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Video game addiction is real..

 Emotional symptoms
 Addiction
 Physical Consequences of Gaming Addiction
 Social Consequences of Gaming Addiction
 Treatment Options for Video Game Addicts.
Emotional Symptoms
Is there a diagnosis of video game
addiction in current medical or
psychological disorder?

Yes or No?
Emotional Symptoms
There is no diagnosis of video game addiction in
current medical or psychological disorder.

 Some symptoms of addiction are:

mood modification,
tolerance of violence
and relapse
Video game players like to spend most of their
free time, playing video games.
But for some people, what starts out as an
innocent video game player becomes an addiction.
Soon, friends, family, and school are neglected.
Do you know someone who
is a game addict?

What makes video games so

What makes video games so addictive?
What makes video games so addictive is that they
designed them kind of like casinos.
They allow players to have small “wins” that can
keep them playing, and then it can turn into a big
The reason why this is probably the most addictive
is because there is no ending.
Most addictive

What do you try and do when you’re

on a video game?
Most addictive
You usually try to beat your score that you played
last with, or try to beat the game..


Well that’s why you are so addicted to them,

because they make you play them more!
Physical Consequences of Gaming

Try to imagine what could

Physical Consequences of
Gaming Addiction be like?
Physical Consequences of Gaming
Physical Consequences of Gaming
You finally found a new passage way to the next
level. You’re so excited that you barely notice the
pain in your head.. Again.
You may also suffer other consequence's such as
migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating
irregularities, and poor personal hygiene.
Social Consequences of Gaming

Try to imagine what could Social

Consequences of Gaming
Addiction be like?
Social Consequences of Gaming
Social Consequences of Gaming
People are to busy playing there games that their personal
relationships get neglected and sometimes disappear
Some people talk about their game, and what its about so
much that people no longer want to be around them.
They won’t/can’t get into the real world conversations.
Treatment Options for Video Game

How would you resolve video

game addict problem?
Treatment Options for Video Game
a) A therapist or treatment
b) Maybe if you join a school sport or hobby like
swimming or dancing, different sports out of
c) Go into a summer camp or wilderness program
that will get you back into the environment, and
social life.
d) Talk to people who have the same problem,
and resolve it together.

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