Mexico S Earthquake

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Mexico´s Earthquake

and Possible Disasters

By Rebeca Guevara 7th Grade
What Happend On Mexico?
A 7.7-magnitude earthquake off the southwestern coast of Mexico in
Michoacan state on Monday that made citizens terrified and alert. In nearby
Colima, around 100km from epicenter, very strong shaking capable of
"moderate" damage was reported, per USGS (USGS:People that study
disasters like this) data.
How is it going there after what happend?
There are no known casualties or damage yet recorded in Mexico City,
according to the city's mayor, Claudia Sheinbaum. Local news channels
reported that firefighters closed some buildings in Mexico City to the public
due to concerns of collapse.
Is there any dead people?
One person lost his life in a shopping center in Manzanillo in the western
state of Colima after a fence fell. Mexico's Civil Protection Coordinator
Laura Velazquez also confirmed the death in a press conference on Monday
Will any nearby countries be affected by this?

• Yes, places like our country and Central America will possibly be affected
(Peru too) since 0.3 size waves may be occuring in the pacific coast line.
Besides as we know most strong earthquakes repeat any time later.

e ne w s c a m e on the  a t ki ll ed 216
! - Th a ke  t h
Fun fact of t h e 2 01 7 earthqu
fifth anniver
p le in M e x ico City.
pe o
Thank You For Your Attention! :D

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