Session 5 - Business Law

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1. Business Law FROM BUSINESS
2. Several Regulations 4. CSR
3. Licensing & Franchising 5. Business Ethics
6. Ethics in Interacting
7. Pollution Problem
5a. Definition Business Law
Business Law exists because many problems arise in the
business world.
Business problems are increasing with the rapid
development of global business.
Business Law is needed so that business growth and
economic growth can be directed to achieve public peace
and prosperity.
5a. Definition Business Law
Legal Tools
1. Constitution
2. Government regulations
3. Company regulations
4. etc.
5b. Several Regulations
1. Intellectual Property Rights
2. Copyright
3. Brand rights
4. Patent
5. Regulations Regarding Internal Business
6. Regulations Concerning Business Forms
7. Others.
5b. Several Regulations
Intellectual Property Rights
1. Intellectual property rights or intellectual property rights,
namely rights that are owned or arise from human
intellectual abilities.
2. This right is a form of one's creation or creativity, in the
fields of art, industry, science, and others.
5b. Several Regulations
Is an HaKI, which in the Copyright Law states:
Article 2 Point 1
Creator is a person / several people whose inspiration is
born a creation based on the ability of the mind,
imagination, talent, skill, or expertise that is expressed in a
distinctive and personal form.
5b. Several Regulations
Is an HaKI, which in the Copyright Law states:
Article 1 Point 3
The copyright holder is the creator as the copyright owner or
the person who receives the rights and the creator or other
person who further gets the requests from the person
mentioned above.
5b. Several Regulations
Copyright 5. Song (Music)
Protected works such as: 6. Dance
1. Book 7. Photography
2. Computer program 8. etc.
3. Papers
4. Lecture
5b. Several Regulations
1. This right lasts for the life of the creator and continues for
50 years after that.
2. Punishment: 2-7 years imprisonment or a fine of IDR 15-
100 million.
5b. Several Regulations
Brand rights
1. The legal basis is Law no. 19 of 1992 and Law no. 14 of
1997 concerning the Brand
2. Mark is a sign in the form of an image, name, words,
letters, numbers, color arrangement, or a combination of
these elements with unprecedented power and is used in
trade or service activities.
5b. Several Regulations
Brand rights
3. The right to a mark is a special right granted by the state to the
owner of a mark registered in the general register of defects for
a certain period using the pattern himself / permitting a person /
several people collectively or a legal entity to use it.
4. Duration: 10 years (extendable).
5. Punishment: 7 years imprisonment or a fine of IDR 100 million.
5b. Several Regulations
1. Legal Basis: Law no. 16 of 1989 and Law no. 13 of 1997
concerning Patents.
2. A patent is a special right granted by the state to an
inventor for his invention in the field of technology, for a
certain period to carry out the vision himself or to give his
consent to others to implement it.
5b. Several Regulations
3. The invention may be a novel product or process which
provides practical value.
4. Protection for 20 years.
5b. Several Regulations
Internal Business Regulations
Provisions regulated by the Commercial Law Law
1. Obligation to keep books
2. Storage of company documents
5b. Several Regulations
Various Regulations
1. Regulations regarding forms of business
2. Regulations for intermediaries in business (agents,
distributors, brokers and others)
3. Regulations related to trade contracts (letter of carriage of
goods, invoices, LC, and others)
4. Regulations related to bankruptcy, payment delays,
liquidation, licensing, franchising, and others)
5c. Franchising and Licensing
Permission granted by a trademark owner to another person
to use his mark for goods produced by that other person.
The license agreement is accompanied by the right to use
the standard and system of exploitation of goods or assets
from the licensee to others.
5c. Franchising and Licensing
1. Both market goods/services under brands from other parties
2. These two forms lead to a transfer of technology and know-how from
licensor/franchisor to licensee/franchisee, but the rights to the trademark and
patent do not transfer.
3. Dalam franchising terdapat pengawasan pelaksanaan usaha, metode produksi, serta
bahan baku produksi
4. Dalam licensing yang terjadi hanyalah sekedar pemberian izin penggunaan merek,
teknologi dan know how, tanpa ada pengawasan terus menerus atas usaha tersebut
5. Dalam licensing lebih banyak kebebasan dibandingkan dengan franchising.
5d. Problems In Modern
1. Activity of technology devices on credit cards
2. Banking transaction problems
3. Bad credit problem
4. And try to name something else?
5e. Definition CSR
1. CSR arises because of views related to business
activities that have an impact on the surrounding
2. Another opinion, business responsibility is limited
to producing goods and services for consumers as
much as possible at the lowest possible price.
5e. Definition CSR
CSR activities
1. Responsible for society and the environment
2. Responsible for consumers
3. Responsible for investors
4. Responsible for employees
5f. Business Ethics
1. In the last decade, there has been a fuss about a
shift in business ethics, which is said to decline.
2. The decline in the sense of solidarity, social
responsibility, and honesty among business groups
is a symptom of getting worse.
5f. Business Ethics
In the business world, everyone does not expect
unfair treatment from one another.
The practice of manipulation will not occur if it is
based on high morals.
Moral and low level of honesty will destroy the
ethical values ​of the business itself.
5f. Business Ethics
The problem is, there is no strict penalty for violating
these ethics.
Ethical values exist only in one's conscience.
Ethics has an internal control in the heart, in contrast to
the rule of law which has an element of external
Many successful conglomerate groups say that the
basic capital of business development is honesty.
5f. Business Ethics
Definition of Ethics
1. Ethics are standard actions that lead individuals in
making decisions
2. Ethics is the study of right and wrong and the
moral choices a person makes.
3. Ethical decisions are the right things about
standard behavior
5f. Business Ethics
Definition of Ethics
4. Business ethics is the application of morals to
business activities.
5. Business ethics includes the relationship between
the company and people who develop their
money in the company, with consumers,
employees, creditors, rivals, etc.
5f. Business Ethics


5g. Ethics in Interacting
1. Interaction with consumers
2. Interaction with other producers
3. Advertising against children
4. Professional service advertisements
5. Cigarette advertisements, intoxicating drinks
6. Ethics and suppliers
7. Ethics against rivals
8. Ethics of relations with society
9. Ethics in public relations
5h. Pollution Problem
1. Noise pollution
2. Soil pollution
3. Air pollution
4. Water

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