
emergencies simultaneously.
Two Ships After Collision
• 10. Abandon The Ship Only if Everything Else Fails: If the own vessel appears to be
sinking and leaving no other choice except to abandon the vessel, it should be a verbal
order from the master. It should be always kept in mind that a ship is the best lifeboat.
The master and crew should always try and carry out all necessary means to keep it
afloat. But once the decision is made to abandon the vessel, no time should be wasted.
All crew should carry out their duties effectively and escape from the sinking ship as
quickly and as far away as possible.
• Read : Is abandoning the ship only resort in times of tragedy? and Responsibilities of
master after abandoning the ship
• Even with strict regulations for training and qualification of seafarers, many a time the
crew gets panicked and forgets the duties during such emergency. Though it is easier said
than done, the crew should be trained well on board by regular drills. They should be
well informed about the use of life saving equipment and their operating procedures. If a
new person joins the vessel, he should be well familiarized with vessels, emergency
procedures, escape routes, location of life saving equipment etc. before the vessel leaves
the port. Any emergency requires quick and prompt response from the crew and this can
be only achieved by regular training and practice of such emergencies as mock drills.
• The above mentioned is not an exhaustive list but a general overview of things that need
to be done in case of collision accident. The points must be taken only as reference and
one must always be guided by practices of good seamanship.

• Make a dialog between master and all crew

regarding actions to be taken in collision in
• Perform in front of the class.
Damage control
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A United States Navy damage controlman practices pipe-patching techniques

The USS Nevada is shown temporarily beached and burning after being hit by Japanese bombs
and torpedoes on December 7, 1941

In navies and the maritime industry, damage control is the emergency control of situations that
may cause the sinking of a watercraft.

Examples are:

 rupture of a pipe or hull especially below the waterline and

 damage from grounding (running aground) or hard berthing against a wharf.
 temporary fixing of bomb or explosive damage.
 1 Measures used
 2 Notable contemporary examples
 3 See also
 4 Notes
 5 External links

•Measures used
•Simple measures may stop flooding, such as:
 locking off the damaged area from other ship's compartments;
 blocking the damaged area by wedging a box around a tear in the ship's
 putting a band of thin sheet steel around a tear in a pipe, bound on by
•More complicated measures may be needed if a repair must take
the pressure of the ship moving through the water. For example:
 Thermal lance cutting around the rupture.
 Oxyacetylene welding or electric arc welding of plates over the
 Quick-drying cement is applied underwater over the rupture.
•Damage control training is undertaken by most seafarers, but the
engineering staff are most experienced in making lasting repairs.
•Damage control is distinct from firefighting. Damage control
methods of fighting fire are based on the class of ship and cater
to ship specific equipment on board.

• Watch videos containing damage to own ship.

• Discuss in groups the levels of damage and
measures to limit damage and salve own ship.
• Present in front of the class.

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