Science Reporting

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Science reporting

Repiratory diseases
• Is a condition when a person experiences difficulty in breathing as a
result of narrowing and swelling of the bronchi airways. This can be
triggered by allergies bought by pollens, dust fumes, and certain
foods and medications, air pollutants and bacteria
• Is the most common respiratory disease. This is a disease affecting the
respiratory tract (nose and throath). It is transmitted by virus infected
airbone droplets or by direct contact with infected secretions
• Is the infection of the lungs caused by viruses and bacteria wherein
the alveoli in the lungs are inflamed and become filled with liquid and
pus making it difficult for the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood.If
not treated immediately this serious medical condition can lead to
• Is commonly called the flu. It is caused by the influenza virus attacks
your throat, nose and lungs. It is highly contaigious disease and can
spread directly through air droplets when people with flu
sneeze,cough, or talk and spread indirectly with objects contaminated
with virus.
• Is the inflammation or swelling of bronchial tube lining. Person with
bronchitis may experience breathing difficulty because of the mucus
or phlegm forms in the airways obstructing the flow of oxygen into
the lungs.
• Is a bacterial infections of the lungs caused by mycobacterium
tuberculosis, which is an airbone disease that can spread from person
to person through respiratory droplets via coughing and sneezing.
This may cause death if not treated early and properly.
• Is a serious global infectious disease caused by a new strain of
coronavirus that infect both people and animals. The virus passes
through the nose, sinuses, and throat and reach the lungs.It can
spread the same way with other coronaviruses mainly through
person-to-person contact by respiratory droplets and through contact
with contaminated obejects.

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